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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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From RTC ;-

It’s called The Old Switcheroo.

The Chuckie Green Brigade put in some cash and got nominal rights to RFC PLC RIP’s assets, encumbered as they evidently still are by the Floating Charge to wee Craigie.

This was all assigned to English-registered Sevco 5088 (potentially an important factor for the legal rights of Ticketus).

Then the title deeds, still with Floating Charge attached, were switched to Sevco Scotland Ltd.

And now wee hear that the Chuckie Green Brigade have also registered RFC 2012 Ltd.

We can deduce from this that Whyte and Ticketus are still involved in all of this and are looking to maximise the return from selling off Murray Park (to developers?) and Ibrox/Albion Car Park (to whoever wants to take on the mantle of Zombie Rangers FC).

All of this perhaps explains why Green has run FC Ticketus like someone who has no intention of running a football club. Insulting everyone, feigning ignorance of employment rules, ensuring no league place and no players for FC Ticketus.

Just in time before he has to fork out for a month’s wages.

In summary: I expect Sevco 5088 to be put into the liquidiser, possibly even tomorrow.

Then Green, Whyte and Ticketus will attempt to ride out the storm before cashing in their chips.

I genuinely feel sorry for the many employees of the former RFC who will be left high and dry and jobless by this sickening, ultra-cynical scam.

As for some of the perpetrators, including Fudd and Duffer, it may be better for them if Plod catches up with them before some of the former-RFC’s more vindictive supporters, especially those with links to Ulster.

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I think it's becoming increasingly clear that the SFL cannot even consider any proposal from Sevco, with regards admittance to their setup, even following an open bidding process.

They would appear to be in complete chaos & are an utter shambles of an organisation. There's no way anyone from any of the ruling bodies could work out what the hell is actually going on with them.

If any current minor club were to put their case against them, they couldn't lose.

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Findlay is bad enough but the bit that makes this more likely is the fact the Brewster bros own it. They will have a price. And if the price is right they will say yes.

Interesting that Bomber is proud of the fact that they have a legal eagle in their team to keep them right. Findlay specialises in defending the indefensible. People like Luke Mitchell, Tobin, Nat Frazer.

Good thing is they keep being found guilty when Findlay is at their side. :lol:

I have posted this before:

SFL Rule 13


Membership of the League (whether full or associate) shall not be

transferrable, save that (a) a Member wishing to change its legal form

(whether from unincorporated association to corporate body or otherwise

where the ownership and control of both bodies are or will be substantially

identical); or (b) a transfer within the same administrative group for the

purposes of a solvent reconstruction only; may be permitted by the Board

upon prior written application for consent and giving such details of the

proposed transfer as the Board may reasonably request for the purpose of

considering such transfer. The Board may refuse such application or grant

same upon such terms and conditions as it shall think fit."

So I don't think the Cowdenbeath scenario would work.

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"There's not a team like the Glasgow Rangers

No not one and there never shall be one.

Diddies know all about their troubles

And they are fûcked cos the players have run

So there's not a team like the Glasgow Rangers


Edited by WeeHectorPar
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Renewed my season ticket today and a few people at the club were saying Celtics chairman was speaking to ours today and mentioned that the Celtic support were split 50/50 with half wanting rid of sevco and the other half saying there was no point supporting the club if they didn't have the the rangers to play! Looks like the tic support could plummet :)

Edited by caleyjaggi
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I'll be disappointed if it's called off. I was looking forward to seeing a 140 year old club playing against a 14 day old team; However since Le Havre haven't done a great deal in many years it would be a game between 2 teams living on memories. :lol:

I recently drove past Le Havre's new stadium. It looks stunning.

It's completely wrapped in bright blue cladding (plastic of some kind)

The necrorangers would have loved it.


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STV news just now.Big Bomber declaring he has some damning statement to make against Chuck Green,from a meeting they had last Friday.

He demands Green puts the ownership papers on the table proving he actually does own Ibrox and Murry park.

He finished by saying no disrespects to sheffield Utd,but this is Glesga Rangers yer dealing wiv.


What a feckin embarrassment that was!!!

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We don't. Frankly, I'll never have any sympathy for their fans. I have some measure for those of ticket office staff, but none for their fans at all. One of the most shameful experiences was standing outside a pub with my mate from Ireland and having to hear the whole "up to our knees in ****** blood" shite that they have. Minority my arse, they can rot away elsewhere.

So are they disliked for their supposed superiority? , the sectarian guff they spout? because of the stranglehold they had on scottish football something more?

all of the above?

PS: if It happened to your club, would there be no point where you thought 'right Iv had enough'?

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From RTC ;-

It's called The Old Switcheroo.

The Chuckie Green Brigade put in some cash and got nominal rights to RFC PLC RIP's assets, encumbered as they evidently still are by the Floating Charge to wee Craigie.

This was all assigned to English-registered Sevco 5088 (potentially an important factor for the legal rights of Ticketus).

Then the title deeds, still with Floating Charge attached, were switched to Sevco Scotland Ltd.

And now wee hear that the Chuckie Green Brigade have also registered RFC 2012 Ltd.

We can deduce from this that Whyte and Ticketus are still involved in all of this and are looking to maximise the return from selling off Murray Park (to developers?) and Ibrox/Albion Car Park (to whoever wants to take on the mantle of Zombie Rangers FC).

All of this perhaps explains why Green has run FC Ticketus like someone who has no intention of running a football club. Insulting everyone, feigning ignorance of employment rules, ensuring no league place and no players for FC Ticketus.

Just in time before he has to fork out for a month's wages.

In summary: I expect Sevco 5088 to be put into the liquidiser, possibly even tomorrow.

Then Green, Whyte and Ticketus will attempt to ride out the storm before cashing in their chips.

I genuinely feel sorry for the many employees of the former RFC who will be left high and dry and jobless by this sickening, ultra-cynical scam.

As for some of the perpetrators, including Fudd and Duffer, it may be better for them if Plod catches up with them before some of the former-RFC's more vindictive supporters, especially those with links to Ulster.

So, they are gambling on the Barren Knights or some other mugs to try and buy a smaller club like the Blue Brazil and reanimate the Buns - and rent/flog Ibrox to them? Whilst they run away with a pocketful of cash and a suitcase full of moonbeams, stiffing the taxman/other creditors? Seems plausible.

Edited by Araminta Moonbeam QC
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We need an official list goin here, based on what the good and great of Scottish football have said on this matter.

I'll start it, please add to it as you wish....


Lee Wilkie

Michael Johnston

Chic Young

jim traynor


Vladimir Romanov

Rod Petrie

Steve Thompson

Stuart Milne

Edited by GorgieYaBass
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STV news just now.Big Bomber declaring he has some damning statement to make against Chuck Green,from a meeting they had last Friday.

He demands Green puts the ownership papers on the table proving he actually does own Ibrox and Murray park.

He finished by saying no disrespects to sheffield Utd,but this is Glesga Rangers yer dealing wiv.

Didn't he say they "Could pit that on yer ****** website!"? :(

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Seems appropriate

Ultravox - "Hello"

hello, hello, hello

welcome to this world you made

hello, hello, hello

it's raining through your sad parade

if you always do

what you've always done

then nothing good will ever come

if you always get

what you've always got

you'll find that loves what you forgot

hello, hello, hello

welcome to this world you made

hello, hello, hello

it's raining through your sad parade

free to bite your bitter pill

sorry now, at least until

someone is but never will

hello, hello, hello, hello, hello

there's no one to blame

'cos this was your goal

you gave your life, your heart, your soul

wrapped in deceit

loving the lie

to find that life has left you dry

hello, hello, hello

welcome to this world you made

hello, hello, hello

it's raining through your sad parade

free to bite your bitter pill

sorry now, at least until

someone is but never will

hello, hello, hello, hello, hello

hello, hello, hello

welcome to this world you made

hello, hello, hello

it's raining through your sad parade

free to bite your bitter pill

sorry now, at least until

someone is but never will

hello, hello, hello, hello, hello

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Green bites back.

Sevco statement

Does Charles Green genuinely think that anyone believes a single word he says.

Edit to add: anyone remember Craig Whyte's righteous indignation at being referred to as a crook just before he was exposed as ..... err ...... a crook.

Edited by Granny Danger
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We need an official list goin here, based on what the good and great of Scottish football have said on this matter.

I'll start it, please add to it as you wish....


Lee Wilkie

Michael Johnston

Chic Young

jim traynor


Vladimir Romanov

Rod Petrie

Steve Thompson

Stuart Milne

Jim Spence

Eric Drysdale

Stuart Cosgrove

Tom English

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If hating the Old Firm and sectarianism makes me a bigot them I am proud to be labelled a bigot. 8)

Its the diddy fans sheer hatred of the Old Firm that appears to forcing Rangers FC out of football altogether and don't kid yourself that this hatred doesn't also apply to Celtic.

Now that fans have seen what can be achieved, be sure that the next target will be Celtic.

Without Rangers, Celtic's support will disappear like snow off a dyke. "If you know your history" you'll know that the likes of Hearts & Hibs regularly got bigger average gates than Celtic until the mid 60s. Indeed, there have been seasons where Celtic weren't even one of the top 2 best supported clubs in Glasgow.

Without Rangers, Celtic will lose supporters, will lose finance and will be a sitting duck for the diddies.

Our time has come. Its the end of the Old Firm. :D

Hasn't quite got the same ring to it as "Tiocfaidh ár lá", but I think I'll settle for it.

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I think the one question that needs to be answered in this whole sorry saga is...who the f**k was that dodgy keeper that let that weak shot in from Sandy Jardine that they keep showing on the news?

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We need an official list goin here, based on what the good and great of Scottish football have said on this matter.

I'll start it, please add to it as you wish....


Lee Wilkie

Michael Johnston

Chic Young

jim traynor


Vladimir Romanov

Rod Petrie

Steve Thompson

Stuart Milne

Big Tomo should be in there too I think. If all the SPL nae sayers are there, then Kenny Cameron and Steve Brown should be too.

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