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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I have been giving this some thought as you can probably imagine. The drip drip drip affect of negative news has taken its toll on the support as has the infighting. It is time to put an end to it all...That time is in fact long over due.

If John Brown has a consortium there...Make Green an offer. If it is rejected move aside and shut the f**k up!! As far as i can see only Non Rangers people have been able to put a deal together. OK they will in all probability leave after making a tidy profit but as long as the Club (not the oldco) are there at the end i have no problem with that.

Rangers men such as King,McColl and Park had years to put together a deal when SDM was selling. They didn't want to know. They could easily have come up with a better offer than Whyte..They didn't want to know..Now the Oldco are dead..gone..they are all of a sudden concerned. Piss Off!! You had your chance and you sat on your hands while we watched the prolonged and agonising death of our club.

Now we have been rejected from the SPL Rangers have to do the honourable thing (for once) and apply to the SFL 3. It will help to build bridges with some of the clubs who feel cheated by what has gone on in the past. It is time to draw a line under it and start again.

I believe this is a unique opportunity to re-shape Scottish Football from the bottom to the very top. The added revenue The Rangers will generate as they move up through the divisions has got to be good for the long term future of the lower league clubs. The Rangers will have seen to be punished severly and hopefully it will be a tough lesson learned for all.

If a few over spending SPL clubs get into financial trouble...Sorry but i have very little sympathy for them as things stand and they have nobody to blame but themself

Never thought I would say it but what a sensible post......just dont go spoiling it the next time NEWCO gets a bit of good news!!

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Petrie is supporting the line that Rangers are not allowed in the SPL next season by voting no.

As Hibs Chairman that's where his remit begins and ends and that is where he was coming from when talking about Sporting integrity.

Petrie met Green because he has a position with the SFA and was duty bound to inform him what was being proposed. That the SPL as a body is giving tacit encouragement for this Division 1 soft landing should come as no surprise but if the SFL clubs tempted by financial sweeteners back it then there really is not much we can do. That's that and it will be time to move on.

Don't you mean threats.......................

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It was always going to be down to the SFL clubs after the SPL charimen came out and said NO to Sevco.

They need to stand strong and stay together here.

If old Willy Wonka is correct in saying 2 non-league clubs are applying to get into the 3rd Division then we have a chance to kill Sevco for good.

Has Green even applied for the 3rd Division yet?

I wouldn't take these proposals 100% seriously yet, they are being leaked to through the media to test the supporters reactions.There isn't enough time to reconstruct the whole set up. Unless they have been planning it since Rangers went into Admin, which i doubt.

This I can believe, as the sfl clubs have seen the effect the fanbase has had on the SPL clubs, and until yesterday ,only slightly by SFL clubs.

So,yes thats a good possibility cool.gif


Tony McKelvie@TonyMcKelvie@shonarobison The SFL imply that Scot Gov will withdraw support for SFL's Community Strategy if the clubs reject the proposal. Is this true?


5mShonaSmall_normal.jpgShona Robison@shonarobison@TonyMcKelvie no it is not we will respect the decision whatever it is!

Retweeted by Tony McKelvie Hide conversation

Edited by rustyarabnuts
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Dear Cockwomble

Well done. I really didn't think there would ever be someone i would want to punch in the face more than Ed Balls.

Resign now.


A fan of Sporting Integrity

I have a few questions for this charming fellow

1. You've been in the job for a few years now, what are the three main successes you have had to justify your wages?

2. Last year you were telling football fans that only a 10 team top tier was viable, what has changed in the last 12 months?

3. As its your job to sell the SPL to broadcasters as a 'product', can you tell me how that is going?

4. How have Norwich got on since you left to come up here?

5. Why havent you resigned yet?

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It'll be buried behind a couple of dozen pages by now, but I actually said yesterday that, for me, the one piece of factual information more relevant than anything else is to know what the Perpetual Agreement says about the Annual Settlement.

We know it rises on the basis of being index-linked... but if SPL income falls heavily does the Annual Settlement fall?

E.g. if a combination of Sky renegotiating and a smaller deal replacing Clydesdale Bank halves SPL's central income, does the Settlement halve?

Knowing that would be quite informative.

Ah, sorry - as I said, Ive had to skip quite a lot!!

It would be good to know that info, as you say. Maybe the SFL will prepare an consultation document for the clubs. You know, something that will fully explain the short and long-term benefits of a number of scenarios. Surely, such a document would contain this kind of detail?

According to this STV article the settlement figure is currently worth £2m per season. Thats hardly keeping clubs alive. Split between 30 clubs is probably no more than one players salary.

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You know, its funny.

I was a Man Utd fan (I use the term loosely, truth be told) until I was around about 15/16 years old. Out of the blue, a Thistle supporting friend asked me if I wanted to go to a cup game against St Johnstone. Having never set foot in a football ground (apart from Hampden, once or twice) I decided to sample what it would be like.

The game finished 4-4, Thistle lost on penalties after extra time, and it remains the best game of football I've ever seen. I was hooked on football at Firhill. I still supported Man Utd to a fashion, but over the years, with the older and wiser I got, I became disillusioned with big-money football; interchangeable, international squads of footballers with off-the-radar (thanks, Daily Record) wealth playing for football teams that actively seek to milk as much money as possible from fanbases in Asia, America, Anywhere-as-long-as-they'll-buy-our-merchandise.

Thinking now, a big part of why I liked supporting Thistle was because I thought, in my naivety, that since most of Thistle's income is generated through season ticket sales, gate receipts and merchandise, the fans were far more important, the lifeblood even, to the club, whereas as a Man Utd fan I was merely another mark, a faceless, insignificant part of a global strategy, not part of the football club (which is a crucial difference)

If I'd have known then that Scottish football clubs were not competing on an even keel with the Old Firm, and that they were all so financially reliant on the continued success of what should be competitors but in practice are overlords that we would be in this absolute clusterfuck of a situation, I don't think I would have bothered.

Time may yet tell whether I'm wrong. I may yet be pleasantly surprised by the outcome to all this. I'm not holding my breath.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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£1 million - The SPL's thirty pieces of silver. The SPL board must resign..TODAY

The whole approach reminds me of how the UK Government dealt with asylum seekers as they came into the UK, but mainly into the south east.

"In 1999 the government set out its proposal to disperse asylum seekers away from London and the South East. Glasgow City Council was the first local authority to sign up to the dispersal policy and with little or no preparation or planning time, thousands of asylum seekers began arriving in Scotland. Glasgow is now the biggest dispersal city in the UK. There are around 10,000 refugees and asylum seekers living in Glasgow today."

To do this, they offered bribes to Councils to accept asylum seekers, with Glasgow going first. It worked initially but of course the costs stacked up as issues developed.

THE SPL/SFA have helped create a monster and think that by offering bribes someone else (SFL) will take it off their hands. A corrupt and dodgy regime, with a bunch of asylum seekers as fans, now homeless.

Not everyone is bribeable.

Before ay club votes, they should read http://www.gilmorehi...a_69608_en.pdf. The issues discussed are amazingly similar to those we have been discussing here on P&B about Rangers and their fans, but being ignored by the football authorities and the media. It is about groups of people who see themselves as different and not a part of mainstream society.

Listening to one of the asylum seekers leaders, one famed from their battlefields of ethnic cleansing, rape and pillage, the man known as 'Bomber' when speaking from the steps of a Big Hoose demonstrated that he would not pass any UK nationality test. His inadequate command of English means he will probably remain within a ghetto of his own group, where they speak in their own language to each other. We should be concerned. :(

Considering his involvement with such a group he seemed quite well dressed with his Slater's suit. Even if it was a bit 1990s. :huh:

Edited by thelegendthatis
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You're spot on with that. However I think it would be difficult for those SPL chairmen who have pinned their colours to the mast to now vote for league promotion/relegation changes.

Stewart Milne has already made his position clear and could note vote for SPL reconstruction without looking ridiculous. Steven Thomson at United said, when he announced his intention to vote No to newco, that he would not go against the fans' wishes; well they're pretty clear. Can't see Vlad agreeing to this change.

All that said, as an Arab I will be happier when I see Steven Thomson making a clear, public statement of his intent.

Thompson hinted in an interview to the Evening Telegraph last Friday that this sham from Doncaster was afoot, I for one don't trust the man one bit.

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Just a thought:

If Dundee and Dunfermline - the only clubs with a right to the twelfth place in the SPL - both say "No" to promotion where is the vacancy in SFL to put Sevco?

Neither of the two could afford to say no. If invited Dundee will play next year in the SPL, if invited Dunfermline Athletic will play in the SPL. The more interesting question is how will they vote on the blackmailing missile that was launched yesterday. And on that I hope its at the best SFL 3 for the Blue Spectres. Complete cremation would be preferable.

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Don't know if this has been posted on here yet but Morton's Chairman's piece in the Scotsman make Pleasing reading biggrin.gif

Dougie Sticks The Boot In

""I think the SFA will be surprised at the strength of feeling among First Division clubs against Rangers going straight in at that level. They should be treated the same way as any other club. Rangers should have the same punishment as Livingston and be banished to the Third Division"

Douglas Rae 28th June 2102

Edited by Pele1922
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I thought that it was today that NewRangers have to have some sort of application sent to the SFA or SFAL so they could actualy play? Not heard anything about that for a while...

No, you'd have thought someone would mention it on this thread

Today was the deadline for information to go to the SFA about a possible transfer. It isnt an application

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He's referring to Mcoist insisting the three man panel who drew up original sanctions should be named, when it transpired he already knew who they were. Of course one was our director Eric Drysdale, we then had to call in overnight security after firebomb threats on Starks Park, we also all got checked going into Queen of South game incase we had Rangers tops on and were there to cause trouble.

f**k them. Let them die!

The most visible example of their general demeanour of late, we have all been subject to it and it might get worse. I would like to belatedly congratulate the stance your man has made. Raith, the dogs bollox for me!

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... is to know what the Perpetual Agreement says about the Annual Settlement.

Tony McKelvie@TonyMcKelvie@shonarobison The SFL imply that Scot Gov will withdraw support for SFL's Community Strategy if the clubs reject the proposal. Is this true?

Shona Robison@shonarobison@TonyMcKelvie no it is not we will respect the decision whatever it is!

Given that the SFL appear to be in receipt of taxpayer's cash here, would that not give a Freedom of Information request a bit more weight

Edited by The Old Northerner
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I thought that it was today that NewRangers have to have some sort of application sent to the SFA or SFAL so they could actualy play? Not heard anything about that for a while...

IIRC they were given a deadline to provide info on transferring their SFA membership from OldCo to NewCo (though I suppose Green could ignore this anyway... technically OldCO, for the moment, could continue as it hasn't been liquidated or maybe not even entered liquidation).

Similarly, if Green intends to start afresh, he can ignore it.

Infact as deadline's have gone in this saga, it's tiddling.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Don't know if this has been posted on here yet but Morton's Chairman's piece in the Scotsman make Pleasing reading biggrin.gif

Dougie Sticks The Boot In

""I think the SFA will be surprised at the strength of feeling among First Division clubs against Rangers going straight in at that level. They should be treated the same way as any other club. Rangers should have the same punishment as Livingston and be banished to the Third Division"

Douglas Rae 28th June 2102

I wish ALL chairmen had the balls that this guy has to actually say what most people are thinking,

WELL SAID DOUGLAS RAE biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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In short, SPL chief executive, Neil Doncaster, no doubt with the support of some clubs but without the prior knowledge or support of Celtic, has threatened to kick 20 SFL clubs out of the senior game unless they acquiesce to his demand to parachute Sevco into the First Division.

Good. Celtic have nothing whatsoever to do with this. The Lord be praised

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