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Still talking pish.

Never watched the news or read papers, i was out all day playing football, it's what we did in my day.

I was 14 when the Ricki Fulton sketches and riot took place according to google.

Look at your own reasons for being aware at an early age b4 you disbelieve others.

As for Boney M, I haven't got a clue what song you're talking about, it actually took me a wee while to realise what Sunday Bloody Sunday was about as I was so unbothered about all that stuff back then.

'Sunday Bloody Sunday'. What a great song. It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn't it? You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!".

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How would revenue from such a deal be distributed? Any idea?

Would the cash be split evenly amongst 30 clubs?

Also wouldn't be too keen on both my teams home matches v them being switched for telly.

Unless a special arrangement is put in place, yes, although it'd actually be loaded towards SFL1 clubs if put through the normal distribution set-up, as monies in SFL are normally split according to this model:

* 75% of [[£1,187,649 corrected from 2008-09 to current prices using the Retail Prices Index]] is divided equally

* 25% of [[that figure]] is ladderred according to league position

* amounts above [[that figure]] are divided among clubs on basis of 55% to SFL, 33% to SFL2 and 11% to SFL3

And why limit it to 25? Throw in half a dozen 1st/2nd division games to get some exposure to the rest of the leagues.

I'm sure if a broadcaster wants other games they'd get them. Could SFL1 be complicated by BBC Alba's rightsholding, e.g. first-call or exclusivity?

Edited by HibeeJibee
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'Sunday Bloody Sunday'. What a great song. It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn't it? You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!".


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'Sunday Bloody Sunday'. What a great song. It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn't it? You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!".


I was thinking of precisely that clip when the topic of Bloody Sunday came up.

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DDSS (different day, same shit) in that Sky didn't televise home games at Ibrox so RFC wouldn't lose income (except OF) Biles yir pish, doesn't it?

Ordinarily I would agree but I don't see screening the away games having adverse affect on the crowds at those games, the curiosity value and small grounds should see full houses at most grounds.

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This WVB is a thick one


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Posted Today, 10:22 AM

snapback.pngLeeds_Bear, on 19 July 2012 - 10:20 AM, said:

No-one is saying we are 100% innocent,

I am.

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I'm sure if a broadcaster wants other games they'd get them. Could SFL1 be complicated by BBC Alba's rightsholding, e.g. first-call or exclusivity?

But wouldn't BBC Alba's rightsholding be for the SFL rather than just Div 1? Surely shifting out the 3rd division games is just as much of an issue.

I'd imagine if the SFL were to say they wanted other matches outwith Rangers shown it'd be like Sky's deal with the IFA. They pay for the rights to Norn Iron games but have to show six domestic matches a year. Sky make a loss from those games but they do a lot of good for the domestic league. If Sky want the internationals they have to put up with Linfield. If someone wants Rangers they should have to put up with Dumbarton.

Edited by AsimButtHitsASix
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There's been a wee saltire sewn into the back of the last few tops, just below the collar.

Did the Norn Iron assembly really see a motion chaired to commend the club for soldiering on? Suppose it's not that crazy (although let's be honest: it's crazy). I've met a few Norn Iron Rangers supporters over the years and they've all been total mentalists.

Bigot dry.gif

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I'm with Ayrmad here, stop selective reading,

He said "life as a KID was more innocent 30 or 40 years ago" & he's bang on, 30 years ago I was 6, but right up till I started high schooI, in the days before internet, before cartoons like bugs bunny were replaced with South Park & Family Guy Ihad no idea where NI was, Boney M, nope sorry hadn't heard of them, Ricky Fulton, who???? Sectarianism? Non catholic signing policy? Nah didn't know what any of that meant, and Rangers & Celtic were just another two football teams............

The innocence of youth eh...

Nah, sorry - this argument just doesn't stack up for me. It may have felt more innocent because we were young and immature, and didn't appreciate the full ramifications of what was going on, but where I came from in deepest, darkest Ayrshire, we did know about all of it. It was, and still is, a part of everyday life. It doesn't destroy the love you have for your home, but with hindsight it can darken it; James MacMillan being an example of a response to it. Whiterose Killie may have words to say about me mentioning it, but it seems to me his visceral response to the OF arises as a consequence of the situation that pertains, experienced over many, many years, and from an early age I suspect.

I can understand that as children we might not appreciate the 'big picture' and accept this may continue even up until we are exiting our teens. But at some point in our adult development we have to stand back and see it for what it is. It may not be a damascene moment, the picture may unblur over a period of time, but, in spite of the love of whatever football team, at some point you have to make a decision as to what is right and what is wrong.

It is wrong to support teams steeped in bigotry, even if you are not bigoted yourself. To do so in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, provides comfort to those who spread hate and intolerance and suggests you don't care. Not to care about something so vile and invidious, is tragic.

It was along time evolving, but for me it became a question of morality. The influence may never subside completely, and I don't feel like the 'reformed smoker' type, but I do feel I made the right decision.

Mind you..............despite his protestations theres no *%£$%** way my wee lad gets to paint his room red, white and blue (see what I did there?)!:P I suppose he doesn't have to now anyway 8) !!

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Posted Today, 11:56 AM

Don't compare us with selik.

That shower of scum are not in our league. "

Never a truer word spoken :lol: :lol: :lol:

sounds like a rage against the machien song.

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Ignoring the unintentional "Don't compare us with the scum at Celtic... they're not even in our league" (ba-dum tsh!) post, my personal favourite is this;

"How these morons think we gained financial gain from dual contracts?

We still paid the same amount if someone was earning 40 grand a week, than someone earning 30 grand a week plus a 10 grand EBT.

Its the player thats missing a few grands worth of tax, not the club.

We could afford these players, so their claims are just clear lies that we couldn't afford these players."


He has over 19,000 posts and a positive reputation of 72. I mean... fucking incredible.

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Don't forget the fact obvious to just about everyone bar the two apologists: you can quite easily renounce your team for being bigoted scumbags, when you've finally left your naive little bubble.

Old Firm fans have chosen not to because they are comfortable with bigotry.

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And you sir are still fantasing.

A more innocent age 30 or 40 years ago? Sorry, but... :lol:

In the 1970s and 1980 the Troubles in Northern Ireland had kicked off in earnest (even Boney M, the biggest act of the time, had a Top Ten hit protesting against the violence and hatred), one of the major encouragement of all this sectarian bile, every news report (including good old John Craven's Newsround) mentioned what was going on, and Rikki Fulton was about to do a very famous sketch on Scotland most popular TV show of the time "Scotch 'N' Wry" lampooning Rangers no-Catholics signing policy.

Oh, and Old Firm fans were to riot at a cup final at Hampden full of sectarian bile.

Sectarianism was very much alive and kicking back in the days the Old Firm were at the height of their powers and doing all they could to exploit it and encourage it.

So you'll forgive my scepticism towards people from 30 or 40 years back saying they "knew nothing about it until their teens".

If those are the things you remember from your childhood, I genuinely feel sorry for you.

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They cheated more than ayr on there way to the 2002 final. Every team they played on the way to the final have a claim against the cheating, dead rangers.

It is not so easy to award cups to runners up as it is with the SPL championship.


Title stripping smacks of the worst excesses of New Labour coffee table gesture politics to me, "Oooh, something must be done!"

It also opens a can of worms. My club was eliminated four of five times from cup competitions by Rangers in the period specified as no doubt were other posters on here. Do we have the right to see financial redress and chase money of course that will never be paid.

Utterly pointless.

The SFA and SPL would be better imposing proper Financial rules that all clubs have to follow or risk points deductions and automatic relegations like in the Bundesliga rather than try and attempt to change history.

Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster as Nero figures, playing their violins whilst Rome burns.

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Still talking pish.

Never watched the news or read papers, i was out all day playing football, it's what we did in my day.

I was 14 when the Ricki Fulton sketches and riot took place according to google.

Look at your own reasons for being aware at an early age b4 you disbelieve others.

As for Boney M, I haven't got a clue what song you're talking about, it actually took me a wee while to realise what Sunday Bloody Sunday was about as I was so unbothered about all that stuff back then.

And at the age of five - unless you were homeschooled - you were separated from some of your little friends when you were all to go to school because they were Catholics. From that point onwards, anyone from lowland Scotland that says they never got an "education" in "The Culture" is a goddamn liar.

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How would revenue from such a deal be distributed? Any idea?

How can the SFL tout for a contract including Sevco 5088 away games, when said club has no licnce, or is this a hint that another wee deal between the SFA/SFL hopefully who ever arranges the contract with what ever TV coy, will make sure that they cover themselves ,should Sevco 5088 fold during the season, the TV coy would have to cover other matches, or pay a large penalty charge to allow them to walk away

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Ignoring the unintentional "Don't compare us with the scum at Celtic... they're not even in our league" (ba-dum tsh!) post, my personal favourite is this;

"How these morons think we gained financial gain from dual contracts?

We still paid the same amount if someone was earning 40 grand a week, than someone earning 30 grand a week plus a 10 grand EBT.

Its the player thats missing a few grands worth of tax, not the club.

We could afford these players, so their claims are just clear lies that we couldn't afford these players."


He has over 19,000 posts and a positive reputation of 72. I mean... fucking incredible.

'team: Rangers' explains all.

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