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Anyone else feeling genuinely nervous about the vote?

Football's been a huge, huge part of my life for over 25 years now and, with a kid on the way, something I was hoping to take him / her along to. Now it all comes down to today and I'm genuinely feeling worried about the whole thing.

Not worried in the slightest.

I am worried about what happens after today.

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And what would you have had the SPL chairman do? Vote them back in? They broke the rules. As someone else said had it been Motherwell or ICT it would all be done and dusted already! I'm sick of this! Reason says that they should be in the 3rd, bribery and intimidation (allegedly) means that 3 possibilities are still likely!

No they should have voted them out and then left it at that. They should not have then bullied and blackmailed the sfl. The whole problem goes back to the setting up of the spl. If we only had one league governing body this issue would have been dealt with long before now. And the reason we have two governing bodies is the greed of our so called bigger clubs

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Not humour them by having it go to a vote in the first place, and tell them to apply to Division 3 like any other club would have had to do.

It wasn't within their power to make them apply to D3. All they could do was vote them out. And they did.

I said before that it was unfair that it's landed on the SFL to deal with this, but the SPL chairmen couldn't do anymore than they did.

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That's my problem. The SPL clubs won't do that. Well, Kilmarnock would, but the rest wouldn't dare.

I hope so, but when you see the depths this ridiculous carry on has plumbed in order to make Charles Geen rich I'm not 100% convinced.

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Anyone else feeling genuinely nervous about the vote?

Football's been a huge, huge part of my life for over 25 years now and, with a kid on the way, something I was hoping to take him / her along to. Now it all comes down to today and I'm genuinely feeling worried about the whole thing.

Nope Gaz, I'm in that boat too.

I have a wee girl of 14months and a wee boy due in October. I'm also really looking forward to the new season under our new management team and have as much respect for our current board as I have ever had in my Rovers supporting lifetime.

A vote for SFL 1 brings all that crashing down though and I'll have to find another hobby for my Saturday afternoons. Would be a shame, I really like football but I couldn't continue to invest in a corrupt game which is there solely for 2 pretty disgraceful institutions. The Rovers can keep my ST money for this season and I would wish them well but I wouldn't be back.

I really don't want that to happen so yes, I'm nervous as f**k!!

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Not humour them by having it go to a vote in the first place, and tell them to apply to Division 3 like any other club would have had to do.

That would have been the right thing to do IMO but there's hasn't been much evidence of that throughout unfortunately.

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but dundee and dunfermline really need 2 years notice to quit.....whats good for the goose ........

Different issue. There is a proposal on the table which allows them to go the spl and the clubs are being asked to vote on it. And they have been given 14 days notice of the proposal

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Anyone else feeling genuinely nervous about the vote?

Football's been a huge, huge part of my life for over 25 years now and, with a kid on the way, something I was hoping to take him / her along to. Now it all comes down to today and I'm genuinely feeling worried about the whole thing.

Yip and I have a bad, bad feeling about this.

Stitch up from very beginning.

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Nope Gaz, I'm in that boat too.

I have a wee girl of 14months and a wee boy due in October. I'm also really looking forward to the new season under our new management team and have as much respect for our current board as I have ever had in my Rovers supporting lifetime.

A vote for SFL 1 brings all that crashing down though and I'll have to find another hobby for my Saturday afternoons. Would be a shame, I really like football but I couldn't continue to invest in a corrupt game which is there solely for 2 pretty disgraceful institutions. The Rovers can keep my ST money for this season and I would wish them well but I wouldn't be back.

I really don't want that to happen so yes, I'm nervous as f**k!!

IMO, you should go to the games ,Turnbull deserves the faith to be shown,if sevco are in your league, then boycott just those games,I wish to god that our chairmen had the balls to speak out as Turnbull has

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Not humour them by having it go to a vote in the first place, and tell them to apply to Division 3 like any other club would have had to do.

This is more or less the position we are in! The spl chairmen voted and said no! There was no way that they couldnt vote once they were asked to. Due to fan powere it was. A no.thisutomatically makes it an sfl issue...yes doncaster and regan are disgraceful for trying to impose the sfl one option and there may have been some complicity with some spl chairmen but the fact they voted when doncaster clearly wanted to vote delayed until after today shows that there is nowhere near the complicity that some people are frankly getting hysterical about. Sfl clubs would always have to man up and make a decision once newco were denied the chance to leap straight to spl. Moaning that newco is an spl problem is nonsense since they aren't an spl club. Time to focus on getting todays vote right and then remind doncaster that spl had already emphatically rejected newco the chance to be club twelve

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A thought occurred to me last night, I am most definitely wrong on this but my chemically f*cked up brain after years of abuse loves a good conspiracy theory.

What if all this posturing towards saving Sevco is actually the 'effect' what if the real agenda is to get rid of Sevco as painlessly as possible, what if we are not the ones being tricked?

You know, Rangers have been the victims of this recent SPL and SFA nonsense, just like the SFL clubs. They are actually blameless in this IMO.

Anyone else feeling genuinely nervous about the vote?

Football's been a huge, huge part of my life for over 25 years now and, with a kid on the way, something I was hoping to take him / her along to. Now it all comes down to today and I'm genuinely feeling worried about the whole thing.

Very. This is a massive day, and I resent the fact that I'm going to be working away from my computer for big chunks of the day.

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But they can't add amendments without giving 14 days notice

A juggernaut has driven through the rules. These guys are all adults, they will not be stupid enough to be led by the nose by a bunch of incompetent administrators.

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