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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Like I said get a grip, SKY has no obligation whatsoever to just 'cough up' more. SKY bid for the rights (same as all the broadcasters) and it's up to the SPL/clubs to reject or accept that offer. PERIOD

Sky bases it's bid on what is worth to them commercially and expect to make a profit.

Nothing you have said changes SKY's obligation and they are certainly not the guardians nor protectors of Scottish football.

Consumer Power .. so why have you done nothing .. that changes the argument how?

Stating Scotland is one tenth the size of England so it is proportionally fair to get a matching percentage is ludicrous. Man United v Man City Arsenal v Spurs Newcastle v Sunderland Liverpool v Everton Chelsea ... etc etc .. even the like of Wigan etc produce good games.

If only we had SKY money St Johnstone v Ross County would be pulling in the punters, upgrading the stadiums, turning out a fantastic product .. blah blah .. REALLY ??? (Apologies to both teams fans, I mean no disrespect as I am only pointing out the reality to the fantasists on here)

The English clubs have had punters in through their turnstyles for years and built their product up long before SKY money came along.

You can blame Sky all you like .. but the bottom line is the fans do not turn up in enough numbers to support their teams within Scottish football to make it viable.

As for the financial aspect, Sky obviously recoup their money from advertising as well as subscriptions and selling space at a premium for some of the Scottish games is probably a tad difficult.

So as I said .. it's not Sky's problem or responsibility no matter how you want to window dress it,

It is not that Rangers have capitulated that our game faces dire times ahead is it ? is it not the fact that SKY may or will reduce our income stream that is now the MAIN problem ?.

You enjoy your EPL football then,there's plenty of people like you happy to spunk millions as a whole into the EPL will our game suffers through a poor deal.And when it gets to the point that Celtic will collapse further as each passing year as you spunk more money into the EPL and SKY take more from what could have went into our game.What will you do then ? threaten to cancel your SKY deal when it's way too late to do something.

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Looks like Accies' Chairman Les Gray is going to vote in favour of Rangers.

Very embarrassing for the fans who are 95% against.

Nobody give a shit about diddy fans, not even their own Club...

I've never liked Hamilton.

If he votes Sevco into the 1st then I will never be back to Hamilton.

Well I play football at the Palace Grounds but apart from that NEVER!!!

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ffs, Orcs complaining about the media :o



One wonders how we arrived at a point where individuals hatred is so intense that damage (a damage which some have warned may prove fatal) to your own is acceptable collateral damage in order to inflict further pain on Rangers ?

It was in 1933 that Hitler set up his “Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda or Propagandaministerium” - Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda under the command of Joseph Goebbels. Its remit and strategy were simple but effective - Propaganda for the masses had to be simple, and appeal to the emotions. To maintain its simplicity, it had to put over just a few main points, which then had to be repeated many times.

As Goebbels observed....

"The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it."

You don't need to search too far to find evidence of such a strategy in practice, a quick look at some of the Scottish news outlets provides us with a wealth of evidence.

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This might seem far-fetched but I wonder if Bomber Brown has inadvertently rumbled Green and H/D.

On the deeds thing? I doubt it, on the registrars of Scotland website, there is a pending transfer application for the deeds to all Rangers property (the training ground, ibrox and related buildings) from Rangers Football Club LTD to Sevco Scotland. It's not unusual for actual deeds not to be updated online for a couple of weeks (it's a quasi-government department)

The Ibrox transfer of deed application is number 12GLA16376 in case you're curious.

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NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde one of the largest health board in Europe has the same budget as the likes of NHS Cumbria which has 1/2 the population.


Also if the BBC sacked Chick Young I'd feel better.

IS NHS not an function devolved to the Scottish Assembly or have I slept through a change in its status?

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IS NHS not an function devolved to the Scottish Assembly or have I slept through a change in its status?

Kinda. I think we get telt what our budget is for the year and we need to spread it out as best we can but the actual totals spent is still Westminster controlled*

*this is what my sister telt me and she talks shite a lot so don't take it as gospel.

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Looks like Accies' Chairman Les Gray is going to vote in favour of Rangers.

Very embarrassing for the fans who are 95% against.

Nobody give a shit about diddy fans, not even their own Club...

Looks like his name will soon be mud....

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OOPS ! foot n mooth syndrome from me then ! AGAIN !.:oops

I would expect that money to be ring fenced.After all £1.8 million isn't a lot of money is it for 30 clubs ?.

I suppose the real part of my rant was for the media to start harassing SKY to fork out what we as a nation are due from sales of SKY products,instead of the doom and gloom scenario they are spouting.

Rangers death and SKY putting the boot in by threatening to reduce the TV revenue is the real problem here and not just because Rangers died.If SKY were to maintain the current deal then the threat of Scottish football collapsing would not be in question.Why aren't these journalists not highlighting the real problem ? SKY !.

The real problem for SKY if they help kill off our game and have an angry nation pissed at them for doing so.They will be left with an empty program schedule and that means that they will lose more in advertising revenue.They might put on something else but will lose out on major companies in revenue as the core audience ( US ) will have gone and will most likely give up our sports packages as a result and worse cancel all SKY packages for killing our game.

It's not the death of Rangers it's the threat from SKY that is threatening our game as a whole,and if these arseholes in the media were to pick up on this the whole of Scotland's media could put REAL PRESSURE upon SKY to do the right thing and fund our game comfortably.

As a result of a piss poor TV deal SKY are maintaining a system that every year robs the SPL of keeping it's players on long well paid contracts in Scotland.But SKY are making the divide for funding between the EPL and SPL much larger and with every new SKY contract,it is harder for SPL clubs to keep their star players because the English leagues have more money and can easily bribe ours.

If the media started a national outrage towards SKY on their unfairness towards Scottish football and is threatening our game as a whole they would bow to national pressure.They could headline "WE WANT A FAIR DEAL FROM THE MONEY WE IN SCOTLAND PAY SKY" and other headline like "SKY STAND TO LOSE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS EACH YEAR FROM DISILLUSIONED CUSTOMERS IN SCOTLAND" and many more to pressure SKY to cough up.

You all argue about fairness in Scottish football in general on here and pick on the OF as they have had a strangle hold ! broken now.But no-one has actually highlighted the real problem for Scottish Football RIGHT NOW outwith the OF's grip at the moment ! SKY !.The SFA ain't applying public pressure to get what we deserve from SKY,the media ain't doing nothing other than get the newco back into the SPL and only sell doom and gloom instead of applying pressure to get SKY pay our football what it's due proportionally.

SKY is the fucking problem here and not the death of Rangers,they are threatening to do worse to our WHOLE GAME with an even poorer pisspot deal if them cheating phoenix tax dodging B*stards aren't back in the SPL ASAP.


I have just reached this post, so do not know whether anyone else has responded. But this to me is the crux of the matter. The SPL can only be cacking themselves because SKY have threatened to pull the plug or renegotiate on vastly reduced terms. I am not sure why there has not been more focus on this and pressure applied to Sky.

The truth is Sky pay us peanuts as it is and there should be a more vocal and concentrated effort to bring to their attention just how many will cancel their annual subs.

Make no mistake the Newco is a side show to the TV deal.

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If the stuff on B&W Army is accurate then the game is officially a bogey. Gilmour essentially stating that he's happy to vote yes to newco on the grounds that he'd never actually bothered to consider reading the terms under which the SPL's sponsors could walk away, and it turns out that the SPL (despite the OF having threatened for over a decade to move to England) negotiated no-OF release clauses in every one of its sponsorship deals.

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