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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Did my bit today :)


Felt good.

"No-Newco does not re-enter the SPL"

Newco was never in the SPL so that's a strange formulation. It is correctly put at the yes-option. It's just a small difference but it reflects the main idea behind the opposition against them entering the SPL. A new entity is provided access straight into the nation's top flight. Rangers Media is fuming because they believe that we want them to be kicked out. We don't though. Since the moment their club went into a process of liquidation there was nothing to kick out. We just oppose this particular entity getting preferential treatment because of the size of their following.

You see this misconception at other places as well. For instance:


St Johnstone: Saints are expected to vote against a newco being admitted to the SPL. Saints chairman Steve Brown had previously said that he would like to see a 'newco' Rangers punished.

Why should newco be punished? They have done nothing wrong. They're just not getting preferential treatment and thus - if they want to play in the football league - have to apply like any other club that isn't in the SPL/SFL has to do, and can start in the SFL3 if granted access. It's not like denying them this huge favour of a direct transfer in the top flight is a punishment.

Edited by Cruoninga
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Noticed a couple of posts on Rangers Media talking about the possibility of the SFL now voting against Rangers and there being no football at all at Ibrox next season.

While most are still in denial, its finally beginning to sink in for some of them.

No to newco in the SPL isn't good enough. We now need no to newco in the SFL.

Not only will Scottish football be better without Rangers, so will Scottish society in general. It signals the end of sectarianism in Scotland. It signals the end of the Old Firm. It signals the long term decline of Celtic.

A new dawn beckons if the SFL say no!

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Integrity is name of our game

By jim Traynor on Mar 5, 12 07:30 AM inThe main currency, in fact the only currency any of us in the newspaper game should have in our moral banks must be integrity.

Without it we, as journalists, are of no use to anyone. We have no value. None at all.

Without integrity we fail our readers, our papers and our employers. But just as importantly we fail ourselves.

Integrity, honesty and the desire to call it out no matter the consequences is what defines us. Thankfully it's also what sets us apart, especially from all those 'brave' keyboard thumpers out there in the world of social networking sites and football forums.

They aren't governed by the laws which must be observed by newspapers like this one and are allowed to bash out the most insane, insulting, illogical and confused messages.

I shouldn't complain, though, because it all demonstrates their lack of intellect and common decency.

Which might explain why they prefer to hide behind anonymity or childish pseudonyms.

But sadly there are some high-profile football people using this gift as conduits for their own propaganda and if you've looked at some of these sites you'll know just how easy it is to influence and stir unrest.

There is certainly a lack of integrity in cyberspace but it's honesty that persuades the editors at the Daily Record and Sunday Mail to employ their journalists in the first place. It's why they trust us to make best use of the platforms given to us. link

Love Traynor's use of "intellect". What about the intellect of Gavin Berry (the legend) who thought Third Division Peterhead would somehow win the Second Division. Or Chris Roberts last week, who sounded like a Primary school pupil when he gave his reasons for Newco being re-admitted as his friends and family live in Manchester and they are only interested in watching Rangers and Celtic. Or just employing Gordon Parks. Enough said.

Oh, by the way Traynor, score just in...

Forums 1 Record 0

Emabarrassing article.

Mr Traynor, you are in panic mode because you are slowly but surely losing any small influence you've had on the general public. The gutter press in this country have had it their own way for a long time but the internet has seen an ever diminishing profile for self-styled comedians like you, Mr. Traynor.

James, you are now well and truly out of your comfort zone and you constantly allude to the people on forums such as this as having a lack of intellect and common decency to compensate for your low self esteem. You makes your money on Radio Scotland programmes such as the comedy show phone-in yet you want to be taken seriously.

Your integrity apparently doesn't stretch to affording callers to your show any degree of respect. Instead, you consider it your duty to ridicule everyone who phones in. Yes James, that's real integrity. But, wait a minute, I hear you say, it's just banter. Never at your expense though. The caller is always the butt of your jokes. Even though you engage in this moronic, toe-curling behaviour, you still expect us to take you seriously as a journalist ?

Like Mr. Traynor, I could pick out people on the internet who lack intellect and common decency but, by the same token, I have held discussions with people I have the utmost respect for. It is clear to me that there are people on this forum who are not short on the intellect front and could hold their own with many of the 'experts' heard on radio or seen on T.V. I suspect though, that James doesn't really have a problem with the lack of intellect he has experienced as he browses through football forums. His main issue, I suggest, is that people of all levels of intelligence are being heard and he is discovering that he doesn't have a monopoly on opinion.

How, Mr. Traynor, would you know what my intellectual capacity is ? and why would you think you are the best judge of that ? It would appear that the people like me who express their views on forums have no redeeming qualities and you have decided that these people are insignificant. Yet you spend an inordinate amount of time concentrating on this group of keyboard nonentities.

To add to your nonsensical argument, you then roll out your conspiracy theory. Infamy, infamy.......they've all got it infamy.

Propaganda ? stirring unrest ? This claim coming from a newspaper journalist. Your rant beggars belief James.

You show me your qualifications James and I'll show you mine.

Tell me about your experience and I'll tell you about mine.

I'm honest, I have integrity, I have high moral standards.

When I say me or I, I could be any one of a thousand people who have participated on this thread and I don't think any of us are intimidated by your so-called intellect.

So James, if you are so superior to us all, I challenge you to a debate on the main issues in scottish football. Lets get half a dozen P + B contributers around a table with you and we can have an in-depth serious discussion like real adults do. I don't think you could cope.

Alternatively, stop bleating.

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I believe Green knows exactly what he is doing. He's managed to buy Ibrox, the car park, and Murray Park for £5.5m. He's driven the players out, the team will possibly not have a league to play in, and the supporters won't buy season tickets. The final piece of the endgame will be when he padlocks the gates and sells the land to developers.

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From RTC blog :-

Oldgold is Jack Irvine, heid honcho at Media House, one of the mouthpieces of TCFKAR.

oldgold says:

25/06/2012 at 3:37 pm

I can tell you that since the news is now mainstream about a criminal investigation RFC will be seeking an injunction to halt any external proceedings while the criminal investigation is under way.

RFC will be contending that they may be the victims of fraud, the SFA/SPL have been informed.

So if correct, they will try and get the Appellate Tribunal halted and presumably any investigations by HMRC / BDO ?

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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The beeb might even be using this as an excuse for a purge.......see ya fat boy, bald boy etc ?

Barcabhoy on RTC claims he has inside knowledge that we won't be hearing Chic Young on the Beeb again. Contract not being renewed.


P+B don't got to RTC for news, RTC comes to P+B :)

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From RTC blog :-

Oldgold is Jack Irvine, heid honcho at Media House, one of the mouthpieces of TCFKAR.

oldgold says:

25/06/2012 at 3:37 pm

I can tell you that since the news is now mainstream about a criminal investigation RFC will be seeking an injunction to halt any external proceedings while the criminal investigation is under way.

RFC will be contending that they may be the victims of fraud, the SFA/SPL have been informed.

So if correct, they will try and get the Appellate Tribunal halted and presumably any investigations by HMRC / BDO ?

Good one. They'll also wind the clock back to May last year when Sally was in the shower...

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Anyone got a FF a/c?

f**k me ££ is going fuckin mental with an opposite story, rumours of bulldozers on the horizon what a clusterfuck.

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From RTC blog :-

Oldgold is Jack Irvine, heid honcho at Media House, one of the mouthpieces of TCFKAR.

oldgold says:

25/06/2012 at 3:37 pm

I can tell you that since the news is now mainstream about a criminal investigation RFC will be seeking an injunction to halt any external proceedings while the criminal investigation is under way.

RFC will be contending that they may be the victims of fraud, the SFA/SPL have been informed.

So if correct, they will try and get the Appellate Tribunal halted and presumably any investigations by HMRC / BDO ?

Not in any way an expert in law, but i would have thunk (??laugh.gif) that HMRC would still be able to investigate in conjunction with the policehuh.gif

might be that theyw ill have to hand overr any evidence as part of police invest.

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Just watching Lifers on channel 4, a guy decked out in Rangers top with a Rangers duvet is featured. Killed someone in a football related rage apparently and will never be released from prison. The fact he's got no future probably allows him to relate to his club.

Probably one of the "Decent Rangers Fans" we're always hearing about.

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