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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just emailed this fucker off to David Longmuir. I urge other fans to get writing today cos these c***s are negotiating behind closed doors as we speak. Its not fucking on....

Dear David, 

There seems to be growing talk from all quarters of the Scottish game about letting a newco phoenix Rangers start life off in the 1st division. If there is any truth in this story then the powers that be need to take a step back and look at the ramifications this will have for the Scottish game rather than the supposed benefit. 

The opinion of myself and the vast majority of fans I speak to both in person and on numerous football message boards is that a newco must start from the 3rd division at the very maximum.  I understand even that would be bending over backwards to help them as I believe any new application must be submitted along with 3 years worth of accounts. 

Assuming newco were admitted into the 1st division,presumably one of either Dundee or Dunfermline would be put into the vacant spot in the SPL. Both of these teams are assembling squads with a view to playing in the 1st division, not competing in the SPL. If this was the case then they are being unfairly punished as they would almost certainly come straight back down whilst a newco would almost certainly go straight up meaning that we have reverted back to the status quo within the space of a season. 

We are at a major crossroads in Scottish football and probably have a once in a lifetime opportunity to renew interest in our ailing game. To rush through proposals just to accommodate this newco in an attempt to save the unfairly distributed finances from Sky would be unforgivable. Remember, this was the team along with their bed fellows across the city,who on several occasions had made noises and attempts to move to England with no concern about what the state of the game would be in their absence, so why should we now be attempting to fast track them into the SPL that they have been so vocal and keen about leaving behind?

I urge you not to underestimate the strength of feeling of Scottish football fans on this matter as the wrong decision risks disillusioning and alienating fans throughout the game. 

Yours Sincerely,

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Nothing that f...wits like Raygun and Dungcaster do much surprises me any more. Credible that they might come up with the sort of jiggery-pokery claimed by the retard in an attempt to minimise damage to the peculiar institution that was Rankers.

Even so, let's not panic here. Consider, they (Newcogreenies, that is) haven't a pot to piss in, apparently not even a bank account. It seems a good bet that, if they are playing next season, their team'll consist basically of McCulloch and the ballboys. Relegation would surely be a more likely prospect than promotion.

That's not to say, mind you, that the alleged fiddle isn't a stitch-up of the most shameful kind, if it turns out to be the case, and I agree that we should leave no stone unturned in protesting.

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SSN reporting Aluko has rejected move to NEWCO

ta for that heads up, found a stream for it and Jim Whites on :D Oh happy days!

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Nothing that f...wits like Raygun and Dungcaster do much surprises me any more. Credible that they might come up with the sort of jiggery-pokery claimed by the retard in an attempt to minimise damage to the peculiar institution that was Rankers.

Even so, let's not panic here. Consider, they (Newcogreenies, that is) haven't a pot to piss in, apparently not even a bank account. It seems a good bet that, if they are playing next season, their team'll consist basically of McCulloch and the ballboys. Relegation would surely be a more likely prospect than promotion.

That's not to say, mind you, that the alleged fiddle isn't a stitch-up of the most shameful kind, if it turns out to be the case, and I agree that we should leave no stone unturned in protesting.


You do realise this will be the doing of the clubs themselves, and nothing to do with Doncaster or Regan.

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Doncaster has to go really, who appoints him? Is there any way for supporters to force him out?

I know that Petrie was involved in hiring him. A few things to consider are

1.) All the SPL chairman and owners would know that a CVA does = New Co

2.) Its quite obvious that many chairman in the SPL do not agree with what he says

3.) Petrie at Hibs has quite keenly made previous 'Hibs Managers' fall guys.

Specifically Bobby Williamson was paid a very high wage but had his

budget cut and then offered a pay cut.

4.) I am not saying Petrie would hire this guy if he thought he would be terrible

but maybe he served a function

Hibs are very keen on SPL TV however they never push this in the media. Its doubtful

if teams like Celtic/Hearts/Aberdeen/Dundee united/hibs would read and be influenced

by articles like the Daily Record. They would keep there long term plan close to

them. Something like hibs new plan for SPL TV would be worked on behind the scenes.

The leak to the Daily record and herald damages a plan like this not strengthens it.

I am not a fan of Petrie with some of the things he does at Hibs.

However in terms of an influence on the SPL I consider him positive and could

easily out manoeuvre Doncaster whilst trimming his tash and working excel.

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I was laughing before, but stuff like this really puts things in perspective. :(


That truly is a heart wrenching story. I think they should immediately be resurrected and put straight back into the SPL.

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I was laughing before, but stuff like this really puts things in perspective. :(


My favourite post of the morning so far. Particularly like the topical parting shot.


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Posted Today, 07:56 AM

Yaas fucking manky scum loving p***k c**t dick peedo b*****d get it rite up ye n ur fucking horrible club no season ticket money for ur club less money from spl less money from sky no visits from the most successful football club in the world to help run ur Irish football team n all the text messages n tv interviews from all uz c***s we don't need the Glasgow rangers hahaha aye sure uz don't.p.s I fucking wish u wer on the titanic

0<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">

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I posted this on daily retard page..

Please pass this on to all divisons and teams in Scotland. I also urge all supporters groups and fans here to get back in touch with your clubs to get clarification on this story. IF true then united we must all be and stop this, even IF it means BOYCOTTING all of next season home&away for all divisions.

I urge every single Fan to contact their own club on monday moring to get this clarified, and if it is true DEMAND A REFUND on your season ticket holder.

I also urge ALL celtic fans to boycott next season united with all other fans if we can get a facebook page and word of mouth. IF all fans the length and breadth of the country go through with an immediate boycott of ALL games next season home & away and call for the resignations of all these people in charge .

Then we can get UEFA to act for us for sporting integrity as this clearly shows SFA&SPL&SFA are corrupt and unworthy of the position they currently have.

I have already done that, and will contact Morton F.C. on Monday morning and try and get clarification.

They club have been made aware they will get refund requests for already purchased season-tickets from myself and 2 friends.


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