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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What if governance isn't followed?

One of the main movers n shakers in Livi's demotion had already sold his shares in an SFL team, he could not have declared that or he'd have been removed from his position.

I totally agree, the fact that people do not "declare" indicates a problem.

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my team was always scotland. i was under the impression when i joined that "rangers" wouldnt be an option to choose. still why let the truth get in the way of a good dig at someone...

Btw, if yir Team had won 9 in a row, using the same budget or less than every other team, that would indeed be an achievement.

By having more money than every Club put together means aw yir titles are meaningless.

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Roll on Friday. I'm now optipistic that good will prevail. Unfortunately due to my diet large quantities of popcorn, jelly and/or ice cream are off the menu. I will have a small glass of wine to celebrate the day that those in charge of the majority Scottish football teams stood up for what was right and proper and put the small minded myopic pen-pushers in their place.

I never liked Rangers or the bulk of their supporters but my desire for newco to be offered 3rd Division football at best is far more to do with adherence to the rules than anything else. The one positive coming out of this is that Regan and Doncaster will go; the SPL in particular have a rebuilding job to do after Doncaster's assertions that SPL football is all about Rangers and Celtic.

Off to Kirkcaldy tonight as a wee show of support to Turnbull Hutton then on to Dens on Saturday.

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Btw, if yir Team had won 9 in a row, using the same budget or less than every other team, that would indeed be an achievement.

By having more money than every Club put together means aw yir titles are meaningless.

I think the correct word for Rangers titles is "tainted"

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March 2 - The SFA confirm they will investigate claims made by former Rangers director Hugh Adam that payments made to players were not disclosed to the governing body.

March 5 - The SPL confirm that their board have instigated an investigation into the alleged non-disclosure of payments made to players by Rangers, which prompts the SFA to drop their case.

In regards to what occurred, specifically on March 5, due to all the media bollocks that has been broadcast since then, some may have forgotten all about the "investigation" into those 63 dual-contracts and some at the SFA and SPL may hope that it has been forgotten, 18 weeks have passed since March 5! dry.gif Get it sorted SPL! We have not forgotten. Get those 24 trophies stripped from those cheating bazza's pronto!

That's even longer than they locked up John Wilson for!

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True :lol:!!

I'm confused as to why the possession of some sort of formalised entitlement comes into it - it'd be bad if someone had a Season Ticket but presumably OK if they went to as many games but paid at the gate?!?!

I appreciate people's point, but if clubs are to be excluded voting rights if 1+ directors "are fans", then there needs to be:

* requirement for all director's to declare who they support

* regulatory framework to govern this and potentially to root-out any non-declarers (edit: perhaps a form of 'inquisition')

Nobody is excluding voting rights. It's about stating an interest in potentail conflict (owning shares in other teams is a no brainer here) and then clearing that with the board as a matter of open, honest governance.

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Btw, if yir Team had won 9 in a row, using the same budget or less than every other team, that would indeed be an achievement.

By having more money than every Club put together means aw yir titles are meaningless.

Especially if all the money used to buy and pay the wages of the players during that period was all borrowed from a corrupt friendly bank manager who told you not to concern yourself too much about paying the money back! wink.gif

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Well I've sure been put in my place. I didn't realize that standing up for the club you have supported your whole life made me variously an imbecile / w****r / moron / arsehole. Now I like a football rivalry as much as the next person but there seems to be genuine worryingly high levels of hate for rangers and any of their fans on this forum.

Apparently I write with an ingrained sense of entitlement and all us bluenoses do. What utter fucking pish. I can now almost see why some rangers fans want to see the spl crumble and a host of teams go to the wall, well I still don't but suffice to say when a few other clubs go out of business I won't shed a tear but I won't dance on their grave either.

A lot of people have also said rangers have "cheated" for over 20 years; it's a nice round number and also handily erodes the achievement of winning 9 league titles in a row in the 90's. Shame that it's a massive exaggeration back up with not a shred of fact. If you are referring to the shameful EBT's then yes it was cheating but as far as I was aware that started around 2000, if your simply bumping your gums and evoking pathetic clichés like "the establishment" and "help from referees" then really you need a life.

I mean seriously; when you call a person a w****r for supporting Aston villa and watching American football you have deep physiological issues to deal with. Either that or you are a keyboard hard man, either way it's a worrying reflection of Scottish society.

Actually, I think there is quite a persuasive argument stating that the money injected into Rangers during 9 in a row was financial doping,

given that Murray had to hide the vast losses the club made using subsiduaries and holding companies. Additionally, the capital injection

from Dave King was nothing short of money laundering.

I wouldn't be astonished to see the liquidators going this far back.

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Agree that we need to come up with a 'fit and proper' test to flush out these dodgy directors before they are allowed to vote on anything this important. I think I've come up with the perfect test....

Q. These clubs all enter administration and are subsequently liquidated. All are bought by new owners and attempt to restart as a newco club. All apply for entry to the Scottish Football League. Please mark beside each club name which division of the Scottish Football League you think the new club should start in.


St Mirren



Dundee United




Inverness Caledonian Thistle



St Johnstone

- If any cnut writes 'Division 1' anywhere on the question form - unfit to vote.

Next problem please? I'm on a roll.....

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no one should get upset anymore .Whenever you hear,see or talk to anyone trying to justify any this Sevco pish, just try to imagine your the wee "I see dead people " boy from the " Sixth Sense " film and your having to listen to Bruce Willis spouting one pile of pish cos he doesn't realise he's deid.

What do the films The sixth sense and Titanic have in common?

Icy dead people laugh.gif

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I totally agree, the fact that people do not "declare" indicates a problem.

The problem in this instance was the love for blazer and the lifestyle it provided.

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Big news from FIFA.Yet another governing body washes its hands of the whole sorry mess.Astonishing...Nope.

Our game is in the hands of incompetent corrupt bawbags at every level save the few SFL club directors placed in this horrendous situation.

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Well I've sure been put in my place. I didn't realize that standing up for the club you have supported your whole life made me variously an imbecile / w****r / moron / arsehole. Now I like a football rivalry as much as the next person but there seems to be genuine worryingly high levels of hate for rangers and any of their fans on this forum.

Apparently I write with an ingrained sense of entitlement and all us bluenoses do. What utter fucking pish. I can now almost see why some rangers fans want to see the spl crumble and a host of teams go to the wall, well I still don't but suffice to say when a few other clubs go out of business I won't shed a tear but I won't dance on their grave either.

A lot of people have also said rangers have "cheated" for over 20 years; it's a nice round number and also handily erodes the achievement of winning 9 league titles in a row in the 90's. Shame that it's a massive exaggeration back up with not a shred of fact. If you are referring to the shameful EBT's then yes it was cheating but as far as I was aware that started around 2000, if your simply bumping your gums and evoking pathetic clichés like "the establishment" and "help from referees" then really you need a life.

I mean seriously; when you call a person a w****r for supporting Aston villa and watching American football you have deep physiological issues to deal with. Either that or you are a keyboard hard man, either way it's a worrying reflection of Scottish society.

Wow, don't even know where to start with you mate. I read your first post several times, thought I'd wait to see the next one.

I wouldn't call you anything other than similar to someone like Pete Burns; you can't decide if your club is Dead or Alive, the whole issue has you spinning right round crying like a baby, right round, like a broken record. We've heard all the same crap you're dishing out for months now mate, just because you can read, write and do so in a more erudite manner than most other Sevco Loyalists doesn't mean it's likely to have any more relevance. Rangers are dead because they cheated, end of. Time to move on....

Rangers dumped ... by Subbuteo

CRISIS-hit Rangers have been given the flick by footy table top game SUBBUTEO.

No tiny plastic players will sport the Light Blue this season after the newco Ibrox club failed to sign a contract with the makers in time. And that leaves arch rivals Celtic as Subbuteo's only Scots team — joining English giants like Manchester City, Chelsea and Liverpool.

The previous Ibrox regime HAD agreed to a new model version of Rangers. But the reborn club led by Charles Green has still not rubber-stamped the paperwork. Last night Richard Wells, sales director at Subbuteo maker Paul Lamond Games, said: "We agreed a licence and the team was ready to go.

"But we've had to apply for a new licence with the newco Rangers.

"The contract is ready and waiting to be signed — but it's probably not the first thing on the management's mind right now.


Can't even get into the Subbuteo League, now we've set a precedent..... biggrin.gif

i take your points on board, actual "punishments" in the form of a governing body etc dishing things out have not amounted to much as of now. perhaps a more accurate phrase would have been "just leave us alone now". rangers fans such as myself have been through enough. our club just wants to start again in the third division and build up but we are getting used by everybody to score points. what would be the point in placing a hamstrung rangers in div1? the way i see it we would struggle right now just to stay in that division.

what i was trying to get across is that everyone is obsessed with having a go at rangers, looking backward instead of forward. call us what you want from now on i really dont care, if the next trophy we win is our 1st, 51, or 101st it'll still mean the same to me, look at afc wimbledon. but eventually everybody has to let us get on with trying to win that cup.

if other clubs hadnt ran up so much debt the rangers issue would have been dealt with in five minutes just like grenta etc. but it cant be because other chairmen have build thier business model on living off the back of the old firm and that IS NOT rangers fault. that point seems to be lost on everybody that your own chairmens incompetance has contributed to this shambles and blaming rangers for that might make you feel better for a while but if we do get punted into division three alot of clubs will have to face up to the stark reality that thier own books dont balance.

people in glass houses and aw that....

Sorry, but the just leave us alone now is another fairly pathetic attempt at deflection IMHO. Many posters have said that if other clubs have to struggle and/or fail to accommodate a real chance of change and restructuring of Scottish Football, its a price worth paying. The fact the diddies are enjoying watching Rangers go tits up first is down to the attitude of the Rangers previous boards and fans from the moment Souness walked through the door. It started then with the 'we're better than you' crap when for years before you'd been just another also ran in a reasonably competitive league structure. When the money rolled in, you and thousands of other Rangers fans enjoyed lording it over everyone else. When it started to go wrong, the siege mentality that still exists at Ibrox, one you happily sang about - no one likes us, we don't care - came to the fore and hence we're all happy to sit and watch that attitude be the most significant factor in the downfall of your club.

cheers, i'll look into it. think they will let me choose the 4th bears den boys brigade?

Careful now, we all know how much the lads on RM & FF like to imply that the other cheeks is obsessed with boys football......you could be labelled a tarrierph34r.gif Then again, you might become chief scout as you are woefully short of pace at the back with only Bocanegra and Broadfoot as cover.

Edited by chrismcarab
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True :lol:!!

I'm confused as to why the possession of some sort of formalised entitlement comes into it - it'd be bad if someone had a Season Ticket but presumably OK if they went to as many games but paid at the gate?!?!

I appreciate people's point, but if clubs are to be excluded voting rights if 1+ directors "are fans", then there needs to be:

* requirement for all director's to declare who they support

* regulatory framework to govern this and potentially to root-out any non-declarers (edit: perhaps a form of 'inquisition')

Maybe they should simply resign their positions if they are in a position whereby these accusations could be levelled at them?

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May get a bunch of reds for this but I don't see why the fact 1 director held 0.00047% of shares in a liquidating company which moved property/TUPE'd employees to another company that's applying to join SFL, should prevent Berwick Rangers voting on it.

Because it shows he's a probably a rangers fan who is ignoring his own. Fans wishes?

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