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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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SFL Rule 13


Membership of the League (whether full or associate) shall not be

transferrable, save that (a) a Member wishing to change its legal form

(whether from unincorporated association to corporate body or otherwise

where the ownership and control of both bodies are or will be substantially

identical); or (b) a transfer within the same administrative group for the

purposes of a solvent reconstruction only; may be permitted by the Board

upon prior written application for consent and giving such details of the

proposed transfer as the Board may reasonably request for the purpose of

considering such transfer. The Board may refuse such application or grant

same upon such terms and conditions as it shall think fit.

Good rule! I didn't know that! :D

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Hopefully that means they'll know it's a No by then, Sevco Rangers will have withdrawn the application, and wthey ill be discussing who the replacement will be and the position going forward.

Worst case scenario is that they suddenly decide that Rangers are guilty of dual contracts and relegate the oldco before the vote.

Call me a cynic, but I think they already know it is a no vote and Cockwomble is stepping in to twist a few arms.

On a side note unless it\s a rep from the Motherwell fans stepping into the meeting with a proxy vote for Motherwell on the 4th July, I would not count on us for a No vote.

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Witnessed my first ever 'laugh at the Rangers fan' moment at Haymarket today.

Guy wearing rangers top standing waiting on his train whilst being ha-ha'd from the opposite platform by some kids.

At one point I felt sorry for him till he eventually couldnt contain his anger and did the Leigh Griffiths whilst shouting something in what seemed to be a foreign language.

What will these people wear from now on. I reckon we should fill some bags with adult clothes for them.

Edit: forgot to add that he was soaked to the bone and looked completely miserable. :)

If I know Rangers fans (and I do, unfortunately) that was his own pish. The dirty beggar. :angry:

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Don't know if this has been mentioned on here yet, but the Herald is now reporting that the two jokers who were reported to have lodged a bid of £11m for newco have withdrawn the bid. Apparently Chic Green told them he was looking for at least £30M to sell the newco to them. The gift that keeps on giving indeed! :lol: :lol: :lol:


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£30m for Rangers? Surely nobody is going to come in with that. Green is surely getting ready to rip the pish with the assets and selling them on? If the players f**k off and the NewCo vote goes out the window, I can't see him hanging about trying to gather up the money to keep them up and running for anywhere between one and three seasons while paying wages. biggrin.gif

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1340389133[/url]' post='6363254']

Not this coming season they can't, there has to be a period of notice given for reconstruction and the fixtures are already out. There are far bigger issues ahead than reconstruction for this particular season coming, anyway. SevCo will have to be papped wherever, a new club (probably Dundee) admitted to the SPL and then clubs will then, I'd imagine, start making inroads for a vote on the 11-1 current system to change to a 9-3 system. There can't be a vote on reconstruction now anyway considering there aren't even 12 clubs in the SPL for next season as things stand at this moment in time.

Do you honestly think the clubs, SPL and the SFA will want to throw this into the mix, complicating matters even further? Not a chance.

By the time all the above goes ahead and is resolved, the new season will be well underway. Everything is up in the air, but one thing is 100% certain, the SPL will be 12 teams this season. Perish the thought of reconstruction for at least a year.

Don't get me wrong, my preference would be for the present system to remain and newco apply to the SFL at the bottom like any other. The league structure shouldn't be changed just to suit The Rangers. Just trying to Think of a scenario that would at least keep some folk happy. In that instance I also don't won't he Pars kept up. We were mince last year and should be in div 1. Actually looking forward to next year more than last and don't want it ruined by newco.

I do know a few Rangers supporters at my work who don't seem typical of the types on RM etc. they freely admit they have done wrong and think the only respectable thintg for rangers is take the medicine and apply again at the bottom. Where they don't agree is losing the history, but then again whatever happens they are likely to claim the oldco history in much the same way in F1 Lotus have done recently?

Will sit back with the popcorn and see what the next week brings I guess?

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Don't know if this has been mentioned on here yet, but the Herald is now reporting that the two jokers who were reported to have lodged a bid of £11m for newco have withdrawn the bid. Apparently Chic Green told them he was looking for at least £30M to sell the newco to them. The gift that keeps on giving indeed! :lol: :lol: :lol:


This part is pleasing-

However, Mr Stewart said yesterday: "Looking at all the facts, even with the money we were going to offer, it wasn't going to scratch the surface with what was needed to fix the club.

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£30m for Rangers? Surely nobody is going to come in with that. Green is surely getting ready to rip the pish with the assets and selling them on? If the players f**k off and the NewCo vote goes out the window, I can't see him hanging about trying to gather up the money to keep them up and running for anywhere between one and three seasons while paying wages. biggrin.gif

My understanding is that the main part of this £30m (£20m+) is funds that have to be lodged in advance with HMRC to cover future PAYE, NI and VAT liabilities. Basically a deposit is required due to previous form. Someone might know more about this than me.

Question - does CG have this funding available and if not, what then? Who in their right mind would tie up this amount of cash to play in SFL3? Wages, running costs and upkeep to be funded with no prospect of European income for a minimum of 4 years.

It'd odds on they won't be playing anywhere this season.


Edited by cuyahoga
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My understanding is that the main part of this £30m (£20m+) is funds that have to be lodged in advance with HMRC to cover future PAYE, NI and VAT liabilities. Basically a deposit is required due to previous form. Someone might know more about this than me.

Question - does CG have this funding available and if not, what then? Who in their right mind would tie up this amount of cash to play in SFL3? Wages, running costs and upkeep to be funded with no prospect of European income for a minimum of 4 years.

It'd odds on they won't be playing anywhere this season.


Someone on another site had calculated that Hector is apparently looking for Charles to lodge circa. £4m as their "security deposit".

Pleasing. :P

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Apologies if already posted. This is from RM. An open letter (long one anaw !) to Charlie Green.


Dear Mr. Green,

As you know, a general meeting of all 12 member clubs of the Scottish Premier League has been convened for 10am on Wednesday 4 July 2012 for members to consider, and decide upon, your application for the entry of Newco Rangers to the SPL.

Having considered the matter very carefully, and in light of recent statements by several SPL clubs, I am compelled to write to you to implore you to withdraw your application to the SPL in favour of an application to the Scottish Football League.

I do so in the full knowledge of the financial impact that such a move will undoubtedly have on the Rangers Football Club, and the uncertainty that a self imposed exile to the lower divisions of Scottish football will inevitably generate.

However, I have concluded that it would be a more honourable course of action to take rather than have the current gang of hypocritical SPL Club Chairmen decide our future when they have so vociferously, and so vindictively, demanded the most excessive and unprecedented sanctions against our club since we suffered the indignity of administration several weeks ago.

I’m sure the very public statements made by the likes of Vladimir Romanov of Hearts, Rod Petrie of Hibernian and Stephen Thompson of Dundee United in recent weeks, are ample evidence that the majority of the SPL clubs consider punishing Rangers as a more important objective than securing the financial future and wellbeing of the SPL and the Scottish game in general.

There can be no doubt any longer that these enemies of Rangers Football Club will vote to exclude a Rangers newco from the SPL, and that they will do everything in their power to ensure we are emasculated and hamstrung for years to come. I have also little doubt their real motivation is sheer, naked hatred for our club rather than the 'sporting integrity' that they so glibly and dishonestly espouse.

These are the people in whom you appear to repose your trust and confidence; people who have demonstrated that trust, confidence and fidelity are abstract concepts to be cynically exploited when circumstances are advantageous to their nefarious plans and plots.

Our club has been subjected to much vitriol and invective over the past few weeks and months by the very people who will now sit in judgment on Rangers, and make their decision about admission, on 4th July. A decision that we all now know to be a foregone conclusion.

Whilst I have yet to encounter a Rangers fan who believes that we should not be punished for the behavior of the miscreants who have brought our great club to this sorry pass, nor have I met one who believes we should continue to be punished ad infinitum by a group of SPL chairmen, chief executives and feckless supporters, who have been overtly, and unrepentantly, hostile to all things Rangers for countless years, and who have been particularly malicious in their attacks upon us in recent days.

We are vulnerable and unable to meaningfully defend ourselves, and they know it and have concluded that now is the time to strike. Make no mistake, this is not about sporting integrity, this is about hatred and bigotry, and clubs like Dundee Utd, Aberdeen, Celtic will not forgo this opportunity to kick us (and keep on kicking us) when we are down.

We now find ourselves in the unenviable position of being totally, and utterly, at the mercy of a hostile jury, from whom we can expect no quarter. If five or more clubs vote against your proposal to admit Rangers to the SPL as a newco, a club from Scottish Football League Division One will replace us in the SPL and we will, in all likelihood, apply for the vacancy that would be created in Division Three after other clubs have moved up a division.

We now know that will the case. There is no need to speculate any longer, so I ask you to very seriously consider what merit there is in waiting for our enemies to stab us in the back on 4th July, when we can be proactive in our approach to the Scottish Football League for admission.

We all now unequivocally accept that our circumstances are such that we require to take drastic measures to set our financial position to rights. Cuts of the magnitude required will significantly impact upon our ability to compete in the SPL, and it is clear that we need time and patience to rebuild our club and our team free of the enmity and hatred of the SPL cowards who cynically exploit the label of sporting integrity to mask their desire to destroy our club

That time will be available to us if we voluntarily drop to the Scottish Football League, Division 3, and our time spent in the lower divisions will, hopefully, be concurrent with our three year ban on participating in the major European competitions.

But, perhaps, more importantly, our decision to seek admission to the Scottish Football League, will remove the threat of further draconian punishments by those who clearly nurture the desire to punish us and wish only to exploit our commercial potential for their own selfish ends.

During the past few weeks and months, I have often asked the question, “When does the punishment stop and the rehabilitation start?”, and I have reluctantly concluded that the answer is, “When the SPL and the SFA consider that we have suffered enough!”

Clearly the SPL consider that we have not suffered enough, and it may be some considerable time before they decide that the time is right to rehabilitate the Rangers they so clearly despise. In these circumstances, would it not be more prudent to negate their vindictiveness and Machiavellian plotting by removing their power to direct our future and impair our ability to compete?

Wouldn’t it be a wise and sound strategy to take control of our own destiny by deciding our own fate?

I think so, and many thousands of other Rangers fans also take that view.

If you have been monitoring the views and opinions of Rangers fans across the globe, you cannot fail to have concluded that there is a groundswell of opinion in favour of the Scottish Football League, Division 3 route and, in a number of recent polls on various supporter web sites, fans have voted overwhelmingly for this option, and those views have been significantly reinforced by the statements made by Thompson, Romanov and others over the past two days.

Whilst I fully appreciate these are merely ‘straw’ pools, they are nonetheless persuasive, particularly in the absence of any other meaningful indicators. These polls are not the ‘knee – jerk’ reactions of a few disgruntled Rangers fans but, rather, the considered views of fans who are being treated unjustly and unreasonably by those who have failed in their bid to obliterate the club and now wish to emasculate it by other means.

I, therefore, implore you, Mr. Green, to help us determine our own future. I ask you to ensure that we are not held to ransom by the SPL and its member clubs. I implore you to withdraw the application now before the SPL.

I also ask that you consult with the supporters before accepting any offer that may emanate from the SPL, particularly if such an offer is founded upon sanctions that will inevitably cripple our club for years to come.

The future of our club is dependent upon your judgement, experience and expertise, although I'm sure you recognise that your judgement, experience and expertise has, to all intents and purposes, been negated by the recent pronouncements of prominent SPL club chairmen.

As you know, it only requires 5 or more clubs to vote no, and Rangers will need to apply to be admitted to Scottish Football League Division Three; so why wait for that to come to passm - we now know it will? Why not take control of our own destiny and opt for the Scottish Football League?

Let me say in conclusion, that I am, personally, very appreciative of the commitment you, and your colleagues, have made to our club in very difficult and trying circumstances, and I am not unmindful of the personal attacks you have endured in recent weeks.

Ranger's fans are, understandably, suspicious and anxious and I know that you appreciate that, even if, at times, you have found their criticisms unpalatable.

We want only what is right and what is just for our club. We have seen regime's come and go; we have seen Chairmen come and go; we have seen Boards and Directors come and go; we have seen managers and players come and go - but we remain!

We will always be here, and we will always support our club. I know you understand that, and I trust you will immediately withdraw your application for SPL status.

I have written this as an open letter, and it is my intention to share it, and your response, with Rangers fans through the various Rangers internet forums.


I'd give him a B+ for clarity of thought and construction.

However, it's an E- for content.

Typical H*n shite, selfish and without contrition.

Fvck them. :angry:

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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