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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yip and I have a bad, bad feeling about this.

Stitch up from very beginning.

The only possible good result for us is that the vote on proposal 2 is taken from the SFL board and passed to the member clubs or the meeting is adjourned with no vote taken.

The latter result would indicate that the SFL board have refused to budge and the clubs won`t permit the stitch up to take place.

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Anyone else feeling genuinely nervous about the vote?

Football's been a huge, huge part of my life for over 25 years now and, with a kid on the way, something I was hoping to take him / her along to. Now it all comes down to today and I'm genuinely feeling worried about the whole thing.

f**k yeah.

I stupidly told the wife if they rigged the game to get Sevco in, I'm walking.

This is a battle for the soul of Saturday Afternoon.


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Whatever happens today, tomorrow, next week, or over the coming year or two, one thing is certain.

In 3 or 4 years from now Scottish football supporters who have spent years of their lives and thousand of pounds of their money will still be dealing with the stench that has been created by this fuck up over the last few weeks and months whilst Doncaster and Regan are earning big bucks elsewhere.

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Sorry my mistake. It's 48 hours for an amendment to a resolution. Either way it's too late

As far as I know, Clyde submitted a request for an amendment, and it was going to be discussed at the start of the meeting.

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Old Rangers asked for their SPL share to be transferred to newco. Who would you like to have taken this decision? Cockwomble? The 6 man SPL board? The fact is the SPL HAD to consider this request, they did and 10 of them voted against it.

Correct probably about fifteen hunner pages ago we were up in arms that it wouldn't go to a vote but would be up to the board. It did go to a vote despite the best efforts of doncaster to get it delayed

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Latest from Alex Thomson - http://blogs.channel...tale-world/2265

I'm wary of taking things at face value, there's usually two sides to a story.

But that is pretty damning if it's true. Regans position is immediatly untenable if this is the case. A total stitch up, and Rod Petrie doesn't look to fantastic either.

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Not true The sfl have followed their rules

As have the SPL.

Not a single rule has been bent so far, and even an SFL1 outcome wouldn't change that.

But the SFL would be going against precedent if they put the Newco anywhere other than SFL3.

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I just want the fuckin League cup to be drawn

Funnily enough, I just want Regan and Doncaster to be drawn....and hung and quartered at either side.

We are now largely sharing a collective disgust at the position to which our game has been allowed to fall. This has gone way beyond the misdeeds of David Murray and Craig Whyte. The lack of leadership and personal and professional integrity demonstrated by the people who head up the governing bodies in this country in recent months is utterly shameful. I can't remember the last time anyone on here referred to Duff & Phelps. These guys now seem like bit players. Christ, even Charles Green has been getting an easy ride of late, such is the extent to which Doncaster and Regan (in particular, but not exclusively) have taken centre stage in what has become the most ignominious chapter in the history of football in Scotland.

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It's unbelievable how this is being reported but it seems clear to me that the vote today is whether or not to allow Sevco into the SFL. This is assumed to be at SFL3 level unless the SFL board agree to a deal to allow them into SFL 1.

In a word......... NO!

You are aware that of the seven member SFL board, three of them are already thought to favour Sevco going straight to the SFL1 and that Longmuir will have the casting vote.

In two words.....STITCH UP!

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