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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So, how's the social unrest round your way tonight?

I heard a bit of music coming from a car stereo a wee while ago, it must have been half nine. I mean, half past nine, it's anarchy out there!!

Absolute chaos in the streets of Stirling. Saw a guy walking on the road instead of the pavement earlier. They'll need to bring in the riot police pronto if they want to stop a repeat of the London riots.

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I cancelled sky a few days ago, i was anywhere between £80-£100 a month for the everything, TV, Phone, broadband, line rental, HD & calls.

I phoned virgin & got everything for £43 a month. :D

Virgin? In Greenock? :lol:

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NewCo Rangers have entered into a sponsorship with Wonderbra to offer all their fans a 36"ZZ underwired bra for only £19.99.

Charles Green said "This will help our loyal fans supoort the biggest diddies in the football league"

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I'm reading doubt in this and the other threads. It's a case of be careful what you wish for eh?

I'm looking forward to Europe and making up for the half empty stadia that will be a reality later this season, although for you lot it'll be familiar

Go fuck yourself, you odious, glory-hunting bigot :)

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Clyde's summary of today's meeting:

The club chairman attended a very sobering meeting of the SFL today where the 30 clubs voted on resolutions in the manner that they felt were, on balance, for the good of the game. Nobody had arrived at decisions easily and all had been placed in intolerable positions of having to decide without the basic information that would reflect good governance and having to speculate about unresolved matters around sanctions and membership of the SFA that other bodies had so far failed to deal with.

The outcome was never going to be a good one, but it was one of significant unity amongst the clubs, and even where clubs voted differently, it was not a divisive difference of views, everyone understood the complex mix of circumstances facing each club would never deliver unanimity of voting.

We reported this morning prior to the vote of all clubs that “Sevco Scotland Ltd will not be playing in the Third Division in the coming season”. Nothing heard today altered that opinion, in fact, it strengthened it.

For the good of the game we need to see the SFA accept the will of its members, who all voted today, as members of the SFL, in the clear knowledge that the SFA had it in its power to refuse to transfer SFA membership to Sevco Scotland Ltd should the vote support the entry of Sevco Scotland Ltd into SFL 3.

We were asked to respect the confidentiality of those presenting today as only that agreement would allow them to be as candid as they were, we cannot therefore share what was said, however Mr Green left the SFL member clubs in no doubt about what he had been told by the SFA.

The SFL saw a level of unity and unselfishness that owes significant credit to the first division clubs who stated their intention to seek a 42 club solution and not to take part in a divisive alternative. This kind of unity if maintained will help deliver the change that the game so badly needs and the first division clubs in particular will merit.

If the SFA now act to support any process to undermine the clear views of the SFL members, who are also members of the SFA, then this club will join others in questioning those in leadership.

Sadly for our game, this saga is not over, teams cannot plan and that includes Rangers, who may yet be denied the opportunity to play football in SFL 3 because it suits the interests of others.

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Name and shame players having breakdowns on twitter, I have:

Craig Barr

Bobby Barr(both Livingston)

David Sinclair(Ayr, I think)

Rhys Weston(Dundee)

However Pars youngster Fraser Moncrieff was giving them a GIRFUY

Rhys Weston plays for KR of Iceland.

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I haven't posted in a while but I have done my utmost to keep up with this 3000mph thread through working hours - not an easy task!

Felt it was time to add to the debate on such a momentous day though.

My last post many thousands of pages ago mentioned the dinosaur that is Glasgow (no offence to those forward thinking Glaswegians!), however I believe my post to still be valid. The reason we have so much trouble in creating valid change in Scottish football in this country is that Stewie Regan for example was involved in creating sponsorship deals involving the OF prior to getting the SFA job and so many SFA "staff" have OF interests. No need for Sherlock in this instance, however this has always been the case throughout SFA history. The halls of the SFA are riddled with Rangers apologists/simpathizers to the extent that the situation has been normalized and even accepted without claim. For this country to progress as a footballing nation of any reputation, we must bin Glasgow as a shop window and consign it to the museum that it deserves. I know I will get pelters for this considering Glasgow is our biggest city, but throughout this "crisis" which section of society has been the biggest prophets/profits of the apparent "doom"/"armaggedon" heading our way?? The Scottish Sun, The Daily Record, Chic Young, Jim Traynor, Hugh "I never realized blowing my nose would rid me of my irritating as f*ck voice" Keeevins, etc - Dinosaurs the lot of them. Rangers, Celtic, and their fans - living in a huge big embarrassing time warp.

What would you all rather do? Put ink to a brand new fresh and exciting page? Or add more ink and mess to an already blotted, dirty paper?

History is already written, the future is in the hand of the boldest pen............

There is nothing cleaner than a page unwritten - let's show the OF goldfish bowl that there is life beyond their narrow existence - eyes wide open rather than minds half shut.

'mon the diddies. vive la revolution!

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Clyde's summary of today's meeting:

The SFL saw a level of unity and unselfishness that owes significant credit to the first division clubs who stated their intention to seek a 42 club solution and not to take part in a divisive alternative. This kind of unity if maintained will help deliver the change that the game so badly needs and the first division clubs in particular will merit.

ie: take your SPL2 and shove it up your dung-chutes!

Good stuff.

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Being reported on SSN that we will be playing 'Them' in the Ramsdens Cup - that can't be right, surely? Wouldn't they take Dundee/Dunfermlines place in that?

Dundee are due to play Brechin in The Ramsdens and the cup's regionalised so they've got a bit of fannying about to do.

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Sitting in the Internet Cafe in my Hotel in Salou, it is 26 degrees and the sky is bright blue, already had a few beers, and the news means that I will certainly have a good few more.

Can life get any better......

Oh yes, my team has just won promotion

The Airdrie Playoff Curse Remains a potent force.

GIRUY Teddy Bears, that is all.

Giving the Super Sons another chance at staying in Div 1. Thanks, Airdrie. We thought we'd be straight back down. You have given us some hope!

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Absolutely disgusted by this.

This was a one off opportunity to get rid of Rangers - and thereby get rid of the Old Firm and sectarianism in Scotland - for ever.

Rangers should not have been voted into the SFL.

I won´t be back at another Scottish senior game. The game in Scotland can continue in its sectarian cesspit. Rangers will be back in 3 years time, nastier than ever.

Can you promise not to post on here either.......that would have a greater impact........i.e PLEASING

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Think the New York Times has had a bit too much succulent lamb. And why the f**k is it being reported from London.

I read this ages ago and forgot to post it then but there hasn't been much reaction as of yet from this side of the pond so this is what we are going on. It'll be a big discussion on ESPN tonight.

No it, uh, won't actually.

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