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There is no chance at all that Doncaster is operating independently.

His role means he has to be conferring with SPL chairmen throughout this entire process. Perhaps of course, not all SPL chairmen. After all, no one is pretending it is a collection of equals.

Shome ahre mhore ehqual thhan ohthers.

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Gardiner (Dundee's CEO): We were told 10 days ago we were conflicted. We got an email at 4.55pm last night saying Dundee had to vote it is inexplicable. (4.51pm, sorry). We were told we had to vote. We want good, clear and honest leadership. I was sending emails at 1am & was still trying to get clarity at 6am. Perplexed. Time is running out. We need clarity today and then the same on Monday (at SPL vote). Isn't appropriate to say how Dundee will vote. Don't know full facts yet. We don't have enough info but told will get more today

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More questions than answers here.

The big question is still to what extent Doncaster was/is operating independently. There are only two possible explanations that could explain all the available facts:

i) A very elaborate, carefully orchestrated and far reaching conspiracy.

ii) A shambles so chaotic that nobody genuinely knows what is going on or what to do and is just burying their head in the sand and passing it around waiting for everyone else to do something.

Now, knowing the people and organisations involved, which is more likely? "elaborate, carefully orchestrated and far reaching " or "shambolic, chaotic, head burying and buck passing"?

Still wouldn't rule out (i) mind ;)

Interesting that Regan/SFA instigated the "plan". So far the SPL have not toed the party line and we can only hope that SFL don't either. Could be a good sort out for a future with one organisation running scottish fitba. From what I can see I'd go for SFL.

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Anyone know what way this going today? Is it to close to call?

I don't have time to look through the last several pages I'm at work.

It`s not too close to call. Unless clubs have been lying Sevco cannot possibly get the 15 votes they need in any specific vote apart from Resolution 1 which is to allow them admittance to the SFL

After that the SPL/SFA/Longmuir alliance were very clever. Resolution 2 should again pass as it calls for Sevco to be admitted to SFL3 so no problem so far. At this point the sting kicks in. The matter is passed on to the 7 member SFL board who can decide without further consultation to put them directly into SFL1.

To a very great extent it doesn`t matter today how many side with Raith and Clyde which is one of the reasons I`m so confused about Thistle`s silence in all this. They must know that the matter had already been fixed and it would have cost them nothing to indicate a NO vote.

Everyone, pray for an adjournment.

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No turning back, no bottling out, do it for the good of the game, not for the benefit of a handful of pen pushers' life of slothful ease on the backs of easy money from shysters pandering to neanderthal bigots.

The leaked e-mail from Regan shows all they care about is Rangers, not you. Let them know all the clubs and fans count, not just two.

Make this a Friday the 13th football will never forget for all the right reasons.

As Alex Miller would say (hey, any port in a storm!), "Let's do it for the fans!"

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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In a strange sort of way, I am more concerned about the way my club vote rather than the overall outcome of the vote and indeed, where exactly Sevco will be playing their football next season.

I had a raging argument on the phone last night with a Falkirk ST holder - I reckon Falkirk will take the shilling cos of the 3 (4? I've lost count) up. Whores

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There is no chance at all that Doncaster is operating independently.

His role means he has to be conferring with SPL chairmen throughout this entire process. Perhaps of course, not all SPL chairmen. After all, no one is pretending it is a collection of equals.

Shome ahre mhore ehqual thhan ohthers.

Thought you were having a wee stroke for a minute there.smile.gif

Edited by ayrmad
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There is no chance at all that Doncaster is operating independently.

His role means he has to be conferring with SPL chairmen throughout this entire process. Perhaps of course, not all SPL chairmen. After all, no one is pretending it is a collection of equals.

Shome ahre mhore ehqual thhan ohthers.

No doubt there are some who are complicity but he also does not command the confidence of many that much was clear by the fact they voted in defiance of what he was telling media. Tbf even if some thought it would be good to have newco in division one...how many of them would really have believed that doncaster could deliver it?? And they still voted...and. voted no.

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No. There is no way Sevco can win a vote to gain entry into SFL1.

Today's vote is in reality pointless. The outcome is decided. It's the manoevres afterwards which will now be of interest.

You do know that it will be the seven man SFL board who decide if they play in SFL1 or SFL3, right? It does`nt matter how many clubs would like to say NO as the matter has been taken out of their hands.

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I had a raging argument on the phone last night with a Falkirk ST holder - I reckon Falkirk will take the shilling cos of the 3 (4? I've lost count) up. Whores

Only a fcuking dimwit would take the shilling on nothing more than a conmans' promise.

Some people are just so naive, I'm quite sure you're Turnbull's etc will be looking for no wriggle room guarantees on things before they give an inch.

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I had a raging argument on the phone last night with a Falkirk ST holder - I reckon Falkirk will take the shilling cos of the 3 (4? I've lost count) up. Whores

Falkirk haven't been stupid so far. They will see the way the wind is blowing and make sure they aren't on the wrong side.

I have no doubt if the vote was going to be close, Falkirk would vote for Sevco to be in Division One. But they won't be dumb enough to "do a Killie" as it's now known.

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