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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You might wonder what all this has to do with the Rangers story, but I see what is happening in Scotland now as a forerunner to what will happen down south sooner or later. Virtually every club in the top two divisions down here is budgeting for massive TV revenue and if it was ever to disappear then the Rangers thing will look minor by comparison. Even with riches beyond the dreams of what those of us who watched football in the 80's could ever dream of, clubs are still losing money year on year. Football seems to be the opposite of normal business practice in that the bigger your turnover, the bigger your losses.

Good post Roker Rover, very relevant too. I agree with you that the worship of the sacred TV cash cow could backfire anytime. The wage structure is crippling clubs as you say. All the worse when you see the type of badge-kissing mercenary they splash the cash on. It's actually becoming an issue, though to a lesser extent, over here in Scandinavia too. Until now, they've achieved domestic and some Euro success with many home-grown players - who were often sold on to big teams later. The same blueprint Scotland used to work too. But the mass import of mediocre foreign lads into Scotland has been a mistake. In Scotland, the big two did it, and the other teams followed as best they could. Turns out Rangers couldn't even afford the players they bought and Celtic are lumbered with some expensive duffers. And yet managers always say they're short of two or three players. Makes you laugh. Scotland is potentially a huge talent pool. It's either laziness or poor management that sees a solution in expensive imports of dubious quality.

Don't bother about the inane comments, some people are never happy unless they are spiting bile. It seems to enrich their lives in some, as yet, unknown way. I blame the parents biggrin.gif

Edited by Danish Pastry
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"Strathclyde Police said officers would target people who cause disorder and drink to excess."

Just where can I obtain some of this fabled liquor?

I quite fancy trying it.

Pyjamas on, goodnight.

There's a similar ODP to be held in Stirling today. Far less media coverage of it but the police expect up to 10,000 marchers and as many spectators.

Neanderthals, every one of them.

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From the FT - Lotus F1 team figures set up £500 mil fund to invest in "second tier" football clubs. Link below.


Interesting in that there is rather clearly big money chasing football outwith the EPL juggernaut. Could obviously be bad from my perspective if they or those like them drop in behind DeadCo, but the implications.....

... Somebody has been thinking about forming a fund of this magnitude to invest in football at the same time the parade of chancers have been looking at, and backing away from, Ibrox after failing to raise pretty minimal (in the greater scheme of things) cash.

Those numbers must be worse than we thought.

[Apologies, guys, FT is behind a quasi registration wall and their site is brutal to copy and paste fom on the IPad after many, many post theater drinks. Story may be worth checking out if you can avoid registration]

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This piece deserves to be up in it's entirety.

Ayr chief Lachlan Cameron: SFL should run Scottish football because it's stronger than SPL

Jul 6 2012 by Chris Roberts

LACHLAN CAMERON insists only one body should run Scotland’s leagues – but it shouldn’t be the SPL.

Ayr’s chairman reckons the men who operate the top tier are bottlers who failed to sort out the Rangers nightmare.

He swears the SFL is a stronger body – but is adamant they should not be saddled with the task of deciding the future of the Ibrox newco.

Speaking exclusively to Record Sport from California, American millionare Cameron demanded Rangers should start life again in the Third Division.

Proposals for restructuring Scottish football include anSPL 2, which could feature Second Division Ayr, but Cameron said: “Why should an organisation that can’t handle Rangers going under be trusted with increasing in size?

“The SFL is a much stronger organisation. The SPL broke away from the SFL and now everyone is suggesting it should be one body running the leagues and I agree with that.

“But why should the SPL be that body? They’ve proven they are incapable of holding it together in the face of financial meltdown.

“Since the SPL was formed Scotland has gone backwards. We haven’t reached a major finals and the money hasn’t been shared properly amongthe clubs.”

Cameron blasted SPL chief Neil Doncaster and SFA boss Stewart Regan, insisting they should never have dumpedthe Ibrox crisis on the lap ofthe SFL.

He said: “They kick Rangers out of the SPL but say, ‘Please put them in the First Division and not the Third’.

“It’s a ludicrous situation for them to put us in. We are being forced to put Rangers into the First Division to save Scottish football’s bacon.

“They are pretending there is nothing they can do about it so are punting it to the SFL.

“The top men at both the SPL and SFA are shirking their responsibilities. The SFL have handled issues properly but when the SPL have one of their teams going into liquidation they claim the whole world is going to collapse.

“They avoid making a decision and pass it on to someone else to sort the mess out. The SFL are better equipped than the SPL to handle tricky situations.

“It is putting everyone in the SFL under pressure because we are being told by the SPL that Scottish football will collapse if Rangers are put into the Third Division.

“We are being told we may have meltdown in the Scottish leagues so it’s been put to the SFL by the SFA and SPL to decide the future of Scottish football.

“What they are saying is put Rangers in the First Division and everything will sort itself out.

“Otherwise there will bemeltdown and it will be theSFL’s fault.

“They say clubs will go to the wall and millions of pounds will be lost. The SPL should take responsibility for that instead of blaming the SFL.”

Cameron has no doubts about where Rangers should be playing next season.

He said: “They have gone into liquidation and it’s a new company so they should apply to join the SFL.

“I wouldn’t suggest they go into oblivion because they have the facilities and fan base we look for when someone applies to the SFL.

“The Third Division would be the perfect place for Rangers. There is pressure for them to go into the First by the SPL and SFA but I believe they should go intothe Third.

“They are banned from Europe for three years anyway so let’s be realistic – the chances of getting back to the SPL are pretty good.”

But Cameron believes the saga is far from over and reckons SPL 2 is closer to being a reality than most fans realise.

He said: “I don’t believe for a second the SPL would put their lives in the hands of the SFL if there wasn’t something else going on.

“One of the two biggest clubs goes under and there is supposed to be total financial meltdown if Rangers are not admitted to the First Division.

“The SPL wouldn’t do what they are doing if they didn’t think Rangers wouldn’t be allowed into the SPL by another means.

“There is no way with the history of the SPL they would allow Rangers to leave.”

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Maybe 1 of you know all's can tell me what the main reason for SPLTV getting shelved before it got off the ground was?

Also whilst i have your attention, what was the TV deal before sky came along?

It was shelved because they're closed-minded idiots.

Since we're into worse case scenarios to get Newco as high up the structure as possible, how much could be generated through a Scottish football channel if we managed to get 2,000,000 subscribers worldwide?

That would be a game changing amount of cash coming into Scottish football, the 3 lower tiers could have enough cash to transform their clubs while the SPL have enough cash to stabilise every club.

Unfortunately we start from the "what if nobody subscribes position" in Scotland.

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Annan chairmen Henry McClelland said yesterday

"Annan,s view on this matter has not changed,we think they should be demoted down to division 3."

He added

"i know there are loads of suggestions being put forward and the chief executives of the SPL and the SFA are making lots of moves and noises to create an SPL 2 or get them into division one.But i think they are under-estimating the strength of feeling of the SFL clubs and believe there can be no other way than Rangers going into division 3."

"There will be a lot of pressure brought to bear during the next week by the central belt media and the SPL for the SFA are at it.They will be applying pressure to get them into division 1 but i dont think the SFL clubs will wear it and i think the majority will vote for them to start at the bottom"

Nice one Henry

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Annan chairmen Henry McClelland said yesterday

"Annan,s view on this matter has not changed,we think they should be demoted down to division 3."

He added

"i know there are loads of suggestions being put forward and the chief executives of the SPL and the SFA are making lots of moves and noises to create an SPL 2 or get them into division one.But i think they are under-estimating the strength of feeling of the SFL clubs and believe there can be no other way than Rangers going into division 3."

"There will be a lot of pressure brought to bear during the next week by the central belt media and the SPL for the SFA are at it.They will be applying pressure to get them into division 1 but i dont think the SFL clubs will wear it and i think the majority will vote for them to start at the bottom"

Nice one Henry

Decent statement but loses 'factually correct' points for the use of the word 'demoted'.

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Central belt media" thats a realy good point i like it. Always wondered why they have always been so biased ? are they actualy run by closet rangers fans or is it down to money ie selling the most amount by targeting the largest number. probably some combination of both i'd imagine but one things for sure its just not journalism

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Charlie Green has a sense of humour. :lol::lol::lol:

Question for the mathematicians, what's 50% of nothing?


Edited by Granny Danger
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Charlie Green has a sense of humour. :lol::lol::lol:

Question for the mathematicians, what's 50% of nothing?


Charlie boy's flogging a dead horse here, the orcs only raised about £1m buying shares during SDM's issue and SDM ended up underwriting it (well bank of scotland did) to the tune of £50 odd million. The RFFFF could only manage to raise around £750k from the fans in their hour of need and to date reports are saying that only 250 season tickets have been sold and sevco looks in danger of administration unless CG is willing to prop it up with his own hard earned. All of this points to a massive reluctance on the orcs part to part with any cash so why does CG think he's going to raise any money offering them shares, it's a complete waste of time IMO :D

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I wonder how many clubs in div 3 , apart from queens park and clyde have segregated turnstiles/toilets/terracing/pie and bovril shops etc etc that will be demanded by the yellow jacket brigades when newco come calling?


Annan chairmen Henry McClelland said yesterday

"Annan,s view on this matter has not changed,we think they should be demoted down to division 3."

He added

"i know there are loads of suggestions being put forward and the chief executives of the SPL and the SFA are making lots of moves and noises to create an SPL 2 or get them into division one.But i think they are under-estimating the strength of feeling of the SFL clubs and believe there can be no other way than Rangers going into division 3."

"There will be a lot of pressure brought to bear during the next week by the central belt media and the SPL for the SFA are at it.They will be applying pressure to get them into division 1 but i dont think the SFL clubs will wear it and i think the majority will vote for them to start at the bottom"

Nice one Henry

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On reading the MSM and other team's boards, it would appear that the Sevco fans want Regan and Doncaster to go.

The fans of the 'other cheek' want Regan and Doncaster to go. We 'pie munchers' want Regan and Doncaster to go.

How can so many people with otherwise differing views be wrong?

Well, they all want them to go for different reasons but I don't care. It's unanimous.

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