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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So Celtic are at it as well.


Well well well. Who would have thought that? All those hospitals that coud have been built too. Dear me.

Now do these Celtic players have their contributions docked off their wages by the club?

Not just players I believe, but also Celtic people involved in the SFA and SPL. Well well well.

Delivering judgements on others, and talking of sporting integrity.

In regards to that story - Unfortunately for you and your fellow (orcs) haters, it is clear that no rules or regulations of Scottish football were broken by anyone at Celtic FC or the man that you all love to hate so much. wink.gif

BTW, where's your licence!? laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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Tbh - will there be a rejigging?

Last season's deal was for £13M p/a and clubs were anticipating £16M p/a from this season. It sounds like they're going to get this, but need to pay £1.2M or £400k (not clear) to SFL. So it's £14.8M or £15.6M... up from £13M and down from anticipated £16M... but with no Rangers everyone moves up 1 place in the prizemoney ladder.

Some clubs will lose-out on 1/2 away gates, but prizemoney wouldn't fall much at all. No major hit.

TBF, the overseas rights were for £2.5m and Sportfive were only after the OF games, so a good chance that this money will be gone. The only real winner in the prizemoney ladder will be whoever gets the 2nd spot as the difference between 2nd & 3rd is quite steep and thereafter the ladder rungs are pretty close together. I do agree with the general sentiment though and the talk of slow lingering death etc. etc. has been shown to be only one of many statements made by an incompetent fool.

Edited by strichener
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TBF, the overseas rights were for £2.5m and Sportfive were only after the OF games, so a good chance that this money will be gone. The only real winner in the prizemoney ladder will be whoever gets the 2nd spot as the difference between 2nd & 3rd is quite steep and thereafter the ladder rungs are pretty close together. I do agree with the general sentiment though and the the talk of slow lingering death etc. etc. has been shown to be only one of many statements made by an incompetent fool.

many incompetent fools.

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Did you even go read the article?


CELTIC'S Peter Lawwell and SPL supremo Neil Doncaster were in London yesterday trying to persuade Sky to show Scottish football for EIGHT years.

The satellite TV giants had agreed to a five-year deal worth £80million but that was conditional on Old Firm matches being central to the package.

Just maybe that is why he was invited along (far cry from being hijacked) for his input into the situation.

I really should red spot you for listening he ramblings of a pish-stained alkie and buying into the paranoia he feds to the deluded Orcs ....

This is how stupid rumours start doing the rounds then become gospel in the minds of those who cannot be bothered researching the truth.

Should really be red-dotted yourself for linking to an article from the Daily Retard and proclaiming it to be the truth.:rolleyes:

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Not even very good whataboutery.

If they all lost money, didn't get any tax breaks and have to pay legal costs

then it would appear to be case closed.

More than that, this was a scheme whereby the individuals attempted to use legal loopholes to reclaim tax already paid on their earnings. No club involvement here at all. Not quite the same as not paying tax and NI (Players) and not paying NI (Club).

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Did you even go read the article?


CELTIC'S Peter Lawwell and SPL supremo Neil Doncaster were in London yesterday trying to persuade Sky to show Scottish football for EIGHT years.

The satellite TV giants had agreed to a five-year deal worth £80million but that was conditional on Old Firm matches being central to the package.

Just maybe that is why he was invited along (far cry from being hijacked) for his input into the situation.

I really should red spot you for listening he ramblings of a pish-stained alkie and buying into the paranoia he feds to the deluded Orcs ....

This is how stupid rumours start doing the rounds then become gospel in the minds of those who cannot be bothered researching the truth.

Edit: Do you honestly think the muppets at the Daily Retard would have

a) managed to find out about a secret meeting .. given their investigative skills

b) Not created a huge fanfare and 'hoohah' if they had uncovered a 'secret meeting of the minds'

Is it not more likely they were told in advance of the meeting when who and where and the agenda, so it could be reported !!

Hiya Peter!!! Hiya pal!

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I hope and pray that SFA/SPL/SevCo can't come to an "agreement". The thought of having to go through all of this shit again when SevCo eventually goes tits-up gives me the boak. 

Agreement imminent, according to the BBC :rolleyes:

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Certain clubs will need to rejig for lost attendances but it won't be anything major, a player or 2 on less than usual or a player less in the squad, certainly nothing that closes the gap between the SPL and SFL.

I do hope the SPL clubs don't look for much from Newco attendances when they arrive up there, I would think most Newco fans wouldn't like to give a pound of their cash to the SPL clubs in the future.

Would suit me fine to never see another Newco / CFC fan inside SMP ever again. Unfortunately it just wont happen as we have been "promised" boycotts on numerous occasions in the past and they never materialise. Three seasons down the line I'm sure they will sell out what is a small allocation anyway more's the pity.

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I deleted my hasty post.

Yes, they are back but it's just a refresh of what was there before rather than a

new entry.

I hope.;)

eta Must pop over to OM and see what they think.

Premature hunelation is my guess.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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1343389116[/url]' post='6470695']

So Celtic are at it as well.


Well well well. Who would have thought that? All those hospitals that coud have been built too. Dear me.

Now do these Celtic players have their contributions docked off their wages by the club?

Not just players I believe, but also Celtic people involved in the SFA and SPL. Well well well.

Delivering judgements on others, and talking of sporting integrity.

But, of course, this has nothing to do with SPORTING integrity because it involved a group of individuals mal-investing their take home pay with no interface with the club, whereas in Rangers case it was an EMPLOYEE benefit trust that required Rangers to make payments to the club and the weight of evidence indicates it was directly tied to contract and attracting players. One is relevant to the pitch, the other is not.

Simplified Example (EBT) Rangers and Celtic are negotiating with a player and can afford to pay him £9000 a week after regular taxes Rangers offer a combined £10000 with a portion thru EBT, outlay to Rangers is the same as if offered £9000 Player signs for Rangers. Rangers garner sporting advantage through (we think) breaking the rules for EBTs

Simplified Example (player investments) Four old firm players each have £500K to invest AFTER the club has paid them properly:

Player A) invests in a dubious film finance scheme for tax advantages Player B) gives the money to charity Player C) invests in Greek Sovereign Bond Funds Player D) goes the traditional route of hookers 'n blow

Player (b) is a good person, © and (d) are broke and (a) is not as nice as (b) or ©. However, none of this has anything to do with either the club they play or sporting integrity. It has no direct impact on the pitch. A number of players and staff of a single club might plump for (a) and do the tax shelter because they are friends and they share the same accountants, but that could just as easily happen with the option to buy Greek bonds. The point is the CLUB isn't involved, and the club garners no advantage from this - even if, for the sake of argument, Neil and Hartson really quite liked avoiding taxes it wouldnt have influenced their career decisions as such schemes are portable and can be done at any club.

If Neil Lennon etc. were bitching about all the bulletproof vests for the Forces or ambulances for the NHS the Rangers hid away through EBTs then this is relevant. If you want to make a US style "role models should be perfect" argument then it's a bit relevant. But it has absolutely nothing to do with the sporting integrity argument.

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Agreement imminent, according to the BBC :rolleyes:

So, either SevCo have accepted that they are going to be punished for the double contracts, and will lose their titles. Or the SFA have lubed up to a 3rd division team and swept it under the carpet.

Either way a shitstorm is brewing.

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And there's what's wrong with Scottish football - what I hoped was a balanced post, and I'm a closet bun :( .

And as for Forfar lying down...

League Cup Semi Final 1977-78.................2-1 up with 7 minutes to go, and needed extra-time to be beaten

Scottish Cup Semi Final 1981-1982............they needed a dodgy decision and a replay to stop us knocking them out

Scottish Cup 1982-83..................................1-0 up at half-time at Ibrox before losing 2-1

Skol Cup 1986-87........................................they needed penalties to beat us

I appreciate that they have stuffed us a few times since, but not many "diddy" teams have been that close that often to beating them.

Ignore him - an earlier classic was Albion Rovers were Celtic's lapdogs at the SFA for years. Nothing to back it up, just spouting shite.

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I deleted my hasty post.

Yes, they are back but it's just a refresh of what was there before rather than a

new entry.

I hope.;)

Still no news....can't decide whether it's better they get punted now or they start the season and it all unravels in a horrible mess. The former, I think - the latter will have too much impact on proper football teams.

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