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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I am confused.

BBC reporting that Chris Hegarty has signed a a one year deal with Rangers new co. Are they allowed to do that? The old Rangers were not allowed to sign players while in administration, yeah? And are this new SEVCO folk even a football club?

It is all so messy and tawdry mad.gif

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According to Yorkston the figures stacked up nicely for SPLTV, but the Chairmen thought it would take a lot of work to set up, and they couldn't be arsed, easier to leave it to Sky..

That's probably about right in the everything is hunkydorey days, now it might be more prudent to give it a whirl.

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Unless they add in a second guaranteed promotion place up to the SPL, how the f*** can it be?!

Also, will this be the same kind of SPL2 which they were talking about previously - the one where there would be minimum seating criteria which it would be daft for clubs like Brechin to implement?

^^^^^^^^^^^By god THIS 1,000,000 X over^^^^^^^^^^^^

I don't want newco in the 1st and believe they should be in the 3rd, but if we are to get blackmailed into accepting them and the SPL are so determined to make it so then give us 2 promotion places for 1 season only.

Feel free to claim this will be the way of it forever and then in 2013-2014 change it to 1 up and 3 in a playoff with SPL 2nd bottom.

If the SFL has to get screwed, then get screwed on our terms please.

The SFL will never get a better poker hand than the 1 we currently possess, just make sure you play it right eh.

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Tbf, this is understandable. No sponsors secured + seedings/entry rounds uncertain.

HJ, a long time ago i said this whole situation needed a deadline for the good of everyone and you argued no it didn't. Do you still believe that to be the case?

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It was covered in the quality print press back when the saga began, but more recently St Mirren's statement earlier today states:

We are obviously hoping that our commercial and television partners stay with the league through this very difficult period. It has been impossible for the clubs to downsize as quickly as we would like, due to the contractual obligations of the club, these are considerable and must be maintained to ensure the club does not slip into the fate of others.It is possible that major cutbacks may have to be made within the company, this may well involve people in the club losing their employment, not a good situation, so please accept that the club will be unlikely to be signing any new players until this situation is clear. Naturally we hope that if our partners mentioned above do not invoke exit clauses in their contracts we would not have to go down this route. The decision on those matters is outwith the control of the clu

They weren't in meltdown when they considered it, life's a gamble, if it fails our game will be worse, if it succeeds we can make footballing decisions for the better of our football.

Exactly. To set-up your own channel, selling / marketing operations, sub-contract satellite time and broadcast equipment, and lease a channel, all requires upfront investment. In scenario where clubs are financially up the creek. It's become less possible now.

It's just pie in the sky 'til they breakdown the figure.


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Proposed plan to re-organise Scottish football on the STV website.

Even if half of whats written is true I cannot believe that the SFA is going to rubber stamp this. This is nothing but a cop out. For months this situation has been allowed to drag on. What has been shown is that the leadership of the SFA / SPL governing bodies are incapable of fairness, thought or decisive action. All we hear is that it is a very complex problem and is not easy to sort out. Well gentlemen thats exactly what you get paid big salaries to do - sort out problems.

This has demonstrated that the leadership of the SFA / SPL governing bodies are spineless and have been promoted into jobs far above their capabilities.

We are the laughing stock of football.

The basic problem is simple :-

1.The Newco is a new club and should apply in the normal way for membership of the SFA and if approved should start in the 3rd division.

2. If Elgin City or Huntly wanted to join the SFA, thats exactly what they would have to do. They would not expect to join division 1.

ANY other scenerio indicates that the rules governing all other clubs in the SFA do NOT apply to one of the big Glasgow two. If that is the case there is no point in going on.

Secondary problem - The Financial Implications :-

3. With the loss of Rangers from the SPL there is a financial implication. Excluding the easy option of item 2 above, what other avenues have been explored by the SFA / SPL governing bodies to mitigate this loss?

4. The proposed parachuting of Sevco into the first division is an insult, and a disgrace to the hardworking and rule abiding clubs from the SFL. The current plan is for them to be financially bribed to allow Sevco into the first division. If that doesn't work the SPL are bullying them to accept or they will be excluded from a proposed new SPL 2.

5. I sincerely hope that the SFL tell the SFA / SPL to take a hike. They have never shown any interest in the status or welfare of the lower division clubs. Now that they are in trouble they are turning to the SFL with a combination of bribery and bullying tactics to achieve what they want. Not a good combination for trying to obtaining a result. The SFA did not show any interest when Livingston were relegated for merely going into administration, so why are they inventing rules "on the hoof" to accommodate Rangers / Sevco who just about broke every rule in the book?

When Rangers (and Celtic) made serious noises over the years about quitting Scotland for the English leagues, they were not in the slightest bit interested in the financial state of Scottish football they would leave behind. So why are we bothered about Sevco. Surely we would be in the same position now as then.

To the suits of the SFA grasp the moment and develop some backbone. This is a one off chance to sort out and cleanse Scottish football once and for all.

Get on with it. Bite the bullet, take the pain (and there will be pain) and get re-organised into a fairer league set up with equal voting rights for all. One governing body to run it , with play offs and a fairer distribution of money. Never again must we be in a position where two clubs call the shots in Scottish football.


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I am confused.

BBC reporting that Chris Hegarty has signed a a one year deal with Rangers new co. Are they allowed to do that? The old Rangers were not allowed to sign players while in administration, yeah? And are this new SEVCO folk even a football club?

It is all so messy and tawdry mad.gif

The old Rangers still cannot register new players because they are in administration. They would, however, have been able to offer new contracts to existing players.

The new Rangers are not yet an affiliated football club. That doesn't stop them employing people as footballers. You don't have to be a football club to employ people as footballers. RBS could give Steven Naismith a contract as a footballer tomorrow if they wanted.

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Also, will this be the same kind of SPL2 which they were talking about previously - the one where there would be minimum seating criteria which it would be daft for clubs like Brechin to implement? Even recently promoted Cowdenbeath and Dumbarton wouldn't meet the originally proposed criteria. Are they going to make them put a noose around their necks by building a stadium which would take half the town to fill unless they volunteer to drop a league as well???

No, don't be silly. We'll just punt Cowdenbeath out of the league and replace them with QOS because we have more seats.

Hmmmm, let me think...

Nah, They can shove their spl2!!

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HJ, a long time ago i said this whole situation needed a deadline for the good of everyone and you argued no it didn't. Do you still believe that to be the case?


IMO an arbitrary deadline at that stage would've made things even more fraught, and increased the liklihood of rushed unsatisfactory accomodations.

As things stand the big days are Tuesday + Wednesday next week and their immediate aftermaths. My view would now be that (assuming SFL clubs don't accept the compromise plan in principle next week) things should be resolved by mid-July.

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One presumes it may be an aggregated figure of all losses... TV, sponsorship, gates, etc. ... of which TV deal is £XM.

Yes, but the £16m figure was just too coincidental - more evidence of the lack of credible thought behind the proposal.

Edited by JBKillie
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^^^^^^^^^^^By god THIS 1,000,000 X over^^^^^^^^^^^^

I don't want newco in the 1st and believe they should be in the 3rd, but if we are to get blackmailed into accepting them and the SPL are so determined to make it so then give us 2 promotion places for 1 season only.

Feel free to claim this will be the way of it forever and then in 2013-2014 change it to 1 up and 3 in a playoff with SPL 2nd bottom.

If the SFL has to get screwed, then get screwed on our terms please.

The SFL will never get a better poker hand than the 1 we currently possess, just make sure you play it right eh.

They'll give SFL1 as many promotion places as they can to make sure Glasgow Sevco Newco come up at the first time of asking.

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IMO an arbitrary deadline at that stage would've made things even more fraught, and increased the liklihood of rushed unsatisfactory accomodations.

As things stand the big days are Tuesday + Wednesday next week and their immediate aftermaths. My view would now be that (assuming SFL clubs don't accept the compromise plan in principle next week) things should be resolved by mid-July.

Fair dos, thanks for replying.

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It was covered in the quality print press back when the saga began, but more recently St Mirren's statement earlier today states:

Did I imagine Sky saying they weren't pulling out?

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alex thomson@alextomoJust had an extraordinary conversation with a senior Hampden insider. They're inundated with angry fans demanding integrity.



Christ on a bike, he makes it sound like they're surprised. What the fuck did they expect? Are these people so isolated from the outside world, do they judge public opinion based on reading what's in the Record and the Sun? I despair when I think of the level of incompetence that exists within the Scottish footballing authorities.

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