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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Looks like Green is desperate for cash, reinstating cancelled season ticket DD's.......dodgy as feck, why are the authorities pandering to him????

I cancelled my DD on Monday. I've just called FastPay and it had been reinstated! The guy said he'd give me a number to call. I told him he'll give me f**k all. He'll reverse his actions or face legal action.

He then asked me my Rangers No!!!!!!!! AND said he'll sort it out !!!!!!!!

This surely proves that Rangers (Green) is very clear about what he's doing here.

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Media backlash my arse. Lawell knows that without Rangers, he's Green dynasty will crumble away over time. It has f**k all to do with the media. The worst bit is, the Celtic fans will happily forget all of this trotting out the line that this will benefit everyone in the long term and it'll be a punishment for RFC. How many of there fans will seriously boycott the club akin to teams of diddy fans who for years have seen little success and been shafted by the old firm?

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That is why i referred to them as "The Rangers"

If they do survive, that name has to change for a start. It makes them sound grander than they deserve to be. Little Rangers would be my choice. Ah, bless.

Edited by Owsley
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I think this is true. However, the placing of "The Rangers" in Division 1 is farcical and will only inflame the supporters of all Scottish clubs. I'm with Welsh Bairn's suggestion of 3 x14 leagues this would be a much more acceptable compromise IMO . Cutting down time to get to top flight to two years rather than three. I reckon all fans including "The Rangers" fans would buy that proposal.

You reckon wrong I'm afraid. Compromise on what? Rangers have killed themselves through cheating and breaking the countries laws. This is an unexpected break for Scottish football. Unless they take it and let Rangers remain dead, they can carry out any reconstruction they want but Scottish football will be back to the normal duopoly within 5 years.

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Reading through all this, why is everyone's knickers in a bunch?

We already knew that the SFA/SFL/SPL were going too attempt to place SevCo in the 1st. This has been speculated for weeks.

We still know that the clubs in the SFL have the right to block it by voting against it.

We're in no different a position now as we were yesterday, we knew this would come, it's just that it's been made official. If the clubs of the SFL stand together and deny them the privelege of skipping two divisions, then that particular proposal will be kicked into touch. No club is bigger than Scottish football.

The proposals on the whole are fair enough, pyramid system, fairer wealth distributions etc....but the elephant in the ointment is Newco in division one. I don't deny their right to reapply or to attempt to rebuild, as long as it's from the 3rd. I'd imagine even the vast majority of NewCo fans would be willing for this to happen.

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Who was Third Lanark's rival and did they lose fans as a result ?.

Third Lanark's derby rival was Queen's Park, who probably gained a few supporters from their demise (by then it should be remembered that Queen's Park's support was down to a trickle). Aside from a short period during Third Lanark's championship year when relations were strained over the move to the 3rd Cathkin Park (what had been the second Hampden!), relations between the two were always excellent - Queen's Park supporter Bob Crampsey used to write for their programmes and annual review.. Back in the early years of football, the Hi Hi were often one of the two sides that accompanied the Spiders on their exhibition tours to spread the game across Scotland (the other being Vale Of Leven).

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The Rangers should take the lead and say they are going apply to enter the SFL at 3rd Div level

That is total bluff.....no way in Gods name does anyone connected with NEWCO want to restart in Div 3. Its a get-out in case thats where they end up, then they can say, well thats what we wanted anyway. Double bluffers!!

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Yeh I'm kinda wondering why they haven't made something public about this fiasco.What are they waiting for ? are they scared to go public ? are they worried about something ? would be nice to hear the boards stance on the subject or are they leaving the gers carcase for all the other clubs to finish off completely before making a statement ?.Or just plain simple keep the ginger heids mouth shut totally so as not to offend anyone ?.

Who knows :blink:

If Celtic came out and said anything against Newco, Newco and it's fans would simply say that the "diddy" clubs have been intimidated and are following along. I think the silence from Celtic has been a masterstroke - The SPL, SFA and Newco can see that everybody holds utter contempt for Newco and Celtic don't even have to say a word.

Magnificent, if you ask me.

Edited by Draup
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Graham Spiers@GrahamSpiersFor anyone interested: I'm doing an SPL/Rangers/Newco Q and A with Kilmarnock fans tonight, Grand Hall in Kilmarnock, 7.30 kick-off.

One of the happiest moments in my football-supporting life was standing next to Spiers in the press box at Boghead when Clydebank (remember them) scored and denied his Hibees promotion. His face? Priceless.

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Reading through all this, why is everyone's knickers in a bunch?.........

We still know that the clubs in the SFL have the right to block it by voting against it.

I dunno where you're getting that definite idea from - if SPL accept Cevco FC, then immediately slap on a penalty which has the effect of relegating them, then it's a fait a complis - Cevco get relegated to 1st Div, no voting occurs surely?

Someone has invented the sweeteners to SPL/Div 1 Clubs we're seeing leaked today.

Edited by Claymores
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If Celtic came out and said anything against Newco, Newco and it's fans would simply say that the "diddy" clubs have been intimidated and are following along. I think the silence from Celtic has been a masterstroke - The SPL, SFA and Newco can see that everybody holds utter contempt for Newco and Celtic don't even have to say a word.

Magnificent, if you ask me.

Masterstroke in the sense that they have their fans swallowing bullshit whilst hoping to f**k that the club get what they really want?

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As I thought this so called Spl plan stinks of a stitch up to we lesser diddies. Your fans are appeased and the chairmen are happy as the tv deal remains in place until the zombies return. Potentially another team could come up but an increased parachute payment is part of the scheme. Not happy diddy, we should stand strong as we should be setting the agenda not the walking dead-heads.

Them again they'll probably not be able to field a team next season so my cynicism could ne wasted.....

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