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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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A thought occurred to me last night, I am most definitely wrong on this but my chemically f*cked up brain after years of abuse loves a good conspiracy theory.

What if all this posturing towards saving Sevco is actually the 'effect' what if the real agenda is to get rid of Sevco as painlessly as possible, what if we are not the ones being tricked?

It is well publicised, bullets and bombs in the post, Manchester, etc etc, that former Rangers fans are not too easy to deal with when they see themselves as being the victim. Maybe, just maybe this is all damage limitation.

Nah, I need more than these six months off the chems before my brain starts working properly again.

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A thought occurred to me last night, I am most definitely wrong on this but my chemically f*cked up brain after years of abuse loves a good conspiracy theory.

What if all this posturing towards saving Sevco is actually the 'effect' what if the real agenda is to get rid of Sevco as painlessly as possible, what if we are not the ones being tricked?

It is well publicised, bullets and bombs in the post, Manchester, etc etc, that former Rangers fans are not too easy to deal with when they see themselves as being the victim. Maybe, just maybe this is all damage limitation.

Nah, I need more than these six months off the chems before my brain starts working properly again.

It's been suggested before (many hundreds of pages ago) that Sevco are not to be saved, but must appear to have had an attempt to save them, to placate the fans of the former Rangers (IA, PL).

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There is nothing in the sfl rules to say which division a new member should start in

But there are rules in place stating that the league is comprised on 3 divisions of 10 members. So where do Sevco fit it. Also the allowing of Dun* to resign without 2 years notice does not require a simple majority. Read the rules then comment.

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There has been a lot of talk about clubs voting on whether Rangers should be in the third or the first division. The way i read it the clubs don't have that choice. Firstly they have to decide if they vote them in to the sfl. Then they can vote to put them in the third. But as part of that vote they have to accept that the sfl board can put them in to the first if they think certain conditions have been met. There is no mechanism for the sfl clubs to simply vote them in to the third division

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Rubbish. The greed and opportunism of other clubs have corrupted Scottish football.

The current dreadful situation isn't due to Ranegrs going out of business. That happened to Gretna before them and was easily handled.

It's due to SPL clubs, including Celtic, who will lose millions immediately from their budget should Rangers not be in the SPL, and even more should they not be in Div One, attempting to gerrymander the election of the new club.

Doncaster and Regan don't live in a bubble. They are the paid representatives of the clubs and do their bidding. Hibee Jibee has made this abundently clear.

Doncaster is doing the dirty work people like Peter Lawwell want done, but are too cowardly to do themselves. Celtic's silence on the entire affair speaks volumes. Only complete and utter fools believe Celtic's board haven't been working flat out behind the scenes to smooth the way for Green's Newco.

Hope you're sitting comfortably H_B, spot on, hammers, nails, heads and all that.

Yep, though like the SPL vote before it, I think it's been reduced in importance due to stated voting positions in the press.

The only outcome possible from today is Newco in Div 3.

After that, we will see what happens. I still think it's very unlikely that NewRangers will start next season in Division 3.

I don't expect them in div 3 either, I do, unlike some, think that after this vote is when the proper negotiations should begin for the betterment of our game.

Todays vote should probably have been delayed a week to allow a more cohesive and sensible set of proposals to be put forward.

Our game's in such a state that gerrymandering is a very real/highly likely scenario after todays vote.

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There has been a lot of talk about clubs voting on whether Rangers should be in the third or the first division. The way i read it the clubs don't have that choice. Firstly they have to decide if they vote them in to the sfl. Then they can vote to put them in the third. But as part of that vote they have to accept that the sfl board can put them in to the first if they think certain conditions have been met. There is no mechanism for the sfl clubs to simply vote them in to the third division


It's unbelievable how this is being reported but it seems clear to me that the vote today is whether or not to allow Sevco into the SFL. This is assumed to be at SFL3 level unless the SFL board agree to a deal to allow them into SFL 1.

In a word......... NO!

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So things are getting tight money wise in our game. But, not just in our game really but our society as a whole is having serious money problems.

I too have found myself with money worries, mainly in regards to this Summer / coming season. I am no longer a student, but have not yet found a suitable graduate position, as a result I am still working the same part time hours I did while at uni. However, I now no longer have a bursary, nor, a small student loan, and as a result have nearly £200 less coming into my bank a month. Yet, this year, no longer paying a student rate I will need to find an extra £150 for my season ticket. We also have Europe coming VERY soon. I cannot afford both. But, cannot decide between a European trip to see Motherwell, in what will, as I am sure everyone will agree, be our only time playing in the Champions League and buying a season ticket. I would be heart broken not to go to Europe, yet, I know our club needs the money much more than I do a European football game.

I am thus trying to find ways to raise money. I did not go away this Summer and am trying to sell a guitar I love the now but struggling to get a fair price, it really is a buyers market out there. I come here to share a link to eBay where I have some badges I have made, I made a small batch but can do more if need be. I hope people will support me in aid of being able to buy a season ticket at this difficult time for our club. It is almost a donation I am asking for but in return will send out some badges :-) it is only £4.00 which many people would pay for a double vodka or a starbucks coffee so hopefully people see the merit in this effort and help.

The badges can be worn to demonstrate your feelings towards the SPL sanctioned support of one club beyond the rest. Check out the design, basic but I hope yous like it, and help out before I receive any sort of notice to cease lol.

Hopefully those out there understand how they would feel if their club had this chance to play in the CL and they may have to pass it up to buy a season ticket for the greater good and will help me out, hell maybe you'll just like the badges I know enough of my friends whom I given many too have ;-)

My eBay link

I expect most people will just tell me to f**k off, people have their own things to worry about but many a few will get behind it. Thanks for reading :-)

Fcuking chancer.smile.gif

Neat, out the box marketing techniques are to be applauded.

Hope you get the interest you require.

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Rangers will not be in the SPL. It's impossible. The SPL clubs have made that clear.

SFL votes no to newco or even yes to newco in SFL3.

Bun fight in the room, voting strategically (i.e. intentionally) suspended.

No vote therefore on SPL slot to Dundee/Dunf.

SPL recovene Monday and vote yes to SFA proposal for sevco to be Club 12.

Wouldn't count it out. At least it would bring the whole "rewrite the rule book for rangers" up for public view.

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If everything goes the way the majority of us want (Sevco start the season in Div 3), I hope people are prepared to really get behind their clubs. Attend more games, buy more merchandise, etc. If you happen to have a spare fiver at the end of the month, send it to your club. If you buy the rags that have spouted such pish throughout this saga, ditch them. Put the money into your club.

After all the talk of impending doom and armageddon we have to try our best not to allow Scottish football to get to the position where cockface, regan etc can say 'told you so'.

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Fri, 13th Jul 2012 9:14am

The proposals to change the league structure, its governance and distribution model are indeed for the good of the game. What is not for the good of the game are the circumstances in which it has been proposed. It is only on the table for short-term financial reasons. Neil Doncaster told the SFL clubs that the SPL would not allow Rangers to join the Third Division as the loss of £16m would not be countenanced, he is also on record as having said that a 16 team league would cost £20m, therefore we can hardly have confidence that the focus on finance will allow these proposals to come to life.

What is also not for the good of the game is 30 clubs being asked to vote knowing that a vote for Resolution 1 has a very high chance of being ignored by the SFA attempting to avoid any suggestion of what they perceive to be a dereliction of their duty. Such statements undermine basic democracy. Equally, voting blind to admit an organisation who has no membership of the SFA at a time when there is no vacancy in the SFL is not for the good of the game. Almost everything about this long run process is not for the good of the game.

It would not be for the good of the game to compound the problems of a club by refusing entry to the SFL for Rangers Football Club. We will therefore take that leap of faith and vote in favour of Resolution 1 despite not a single word of reasoning having been provided to support the Resolution.

On the basis that short-term financial drivers have not been for the good of the game in the past, then we will not support Resolution 2. It has unfortunately enmeshed positive change for the game with a proposal to admit Sevco Scotland Ltd to the First Division for the purposes of shoring up the short-term financial model which has to date failed The Game.

The interests of the game will be served by decisions being made genuinely for the long-term benefit of the whole of Scottish Football, and not short term benefit for a few clubs.

Our decision has at times had to defy logic and question our own short term interests as others focus on theirs. Given that the SPL and SFA have signalled a clear intention to act against any decision that might result in Sevco Scotland Ltd being admitted to the Third Division, then the limited logic left in this process points to them as believing they have the monopoly of wisdom on what is good for the game. We can expect that, no matter what the SFL clubs decide, Sevco Scotland will not be playing in the Third Division in the coming season. How more short-termism can be for the good of the game really does defy logic.

When the dust settles on this affair, it would be good to think that we can all get back to watching football. Sadly, no matter how it turns out today, some will not return to our game.

Edited by Milevskiy
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Good point Stagmaster. Only occasionally buy a tabloid these days, but at 40p or whatever it soon adds up. After the amount of unadulterated propaganda they`ve come out with during this sordid affair i`d rather spend it on my team, or another wee trip at one of the good guys down the ladder!

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There has been a lot of talk about clubs voting on whether Rangers should be in the third or the first division. The way i read it the clubs don't have that choice. Firstly they have to decide if they vote them in to the sfl. Then they can vote to put them in the third. But as part of that vote they have to accept that the sfl board can put them in to the first if they think certain conditions have been met. There is no mechanism for the sfl clubs to simply vote them in to the third division

Well exactly... which is why some of them want to change the voting proposals and/or add amendments. They are not stupid enough to vote on a set of proposals that hand the decision making to their Chief Execs which is an interesting place for a board to be! They are entitled to ask for clarity, this is a vote not a court case.

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Chairman’s Blog


Chairman’s Blog

Well, the last few weeks have been interesting. We have hadThe SPL vote in a sham of a meeting that due to “sporting integrity” they weregoing to evict Newco Rangers from the SPL. All the while, they knew fine wellthat voting to allow them to stay wasn’t going to be allowed to happen and havesince passed the buck and laid their problem at the SFL’s door.

Since that point, they have applied considerable pressurethreatening the loss of all of our income and emotional blackmail aboutfootball collapsing and it being all the SFL’s fault. To be honest, it’s notsurprising based on past dealings with the SPL, but here we are and what do wedo?

Today’s vote is monumental in the history of Scottishfootball and it’s not without a great deal of stress and debate amongst ourboard and input from shareholders, season ticket holders and supporters that wehave come up with our votes for the three agenda items placed before our onerepresentative at today’s meeting.

We will vote yes to allowing Newco Rangers into the SFL asan associate member and agree to permit Rangers F.C. to play in the league2012/13. The logic behind this is that they have the facilities and fan basethat the league is looking for. The fact that it could go against the rule bookis a question for the SFL and not us.

We will vote no on the agenda item that allows Rangers intothe 3rd division, but 1st division if the SFL board agree terms with the SPLand SFA on measures “improving” the game. Our representative has beeninstructed that if the agenda item is altered to allow Rangers into the 3rddivision full stop, that we will vote yes, but not on any agenda item thatallows Rangers into the 1st.

Finally, we will vote yes to allow either Dunfermline orDundee to resign from the SFL and be admitted to the SPL for the upcomingseason.

A lot has been said in the press etc. about what is rightand wrong, but my personal opinion is that Rangers are/were one of 42professional football clubs in Scotland and should be treated as any one of the41 other clubs would be. I did not appreciate the bullying and threats thathave come from above and part of the problem in our professional game is theunbalanced structure. By the way, I have started writing from my point of viewbecause that is exactly what it is. It is not necessarily the view of AyrUnited FC.

I don’t think anyone believes that if it were any other SPLClub besides Celtic that there would be anywhere near this level of pressureetc. and it is partly because of this that we have voted the way we have.

If Rangers do end up voted into the 3rd division, it islikely that an SPL2 will be attempted. So, just for the record (and I hope thesarcasm is clear) the body that is doing such a sterling job of running the topleague in our country is going to further try to decimate the SFL by setting upanother league and forcing the teams left behind to grovel for crumbs.

I hope that whatever decision is taken tomorrow will beallowed to stand without interference or lawsuits etc., and we will accept anydecision either way by the democratic process set up by the SFL. We may notagree with the outcome, but if it is made by the SFL by a transparent vote,then I am satisfied.

I would like to say that I think David Longmuir and the SFLboard have been stitched up here, but they have handled themselves well underthe circumstances. I sat on that board for a few years and I know for a factthat David, and all of the others who make up the board from the various clubsin Scotland are supporters of the game and believe in the integrity of the gameitself. He has been put under unbelievable public pressure and although somepress have tried to bundle him in with the other two, he will do what is theright thing by going with the wishes of the 30 clubs that make up the SFL.

Finally, and this is important. If our wishes come true andRangers do enter the SFL in the 3rd division, we will be under immediatefinancial pressure as we will automatically lose over 60k immediately. That 60kis already spent in this years playing budget.

Ayr United will not make it through the season if we don’tfind a way to make up that loss. So, we have decided to vote based on what isright, but meanwhile are aware that it has the possibility of collapsing us asa club. That is where all of you who have written, called and emailed the clubcan help by purchasing season tickets, encouraging people to attend matches andsponsoring your club in all the various ways possible.

I have appreciated all of the correspondence that we havereceived from our supporters. (I could have done without the hundreds of emailsfrom supporters of other clubs) and we have taken your views into account whenmaking our decision. It’s a huge financial risk for us, but I personally thinkthat if we are to make it through this season in tact that it is betterstanding for what is right than selling our souls and the integrity of the gameto appease those at the top who have already done their best to dismantle thegame since 1998. I’m a big Scotland supporter and I don’t think it’s acoincidence that we haven’t been to a major finals since the SPL was formed.

Hopefully tomorrow’s vote is binding and there is no monkeybusiness that further tarnishes all of us in the sport, and I like most that Ihave heard from hope it’s the right one.

Lachlan Cameron


Well done Ayr.

At least one chairman in Ayrshire has a set of baws.

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If everything goes the way the majority of us want (Sevco start the season in Div 3), I hope people are prepared to really get behind their clubs. Attend more games, buy more merchandise, etc. If you happen to have a spare fiver at the end of the month, send it to your club. If you buy the rags that have spouted such pish throughout this saga, ditch them. Put the money into your club.

After all the talk of impending doom and armageddon we have to try our best not to allow Scottish football to get to the position where cockface, regan etc can say 'told you so'.

I said earlier that I have not done many away trips in the past ten years but I intend to put the effort in with the clubs who declared their voting intentions early in the SPL and I am going to make a special effort to get down to Raith, Clyde and Alloa this season too. We don't just need to do it for our own clubs, if we can we need to support the whole of the Scottish game.

ETA before some smarterse pulls me up, my father is a Fifer so I am well aware there is not a place called Raith.

Edited by stonedsailor
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There's something I still don't understand, and from my recollection hasn't been answered. The "doomsday" scenario perpetuated by Doncaster et al will apparently result from Rangers not being in the SPL. They want Rangers in the first division, hoping that they will only be out of the SPL for 1 year. May I ask what difference 3 years will make? I for one believe that Rangers will win successive promotions back to the SPL from the third division.

Are the suits trying to tell us that each and every sponsor, the whole Sky deal, will collapse as a result of Rangers not being in the top flight for 3 years? It's not like they're gone forever. Are they honestly trying to tell us that all the sponsors will pull out for those 3 years, and when Rangers eventually do reach the SPL they'll all return again? Why is it beyond the realms of possibility that a slightly reduced package can be negotiated in the interim period, with Sky etc fully aware that they WILL get Rangers back in a relatively short period of time. Then perhaps league reconstruction can take place with this whole sorry mess resolved.

Why is that such a hard thing to grasp? Or am I just naive?

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Colin Paterson@CP_acadvertiserI have spoken to Ann Marie Ballantyne. The club received information at 5.30pm that both they and Dundee will need to vote this morning.

Retweeted by Graeme MacphersonExpand

  • is this Regan's doing to gerrymander some more votes in favour??


lone protester, which P&B'er is it??


Edited by rustyarabnuts
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