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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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How about answering: I'll use my season ticket money, my time club together with like minded souls, get together and see what we can do about getting rid of the festering parasites with a view to building a brave new world as opposed to; 'Natch' I'll feck off and join the crowd next door (the ones being accused of nicking all the SKY money in the first place).

As for the last comment - come on is that the best you can really do?

(Edit: I know you're one of the good guys; but seriously I come on here for a laugh, wind a few up, express a few opinions - nothing less and nothing more .. I'm not on here to boost my ego or validate myself)

Edit2: afterthought:

Do you mean 'paying season money all these years and attending matches' is fighting?

When you say 'continue to fight' what exactly are you referring to?

The fact is that if SevcoFC get back in (anywhere other than the third division [which is a travesty in itself]) they are in. Back for good. That, for me, would mean the baw was burst. The 'fight' was over. Once the deed has been done there would be no way we could ever reverse it.

That's why I think that Poz's attitude is spot on. If the powers that be shaft us with this, is there honestly anything else left for us to do?

They've won. We've lost.

...and by 'fighting', I mean everything that's been done so far, since Feb 14th. All the concentrated efforts wee made to ensure the powers that be know exactly what we feel. Perhaps you're right Dhen, perhaps 'fighting' wasnae the right word to use.

Lastly, cheers for labelling me as a decent guy on here. I'd say the same about you...well, youre as decent as a Celtic fan can be ;-)

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I don't give a fcuk what you think of my plan. I've done my bit for my club for 36 years. I've been a Newcastle fan since the days of open terracing and just before Gascoigne and Waddle appeared on the scene. I try to get down to St James Park as often as possible. I don't know, maybe I won't go so far as to spend it on an ST. I'm going down to Wembley again for the NFL and taking out corporate hospitality again. It's not cheap, but it's a fantastic day. Maybe I could use the money to help go over to New York and take in a Jets or Giants game. Maybe I'll buy a new set of Callaway irons. Maybe I'll just buy more DVDs and CDs (before downloads wipe them off the face of the earth forever). Maybe I'll buy more tickets for the likes of Springsteen, Costello, Noel Gallagher and Rush...

Maybe I'll decide what to do with my hard-earned that doesn't involve giving it to a corrupt and rigged 'sporting competition' like the SPL, which exists solely for two member clubs.

Whatever I decide to do, I'll be happy in my heart that it is the right decision.

You'll need all your ST money to buy a couple of tickets for the next tour!!!

I'll be giving it a miss.

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All this shite about them staying in the SPL, or going into the 1st, IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN.

Remember when we were all waiting for the CVA decision, the media were reporting that it would be accepted and everything would be fine. And look what happened there.

This is just their final push, to try and keep the myth alive. Keep the faith people. Honesty and integrity will prevail.

Edited by Jagsman411971
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I'm sure jim traynor thinks turnbull hutton is either a 14 year old keyboard warrior or a self publicising fanny.

Traynor is of course an apologist who is fighting for his job.

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People on this thread working themselves into a frenzy at the moment. I believe there are enough good, honest and intelligent people in the SFL clubs to do the right thing. Do we really think they're a bunch of simpletons that are going to believe everything Doncaster and Longmuir tell them. The signs are they have more sense and more integrity.

Equally in the SPL I'm sure there are meetings and lobbying going on behind closed doors, anyone who doesn't believe that is naive. But colours have been pinned to the mast by too many club chairmen now. Can't see them being swayed.

Stop being so fucking negative. We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Aye, right you are Franklin. Ex American Presidents famous quotes forum for this pish.

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You'll need all your ST money to buy a couple of tickets for the next tour!!!

I'll be giving it a miss.

How much do the tickets go for now? I went to see them in the early eighties and I think the ticket was about a tenner.

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I don't give a fcuk what you think of my plan. I've done my bit for my club for 36 years. I've been a Newcastle fan since the days of open terracing and just before Gascoigne and Waddle appeared on the scene. I try to get down to St James Park as often as possible. I don't know, maybe I won't go so far as to spend it on an ST. I'm going down to Wembley again for the NFL and taking out corporate hospitality again. It's not cheap, but it's a fantastic day. Maybe I could use the money to help go over to New York and take in a Jets or Giants game. Maybe I'll buy a new set of Callaway irons. Maybe I'll just buy more DVDs and CDs (before downloads wipe them off the face of the earth forever). Maybe I'll buy more tickets for the likes of Springsteen, Costello, Noel Gallagher and Rush...

Maybe I'll decide what to do with my hard-earned that doesn't involve giving it to a corrupt and rigged 'sporting competition' like the SPL, which exists solely for two member clubs.

Whatever I decide to do, I'll be happy in my heart that it is the right decision.

Can I borrow twenty quid? :ph34r:

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I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices cried out in anger and were hosed down in bullshit and corporate speak.

@bbcjimspence - Neil Doncaster about to start presentation to SFL.

Oh, that'd explain it......

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Is he? He's been the most outspoken about it, but with the sole exception of the Kilmarnock bloke, everyone is leaning to a greater or lesser degree in the same direction.

Johnston's actually made some (relatively) encouraging noises in the last week as fans' opposition has pressured him to do so. The one who's relly grinding my gears is the trappist monk in charge at rangers' business partners. mad.gif

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Apologies if this is a duplicate but this thread moves so fast

Statement from East Fife

East Fife FC want to make clear our views on the current “Newco” situation as it relates to SFL membership. We have taken into account the views of over 500 of our supporters who responded to our survey.

We retain an open mind on the subject of league reconstruction, and will carefully consider any proposal put to us in this regard. The board of directors of East Fife FC, however, is unanimous in its view that we shall not support any integrated plan that in our view compromises sporting integrity by involving the admission of any ‘Newco’ directly into Division One. Any “Newco” must follow the normal application route into the bottom tier.

Sid Collumbine

Chairman, East Fife FC

Pwoud, vewy pwoud.... :)

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Chicks view from 2002

"When they conduct the post-mortem on the death of the once-beautiful game in this country, there will be only one verdict: suicide.

The killing of Scottish football will be self-inflicted. But it won't have fallen on a sword or swallowed an overdose.

This is death by financial strangulation - and it put the noose around its own neck.

What have we done to the old man? For 100 years, he strode along fit and healthy and financially stable, but now he is all but battered into submission, ready to give up the ghost and I don't know whether to be angry or sad....

But I have a problem with clubs who can eject their debt by going into administration and then resume normal service in the same division while former employees - and not just players - are left drowning in a sea of debt. It is morally wrong. "

My, my Mr Young. How one's opinion changes over time..

John McVeigh is a tit

That's a great find - his nose should be well and truly rubbed in that article !

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How much do the tickets go for now? I went to see them in the early eighties and I think the ticket was about a tenner.

£75 i'm sure. I've seen them every tour since 1979 but they're really taking the piss with that price.

Back on topic I have several away West Ham games planned and wont give scottish football a second thought while I enjoy a proper game.

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Abstentions do not count against or for in a majority vote .. If all but three teams abstain and then two teams vote YES .. they are in by two votes to one.

That's my reading of it ... Lets say they had 22 voting YES, 5 vote NO and the rest abstain. What exactly is the result then?

(I am presuming that the rules state a simple majority)

I'm pretty sure I read on Twitter earlier that both Dundee and Airdrie were to vote 'No' today.

It would appear I am dyslexic :unsure:

Edited by DeeGeeOneHamer
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I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices cried out in anger and were hosed down in bullshit and corporate speak.

@bbcjimspence - Neil Doncaster about to start presentation to SFL.

Oh, that'd explain it......

Hi Diddies!

Neil here to tell you you're all f*cked if you don't allow Rangers into the First Division. F*cked. Dead. Gone. Football is over because we will lose lots of money. Money. It's all about the money, money, money. Honey. Did I mentioned the inevitable FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON?

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May seem like a daft question but given all the talk of shoddy journalism, are there any journos who have come out of this whole debacle with some dignity? I think Alex Thomson of Channel 4 News has been excellent all along, fair, accurate as it's possible to be with the secrecy surronding the whole thing and apart from being a little bit naive at the beginning is the only person I've seen cover this debacle with anything remotely close to fairness.

I occasionally read the latest nonsense from the Record website, nothing more needs said about them; I sometimes read the Herald or Scotsman website and their coverage has been patchy at best and dishonest at worst. The English press is barely interested in Scotland at the best of times, so Groan, Times, Telegraph etc coverage has been weak.

I get BBC, Ch4 etc here but don't get the regional news so may be doing those at BBC Scotland or STV a disservice, although somehow I doubt it, but it seems that almost everyone involved either has an agenda to push or can't even be arsed doing any sort of actual journalistic research and report on the facts. I would appreciate if anyone could point me in the direction of people who have actually done their job and reported the facts.

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Financial Armageddon, to quote the CockWomble.

What a truly inept job he has done in the day to day management of an organisation if his entire business plan is structures around 2 out of 12 football clubs. He has to be the worst football administrator of all time and that takes some beating when you think of Gordon Smith, our own Willie Harkness the Steedman boys.

That gibbonmule is standing up in front of 30 SFL clubs, woeful haircut gelled within and inch of its life, begging for his job, the indignity would have seen most people walk away by now.

Then there is Regan, who has failed miserably to show any sort of leadership of a NATIONAL governing body, he'll be churning out the same self pitying bullshit.

1998... It'll be 2098 before we see Scotland in any major championship football again.

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News Archive

03 July 2012


genericnews.jpgThere has been a good deal of press speculation in advance of tomorrow’s meeting of the SPL clubs with regard to how each club will cast their vote in relation to the newco Rangers application to join the SPL.

For avoidance of doubt, the club’s position remains as per the statement which was issued by the club on Monday 25 June confirming that the Club will not be supporting the application.

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