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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Have been hearing a few bits and bobs. SFA will grant membership this week. The SFA want to give them membership so that they can chase them for the money from their fine.

The vote to take them in SFL 1 will take place and I've spoken to a few people involved with SFL clubs - none of them had any idea how it will go.

I believe that the plan for Rangers, if put to Div 3, would be to buy over Cowdenbeath - part of that buy out woould involve providing Cowden with a facility within 12/18 months good enough to meet SFL standards. Cowden woould then apply for Div 3, confident of beating the opposition as apparently only Spartans would be interested in applying AND ready to go now. Cove etc don't have a compliant ground for SFL and woudn't be ble to fix it for August. Spartans could be ready in time however due to previous negative press in the past, Cowden would be confident of taking the place, agreeing to ground share with Dunfermline for a season.

Donald Finlay is the key to this but an option ONLY if Rangers don't get in Div 1. I fully expect them to get in there myself.

What in the name of GOD are you drinking? "Been hearing a few bits and bobs" - from the voices in your head, mibbes.

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Would oor wullie and the broons get a free transfer if the post became a newco?

Daphne and Hen refuse to TUPE across - Maw and Paw devastated - The Bairn demands to know "who are these people?" - Bottom line -

The But 'n' Ben must stay open!laugh.gif

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Like many P&B Posters I've now written to all three of our Football authorities. I hope these guys listen otherwise my normal Sunday morning golf will also happen on a Saturday! But having caught up the thread and discovered the fecal nonsense printed in the Sunday Post and the similar keech written by Craig Burley I am getting depressed. Let's hope that supporter pressure makes these administrators see reason.

For what it's worth here's what I penned to the SFL

Dear Mr Longmuir,

Like your colleagues in the SFA and the SPL you have alas decided that the reborn Rangers should play in the SFL1.

A few weeks ago you indicated that this would not happen. You were right.

I am disillusioned and sickened that you now want to pander to a financial imperative that is diametrically opposed to any principle of fairness or even

handedness in the treatment of a new club. (Even Rangers fans don't want this solution!)

Rangers, in liquidation, have tragically disappeared through financial misadventures brought about by arrogance and the abuse of a position of power. They have gone and disgraced our national game.

Your actions are similar, displaying a vile and venal morality compounding the abandon of ethics that seems to be endemic in all three Scottish Football authorities. I have been a faithful spectator at football in Scotland since 1965, but I see no point in continuing when there is no level playing field for all clubs. That non Old Firm clubs rarely win a trophy was acceptable as there was the hope, the dream that it could happen. With your dreams of parachuting a new big club into SFL you destroy everybody else's hopes and render our football institutionally corrupt in favour of the Glasgow giants. Congratulations in confirming what we all suspected - that all other teams are the cannon fodder to be slaughtered for the preservation of the Old Firm.

Fine, my 47 years of going to Football will cease and I will go and play golf on a Saturday and enjoy foreign football on the Tv if the newco is accepted into SFL1.

Please find some moral fibre and insist that the new Rangers apply like any new club to the SFL. If that means that there is no "Rangers" for a year until they structure and rebuild so be it.The alternative is people like me quitting the old firm centric sport that is Scottish football.

Name and address supplied.

Whilst I agree with the sentiments in your letters sent to the people who make the decisions. I would like to point out there is no Old Firm you are complaining about this so called NewCo and the way they are being assisted to attain an unjustified position in whatever league (if any in my opinion) they are afforded. You make the same mistake the MSM make on a regular basis and casualy lump Celtic into the equation there is only one club who have done wrong here no other. Unless you are suggesting a new name for this wrongdoer in which case fine if not please desist using that term. I'm sure you will agree that Scottish Football will go on even without the wrongdoer despite rumours to the contrary being peddled by various outlets.

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I cant believe it has come to this but after much heartache and soul searching i have decided not to re-new my season ticket. I will pick and choose my games from now on. After talking to a couple of mates over the weekend i am seriously thinking of going to away games and staying away from Ibrox.

Sensible course of action No8.

What about the 12 million pound thread on RM?

Any substance there, you think?

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I cant believe it has come to this but after much heartache and soul searching i have decided not to re-new my season ticket. I will pick and choose my games from now on. After talking to a couple of mates over the weekend i am seriously thinking of going to away games and staying away from Ibrox. I don't mind any businessman making a profit but if the rumours of Green wanting between £17-£20 million for the club are true then i am finished with it...I wont give The Rangers 1 more penny!!

Listening to all the other consortiums talking about giving the club back to the fans. Are they serious? Have they never met My fat friend..Dingwall? The thought of him and his cronies running The Rangers makes my blood run cold.

Sad sad day and not a decision i have taken lightly. Now i have to tell my son and not looking forward to that as it is the 1 thing we do exclusively together..It has always been our time away from the women in the family.

No.8 You made me dribble my tomato soup over my (Royal) blue shirt!! I genuinely feel sorry for you. I have a pathological hatred for the OF, but I do know decent people from both sets.

Its hellish that ALL of this is potentially forcing numerous fans to walk away from their clubs.The anger at Thistle is now common knowledge, so they could be in deep doo da if they say yes to Newco.

Whatever set up your team are in, enjoy it and I hope your boy understands.

Im not in for destruction of Newco, just to go by the rules. Into applying for Div 3 is the only way to go, (As you have said yourself).

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As the cunning plan to put the newco in the 1st division looks like another no I fully expect a proposal of league reconstruction this week.It's totally crazy having every team holding off doing signings with only weeks to go before the season starts and they have to get an idea that most teams will accept which ensures the newco are back as soon as possible.

My guess would be a fudge of a bigger top league and two lower leagues with newco in the first division and money passed down to the second to sweeten the pill.

How any team can possibly plan with this chaos going on has to be sorted this week or we might as well close the whole thing down.

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I hope that all this recent camaraderie isn't unnerving you. Just think, in a few weeks time the new season will be underway and we can get back to our default positions of despising one another.

Having said that, if there's one profound change that has taken place as a direct result of this thread, it's that I now have a healthy respect for supporters of all diddy teams and especially for Kilmarnock supporters.

I really have learned a lot more about people during this fiasco and it has added positively to my life experience.

I know some decent, upstanding Rangers supporters who follow their team for all the right reasons and i feel for them at the moment. Unfortunately, the undesirable element that exists throughout their club, including owners, directors, management, staff and supporters makes me despair.

So, come the first game, let's get back to the rivalry, the banter, the passion and the inevitable debates but let's try our best to do it without malice.

For years I have been hoping that Kilmarnock would buckle under financial pressure (not very nice, I know). In a massive u-turn I now hope that Kilmarnock will, at the very least, keep their heads above water financially. I would hate Kilmarnock to hit the skids for fear that such a scenario would be followed by a media backlash to the effect that it has all been caused by the demise of Rangers. I hate the 'Scottish football needs a strong Rangers' argument and sincerely hope that any club's future misfortune does not cause the media to come out with this. Stuart Cosgrove was quite brilliant on the radio yesterday. He spoke about how ridiculous it was to try and win round the board of Forfar Athletic with talk of Sky money and Scotland's co-efficient. He was right to highlight how out of touch a lot of people are with regard to what makes SFL clubs tick. It reminded me of Doncaster's plan from last year. That was the plan that assumed that Rangers and Celtic colts (are colts not young horses?) would be welcomed into the SFL and that the lower league clubs would be happy with a regionalised set up. He misjudged the mood on both counts although it is beginning to look like Rangers horses colts may indeed be playing in the Third Division soon. Anyway, getting back to the original point, the last thing we want is a 'telt ye' scenario. Inevitably some clubs will feel the pinch but it is ghastly thought that the Record will interview old Rangers players saying that we were all warned and that we only have ourselves to blame. They would totally overlook the point that Rangers in their current form would hardly comprise much of a loss to the SPL or even the SFL for that matter. I mean can anybody name any of the Newco players who are actually box office?

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Guest Pampered Adolescent

CFC are a publicly listed company. The board of directors is legally bound to maximise profits for its shareholders. I don't seriously believe that you, one of the board's better CFC fans, actually think they're sitting back and waiting for this to pan out.

You, on the other hand, are an utter roaster, and probably actually believe this. What was your candle budget last season?

Thumper, I neither know what you do for a living, nor care what you do. The highlighted text is one of the most ill-informed things I have seen online in a while. Not all company's objectives (private or public sector) are to maximise profits. Do you think Oxfam's primary aim is to maximise profit? [if there ever was a rhetorical question, maybe this was it.....]

I am no Sellic apologist, for sure. Just don't happen to enjoy internet nuptermy when I am patiently waiting for the TV footy to come on....



PS Posting from Hohhot, Inner Mongolia where the minqe is succulent and the lamb is tight......!

Edited by Pampered Adolescent
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Whilst I agree with the sentiments in your letters sent to the people who make the decisions. I would like to point out there is no Old Firm you are complaining about this so called NewCo and the way they are being assisted to attain an unjustified position in whatever league (if any in my opinion) they are afforded. You make the same mistake the MSM make on a regular basis and casualy lump Celtic into the equation there is only one club who have done wrong here no other. Unless you are suggesting a new name for this wrongdoer in which case fine if not please desist using that term. I'm sure you will agree that Scottish Football will go on even without the wrongdoer despite rumours to the contrary being peddled by various outlets.

Nobody's accusing celtic of any wrongdoing.

What many are saying is that celtic and rangers have marketed themselves very successfully to the less than bright as the antitheses of each other. Without rangers to point at in whataboutery, celtic are going to have to change. Without rangers to help block reform, celtic are going to have to get used to a new balance of power in Scottish football. In simple terms, they're going to have to forget lording it over the rest of us.

So while your club have done no wrong in this case, previous strategic decisions including joint sponsorship deals and synchronised whoring yourselves to England/Atlantic/whoever have associated celtic with rangers over the years - and they have benefitted massively from their joint ventures.

Now rangers are dead, celtic are just another club, and will have to get used to it. No target for deflection of their fans' behaviour, no justification for claiming eternal victim status.

In summary, celtic have spent decades lying down with the dogs. Is it any wonder the majority of fans reckon they've got fleas?

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My latest email to Firhill. My last one didn't get a reply but need to keep the pressure up.


I write regarding the Rangers "situation". If I may speak frankly, the

thought of a newco Rangers---who at this moment in time barely exist

legally, never mind exist in a form able to play in the SFL---being

parachuted into the SFL1 absolutely sickens me. The thought that

Partick Thistle might be complicit in this farce makes me more

despondent about the club that I love than at any other point during

my years as a supporter (and I include Save The Jags in that).

The most recent proposal, to allow a newco Rangers to play in the

first division or else face the construction of an "SPL2", amounts to

little more than blackmail. As Turnbull Hutton puts it, it is, in

part, "designed to frighten". Some aspects of the proposal have some

merit, but they come at the expense of the integrity of the entirety

of Scottish football and as such should not be considered for even a


Recent statements by PTFC have done little to calm my fears. It pains

me to say it, but the boards of Clyde FC and Raith Rovers have taken a

stance which is admirable whilst the board of my own club appear to be

dithering---at best, doing nothing, and at worst, it appears,

considering supporting these ill thought out proposals that will, if

enacted, kill Scottish football.

As a new father, I was looking forward to a time when I would be able

to take my son to see the Jags. Instead, I face a scenario where I may

well walk away from Scottish football and Firhill forever.

Partick Thistle should not and must not back these proposals.


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1341165959[/url]' post='6391411']

I cant believe it has come to this but after much heartache and soul searching i have decided not to re-new my season ticket. I will pick and choose my games from now on. After talking to a couple of mates over the weekend i am seriously thinking of going to away games and staying away from Ibrox. I don't mind any businessman making a profit but if the rumours of Green wanting between £17-£20 million for the club are true then i am finished with it...I wont give The Rangers 1 more penny!!

Listening to all the other consortiums talking about giving the club back to the fans. Are they serious? Have they never met My fat friend..Dingwall? The thought of him and his cronies running The Rangers makes my blood run cold.

Sad sad day and not a decision i have taken lightly. Now i have to tell my son and not looking forward to that as it is the 1 thing we do exclusively together..It has always been our time away from the women in the family.

No 8 - you've achieved the impossible...I actually feel sorry for a 'The Rangers' fan! I hope that you enjoy the football, camaraderie and laughs on the journey from SFL 3

I remember when KIllie went down to the bottom tier, and I went to most away games, it was huge fun, and getting away days at grounds I had never been to before actually made following KIllie much more of a pleasure than it had been in a long time.

As an exiled KIllie fan who goes to matches with my 7 year old, I would also say that away games are much more fun as father-son time...

Finally I think you are right to 'walk away' from ibrox...the club you followed is now dead and being picked over by the shadiest bunch of crooks imaginable....again! In a couple of years you might have a new team to follow and the sectarian bigot element might have disappeared into whichever hole they crawled from in the first place, and a newco under proper management might even be enjoying its football and you can look people in the eye as you attempt to fairly win football matches.

Let's hope so at least

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I hope that all this recent camaraderie isn't unnerving you. Just think, in a few weeks time the new season will be underway and we can get back to our default positions of despising one another.

Having said that, if there's one profound change that has taken place as a direct result of this thread, it's that I now have a healthy respect for supporters of all diddy teams and especially for Kilmarnock supporters.

I really have learned a lot more about people during this fiasco and it has added positively to my life experience.

I know some decent, upstanding Rangers supporters who follow their team for all the right reasons and i feel for them at the moment. Unfortunately, the undesirable element that exists throughout their club, including owners, directors, management, staff and supporters makes me despair.

So, come the first game, let's get back to the rivalry, the banter, the passion and the inevitable debates but let's try our best to do it without malice.

I've learnt that there's a team called Ayr United. Who'd have guessed? :unsure:


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1341166826[/url]' post='6391451']

For years I have been hoping that Kilmarnock would buckle under financial pressure (not very nice, I know). In a massive u-turn I now hope that Kilmarnock will, at the very least, keep their heads above water financially. I would hate Kilmarnock to hit the skids for fear that such a scenario would be followed by a media backlash to the effect that it has all been caused by the demise of Rangers. I hate the 'Scottish football needs a strong Rangers' argument and sincerely hope that any club's future misfortune does not cause the media to come out with this.

Ah...but doesn't Ayrshire football need a strong KIllie? No? Ok then.


Edited by killiecanary
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Right. So first of all the sfa will admit them so they can chase them for the fine they gave to the old rangers- do you actually mean to transfer the old sfa membership, as a new member wouldn't be liable for the old ones crimes?

As for Cowden I assume that sevco wouldnt bother applying to sfl3 and would just buy them. With what exactly? Cowden would then apply to sfl3 with no guarantee of getting in, and would groundshare with a club who haven't been backward in coming forward with their thoughts about the whole affair.

But apart from that it's all good......

I've posted several times before the SFL rule against transfer of membership. It would certainly require a 75% majority to remove this from the constitution.

And if you compare Spartans facilities against Central Park, not obvious that a Cowdenbeath newco would be elected to the SFL.

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I cant believe it has come to this but after much heartache and soul searching i have decided not to re-new my season ticket. I will pick and choose my games from now on. After talking to a couple of mates over the weekend i am seriously thinking of going to away games and staying away from Ibrox. I don't mind any businessman making a profit but if the rumours of Green wanting between £17-£20 million for the club are true then i am finished with it...I wont give The Rangers 1 more penny!!

Listening to all the other consortiums talking about giving the club back to the fans. Are they serious? Have they never met My fat friend..Dingwall? The thought of him and his cronies running The Rangers makes my blood run cold.

Sad sad day and not a decision i have taken lightly. Now i have to tell my son and not looking forward to that as it is the 1 thing we do exclusively together..It has always been our time away from the women in the family.

Was Dingwall and John Brown in that RFFF bid together?

It didn't seem to amount to anything more than threats from crazed Rangers fans unless Green handed over the the Sevco keys and beat it.

I doubt Green will get £17 million unless they are in the SPL which I think will be at least 3 years from now.

If he sold it for £17 million after getting them to the SPL in 3 seasons would you still grudge him it?

IMO Green will be making big loses when they are out of the SPL with Ibrox running costs and Elbows on £16,000 a week.

Tuesday and Wednesday will be interesting to see what Green does if The Rangers start in the 3rd.

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The statement is still valid and holds sway; oh yes the game has moved on, forcing the other clubs to reveal their hands .. my point exactly.

(3 months plus later before the others clubs start deciding what public statements they would like to release because their fans DEMAND it)

1. Celtic made their position clear in February that they do not need Rangers

2. Other SPL clubs wait until their fans are ranting about returning their season tickets before issuing a statement.

Speaks volumes.

There's a world of difference between spouting some rhetoric about being able to survive without Rangers, and confirming that they would not vote a newco Rangers into the SPL.

A world of difference.

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I've learnt that there's a team called Ayr United. Who'd have guessed? :unsure:


You should be grateful that we let you share our name.;)

Edit to add: Forza Italia !!!!!!! (random, I know )

Edited by Cutty Old
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I honestly can't see the SFL trying to find a way to weasel a Sevco XI straight into Div 1. As news of that scam broke, the very idea of it became just as toxic as the original thought that a newco club would start life in the top flight.

I know, I know - there's always a nagging feeling that underhand shenanigans will see 'Rangers' escape natural justice, simply because they are the people, and the big.... aye, whatever.

I have zero confindence in our administrators, and think at least three or four high heid' yins' need their jotters - but I think the idea of a Charles Green newco being greased into a higher division than they should be has now been so discredited that it cannot happen without Scottish football going into meltdown.

Just about this. The fact that the 'Sunday Times' has the SPL's new 'plan' as consisting of 'start SPL2 and invite previously interested clubs' gives the game away. SFL1 clubs were interested in a form of SPL2 - but not this blatant attempt at bribery. The authorities have put not even the slightest cover on their plans to shoehorn Sevco into an undeserving place.

Unless they trick the rules (and with that, would undoubtedly provoke meltdown) then they're fucked. They can even try and argue about the SFL's 50%/75% majority all they want: the more the authorities put pressure on these clubs, the more likely they are to resist. As it stands, SPL2 is not viable if prominent Nos such as Dunfermline, Raith and Morton stand their ground.

IMO Green will be making big loses when they are out of the SPL with Ibrox running costs and Elbows on £16,000 a week.

Tuesday and Wednesday will be interesting to see what Green does if The Rangers start in the 3rd.

Green has already hived off the assets. Once the shit hits the fan, Green will walk away from Sevco 5088 with his phantom investment more than returned, Sevco Scotland (Green) will own their assets, and he'll charge them for use.

Edited by vikingTON
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Well, wer'e all about to head off for 90 mins and watch top class (hopefully) football on the sofa or in the pub. Possibly with a beer in hand.

It should be good, but it's not fitba' is it?

We don't really care who wins, we have no emotional tie in to the teams and we'll never turn up to watch them on a ****ing down November night and shout "Ballotelli, you're mince tonight - get aff".

What this tread and diddy fans have shown is that there is more, much more to football than the glossy football porn that comes from the EPL / Euros / WC. I often feel the pundits simply don't get it. They think it's all about TV and the winners and in Scotland are more often than not OF veterans. When was the last time we had a ex-player pundit /columnist who hadn't played for the OF at one stage. Pat Nevin?

We care about the game, we care about fairness and we care about our teams, cr*p players and all. We want one set of rules, so we know where we stand. And we don't like things being bent for the OF.

Perhaps the MSM are now starting to hear us. They must always have wondered who these people were in the ground when the OF played away.

The Euros have been good, but roll on next season and a proper Peh (with broon sauce) with a luke-warm Bovril.

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I know it's a few pages ago, but I've been out all day and I'm just catching up.

Tell you what though, Denbhoy is making a complete and utter shop front of himself today tho eh?

As I say, I'm about fifteen pages back just now, so he may well have redeemed himself by now.

....not lookin good so far tho!

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