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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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When this is over we need to compile a list of good guys versus wanks in Scottish football, and drive the latter out.

Yes, nothing like a good old Stalinist purge to help bring all parties together after a crisis is there? dry.gif

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I've been away in Belgium the past week and haven't been able to access my internet so I'm probably a fair bit behind with developments. And since this topic seems to be where I can learn the most I was wondering if anyone could give me some kind of brief recap of what's happened since last Tuesday?

Outright blackmail of SFL clubs.

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I've been following this for a while. Haven't posted before as I have to admit to not being a supporter of ANY team as such - I just like the spectacle of football in general and to see people enjoying themselves. One thing that strikes me in all of this though is that to those 'in power' ,'Rangers' is probably no more than a commodity: a cash cow. I doubt if there is any real loyalty - more self preservation and protectionism towards a source of cash flow, and any rule bending/breaking/bonfire-of-the-rule-book is motivated by the £££ of the status-quo rather than two hoots about the team itself: a far more powerful motivator than team loyalty or prejudice. In short, football has become two starkly different things to the two basic groups that make up the game: those who control it and those who follow it. It is fatally split along the fault line between business and sport, and laid bare for all to see. My feeling is that those who control it (with a few exceptions, but not enough to make a difference) will happily pay lip service to the fans... until their own interests are jeopardised. This has now happened. I can only see this ending in a very shabby compromise in which NO fans (including those of The Rangers) will benefit. The ba's burst: it is on the slates and singin' with the choir invisible. Football The Business has shown its true face and will do everything it can to subdue Football The Sport. The unhappiness of the alliance is made public and the comfy illusion of years broken. I don't think things can go back to how they were. This genie's well and truly out the bottle and maybe it is time to start all over again and roll back to the unpoisoned game. 'mon the juniors.

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It has been some time since I have felt this much pride in the Rovers. At the start of all this I had stated that if Rangers were treated in anyway different to how any other club (except Celtic) would've been treated then I wouldn't be back.

I take this back.... as it seems we will either be:

1. Playing in an SFL set-up whereby Sevco have applied for entry at the 3rd division and their application been approved/ rejected against the merits of other applicants


2. Rovers turfed into some footballing backwater with integrity intact.

Either way I will be holding a season ticket, new strip, new scarf, new mug, fiver worth of 50-50's each game, programme each game, pie and bov...... you get the picture!

Turnbull Hutton is an absolute legend!

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Dundee join Airdrie in abstaining.

Let's get his right. What's the SFL Motion going to be? Do you want Rangers in SFL First/Third Division? And it has to be 23 for. So abstensions count against the Rangers. That's my reading of it.

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Traynor HAS to be forced out when this is over.

Why? He's the Retard's version of Adrian Durham. He's not even very good at that though. You can't imagine his bosses can be too happy at how far off the mark he is - unless what he writes is intended to appeal to a target audience and increase sales. But that wouldn't ever be the case, would it?!

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It could of been a good negotiating ploy from some clubs. telling fans that they were voting no to Newco and therefore fans started buying season tickets, merchandise etc and also stopped the constant flow of emails, calls etc calling on them to vote no.

The spotlight left the SPL clubs and moved to SFL clubs and some of them could then negotiate with Rangers away from prying eyes, they need 7 votes along with their own, more importantly they just need to keep No votes to 4. If you count Hearts as a No no matter what as Romanov is unreliable and I feel Celtic is a yes. They need just 6 more clubs throw in Killie and pressure on the highland 2 plus St Johnstone and St Mirren. Motherwell and Dundee Utd with known financial difficulties. Slowly but surely Green could work his way through the clubs.

Also don't discount what each of the clubs banks are telling them in relation to financial guarantees, overdrafts, loans etc and how many of their business plans count on Rangers being in the SPL. and the SKY money The screw could of been slowly tightened.

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Why? He's the Retard's version of Adrian Durham. He's not even very good at that though. You can't imagine his bosses can be too happy at how far off the mark he is - unless what he writes is intended to appeal to a target audience and increase sales. But that wouldn't ever be the case, would it?!

He doesn't deserve to make a living out of football.. simple as that mate.

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How about answering: I'll use my season ticket money, my time club together with like minded souls, get together and see what we can do about getting rid of the festering parasites with a view to building a brave new world as opposed to; 'Natch' I'll feck off and join the crowd next door (the ones being accused of nicking all the SKY money in the first place).

As for the last comment - come on is that the best you can really do?

(Edit: I know you're one of the good guys; but seriously I come on here for a laugh, wind a few up, express a few opinions - nothing less and nothing more .. I'm not on here to boost my ego or validate myself)

I don't give a fcuk what you think of my plan. I've done my bit for my club for 36 years. I've been a Newcastle fan since the days of open terracing and just before Gascoigne and Waddle appeared on the scene. I try to get down to St James Park as often as possible. I don't know, maybe I won't go so far as to spend it on an ST. I'm going down to Wembley again for the NFL and taking out corporate hospitality again. It's not cheap, but it's a fantastic day. Maybe I could use the money to help go over to New York and take in a Jets or Giants game. Maybe I'll buy a new set of Callaway irons. Maybe I'll just buy more DVDs and CDs (before downloads wipe them off the face of the earth forever). Maybe I'll buy more tickets for the likes of Springsteen, Costello, Noel Gallagher and Rush...

Maybe I'll decide what to do with my hard-earned that doesn't involve giving it to a corrupt and rigged 'sporting competition' like the SPL, which exists solely for two member clubs.

Whatever I decide to do, I'll be happy in my heart that it is the right decision.

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Dundee join Airdrie in abstaining.

Let's get his right. What's the SFL Motion going to be? Do you want Rangers in SFL First/Third Division? And it has to be 23 for. So abstensions count against the Rangers. That's my reading of it.

As far as I understand the rules, yes. An abstention is as good as a "No" vote.

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Why? He's the Retard's version of Adrian Durham. He's not even very good at that though. You can't imagine his bosses can be too happy at how far off the mark he is - unless what he writes is intended to appeal to a target audience and increase sales. But that wouldn't ever be the case, would it?!

Exactly. Traynor's job is to help the Record sell papers. Sensationalist stories do that. If people want serious sports journalism, they're looking in the wrong place. The Scotsman is a good place to start, especially as they have no agenda when it comes to the Old Firm, being an Edinburgh-oriented paper.

I wonder by how much the Record's circulation would fall if Rangers ceased to exist. How many of their fans buy that rag every morning? The pro-Rangers stories are nothing but a desperate attempt to keep a collection of spotty oiks in work, slightly flawed as print journalism is heading for a deserved extinction anyway.

Their circulation has plummeted in the past decade, it's half what it was in 2000. Nae luck ya bunch of wanks.

Edited by Jim Leighton
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How can we get through to the Record without having a Facebook account? Anybody tried to point out to them their pro-Rangers stance will cost them a lot of readers?

Ha ha!

Especially since the Orcs hate the Record too.

Or the Rhecord as called on RM and FF.

They also think Traynor is against them.

Just goes to show, either they (at the Record) are all unbiased or quislings,

or just shite.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Followed this whole Newco saga for many weeks now. Have heard all the Scottish perspectives but one area that has not been explored is how the whole situation is viewed by English and Welsh fans, probably because views from south of the border are not particularly important. However, thought it would be of interest to you guys to hear a different take on things. The reason why I have listed Raith Rovers as my club is because of the stance of the Raith chairman Turnbull Hutton. Somebody asked earlier why he was so different to the other chairman - the simple answer to this is leadership. He has had the integrity to stand up and state what everyone else is thinking, despite the knowledge that the whole newco saga could potentially have a negative impact on his club. It is fantastic to see the response of supporters of other clubs saying that they will go to Raith's pre season friendlies or donate money to the club. It would be truly fitting if the stance for integrity shown by Raith Rovers actually yielded financial reward.

I have never been to a Scottish game but am travelling up to Mintlaw at the end of November. If Raith are at home, I will go to their game. If not, I will try and attend another of the clubs who lead the way on the newco issue - whether it be Hearts,or Peterhead.

People seem to be under the impression that the interest in the SPL is being jeopardised by kicking 'Rangers' out. However, I can assure you that from south of the border I have perceived the SPL to have become increasingly boring over recent years, something that was inevitably going to happen after the instigation of the 11-1 voting structure. The current issues have actually reignited an interest in Scottish football that had long since died. However, should the newco be allowed to do anything other than apply for SPL3 along with any other potential applicants, or be thrown out altogether, it is an interest that would rapidly die again. If newco are forced to go through the proper procedures however, which will have implications on the dominance and control of Celtic, Scotland may well have a competitive championship again in three or four years.

Let's hope the chairman follow Hutton's lead and do the right thing.

nb I am a Sheffield United and Newport County supporter so I know a thing or two about what is going on. Newport were forced down to the Hellenic League after being liquidated (yes, most of you will have to look that up because the league is so low that only local folk in southwest England have heard of it) and Sheffield United of course are all too familiar with Charles Green. Indeed, I remember a representative of the Sheffield United supporters club doing an interview with Charles Green at the point when his name first came to light - it did not hold Green in a positive light!!

Edited by WelshCelt2011
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Yes, nothing like a good old Stalinist purge to help bring all parties together after a crisis is there? dry.gif

Don't know about bringing parties together put a purge is definitely necessary.

Joseph Stalin = good guy

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Why? He's the Retard's version of Adrian Durham. He's not even very good at that though. You can't imagine his bosses can be too happy at how far off the mark he is - unless what he writes is intended to appeal to a target audience and increase sales. But that wouldn't ever be the case, would it?!

Not a problem with him staying with the Record. It's got to s stage now where only one type of Football fan will take his writings seriously, in a "news" paper that everybody now know what they are all about.

However, he has to be moved on from the BBC. For the past few years his phone-in nonsense has been given pride of place on BBC Spostsound. Instead of interviews with all the managers across the Leagues like we used to get after the games on a Saturday, we hear from GREEN and BLUE before hurriedly moving on to Traynor's Your Call.

Surely after all his pish they can't still try and justify his place in their schedule?

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