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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Right, lets say I approach two people with the same offer.

Man 1 :- "Excuse me, can I shag your wife please? I will pay you £100"

Answer :- "No, f**k off. Under no circumstances will I sell my wife's body"

Man 2:- ""Excuse me, can I shag your wife please? I will pay you £100"

Answer :- "I've considered your proposal, and in its current form it isn't acceptable"

In the name of transparency I demand to know who these men are and what their wives look like (well Man 2 anyway).

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All we said is the offer on the table is unacceptable, what's wrong with that?

It's not like they're going to improve on it.

We were made an offer and out of respect read it, thought it through and rejected it.

Some of you drama queens need to get a grip.

The real criminals here are the quiet ones, at least we had the balls to have our say.

See this is where all the clubs need to stay together.

Alot of in-fighting on here between us diddy fans, its only playing into Sevco's hands.

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All we need is more intimidation with no clear way forward for 'ambitious' clubs, and for the SPL to cling to the delusion that an unauthorised SPL2 is going to happen. As much as SFL1 clubs would normally sell their own mother for more money and more promotion slots, immediately disavowing the SFL's decision with a breakaway league would be an untenable position, particularly among their fans.

I hope you are right, but I worry that you underplay the amount of self-interest at work.

I can see an "arm round the shoulder" type conversation happening with the "amitious" clubs at the top of the SFL ladder, with promises of much greater shares of revenues if they separate themselves from the chaff.

It's all the SPL have left. They can't win a vote at SFL level to shoehorn Zombiehuns into Div One. This has to be their gambit.

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Have to reckon SPL have pissed off too many clubs in the first division alone for these proposals. With Raith, the Pars, Cowden, Morton and Livi all saying no so far, as well as Falkirk, and with the proposals also providing very little for those in the two leagues below you (where further clubs have also said no) then you have to wonder how big a concession they'd be making to create SPL2 if a No vote goes through. Who will they ask to break away when you're largely looking at the majority of first division clubs saying no anyway?

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Why is this still in SPL chat btw? Surely this should be shifted to misc football chat, or the sevco vs celtic forum now, considering they're now no longer an SPL club in any form?

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Great tune, car crash of a programme.

Gordon Dalziel and John Brown, f**k me, I feel like I should be part of Mensa listening to those nuggets.

Just listened to the first 10 minutes there. Thought my ears were going to start bleeding. I really hope Bomber takes over at newco, it would be a better day than today. :lol:

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I hope you are right, but I worry that you underplay the amount of self-interest at work.

I can see an "arm round the shoulder" type conversation happening with the "amitious" clubs at the top of the SFL ladder, with promises of much greater shares of revenues if they separate themselves from the chaff.

It's all the SPL have left. They can't win a vote at SFL level to shoehorn Zombiehuns into Div One. This has to be their gambit.

Undoubtedly. But then again, they threw away possibly their biggest gambit today by holding a vote in the first place. They could have tried their endless delaying trick until the SFL document had been discussed and voted upon. Had the SFL clubs said 'No' they'd have led Sevco into the SPL with penalties.

Hopefully, and I have the feeling things are going this way, the SFA and SPL are sleepwalking into a 'No' vote. The document published, if intended to be a sweetener, had the reverse effect and actually hardened opposition to their plans. Now the SFL clubs actually hold almost all the cards, and at least some have declared their nerve to stick. Quite a few of them are First Division clubs too.

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Right, lets say I approach two people with the same offer.

Man 1 :- "Excuse me, can I shag your wife please? I will pay you £100"

Answer :- "No, f**k off. Under no circumstances will I sell my wife's body"

Man 2:- ""Excuse me, can I shag your wife please? I will pay you £100"

Answer :- "I've considered your proposal, and in its current form it isn't acceptable"

I used to enjoy shagging a married woman a few years back, particularly dropping the lunatic off at her doorstep at 6am after a heavy session........never cost me £100 though cool.gif

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Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its shams, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.

Go go go...

Not for the first time and probably not for the last, I tip my hat to your musical choice, even though you might not have been thinking of Les's version when you quoted Max.

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If there was any justice the SFA would charge their Chief Executive with bringing the game into disrepute.

Hes been bringing the game into disrepute by taking a wage.

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The expectation beforehand within the SPL – shared by the Scottish Football Association – was that the outcome would be another deferral, leaving it to the Scottish Football League clubs to accept Rangers into their ranks and sparing the top division chairmen from a decision they did not want to make.

There were also some who hoped that Rangers would be able to make sufficient case – coupled with a clear and evident change of attitude – for their admission to the SPL.

However – and not for the first time in this saga – Rangers utterly misread the mood of the other SPL clubs. The faux pas occurred despite the fact that Rangers had been briefed at a meeting on Sunday attended by two other SPL chairmen and a vice-chairman, who stressed the need for humility.

Murray, in blazer and club tie, arrived at the gathering on Wednesday with the frontman for the Sevco consortium, Charles Green – who did not sport the club’s uniform – and Ally McCoist, the Ibrox manager. A presentation brochure was distributed to the delegates.

The back page featured a photograph of a Rangers title win with the words “We Are Rangers” emblazoned across it.


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Undoubtedly. But then again, they threw away possibly their biggest gambit today by holding a vote in the first place. They could have tried their endless delaying trick until the SFL document had been discussed and voted upon. Had the SFL clubs said 'No' they'd have led Sevco into the SPL with penalties.

Hopefully, and I have the feeling things are going this way, the SFA and SPL are sleepwalking into a 'No' vote. The document published, if intended to be a sweetener, had the reverse effect and actually hardened opposition to their plans. Now the SFL clubs actually hold almost all the cards, and at least some have declared their nerve to stick. Quite a few of them are First Division clubs too.

I'm not so sure...tho it is getting late. My reading of regans interview is that if he and the suits don't like the look of the vote...they will just impose a new spl two structure including newco. If this does not have automatic promotion and relegation to sfl then it's a ballsy chairman who says no and condemns his club to wilderness for good. I'm more pessimistic about this than the vote. Easy to say we voted no...then jump on spl two bandwagon to save the club

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16 team top flight, 14 team second tier, fairer split of revenues, two up and down, maybe play-offs, voting system at 9-3....

All promising stuff. Won't please everyone if it happens - but nothing ever will. Surely with the wind of change now happening, getting stuff like this needn't be dependant on shoe-horning newco Rangers into Div 1, with all this as the 'bribe' - even if a lot of it actually is good anyway. Punt the toxic fcukers into Div 3, serve P45s on Cockwomble and Regan... and crack on with making stuff like this happen anyway.

My solution is to get a big room at Hampden. Have all SPL chairmen in it, all SFL chairmen in it. Have one supporters rep' from every club in it. Have reps' from Sky and the corporate sponsors in it. Have Cosgrove and Spence host it, show it live on the telly. Get a ton of coffee and chocolate hob nobs in. Security guards lock the door, the cameras start rolling, and no-one gets out until they come up with something which is a lot better than the shit Doncaster and Regan would have us swallow.

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