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Guest Kincardine

They were seen clearly and heard loudly singing The Famine Song. The crowd were being filmed by an officer of the law who was filming with a camcorder and by the BBC cameras filming the match.

It will be interesting to see what the authorities, Police, SFL and SFA do about it. wink.gif

It could easily lead to them not receiving a full SFA licence and the new club being expelled from Scottish football altogether.

Is this The Famine Song that you're referring to:

The words are:

Four men had a dream

To start up a football team

But they had no money, no kit, not even a ball

But they carried on

And The Rangers were born

54 titles

We're still going strong.

Feel free to argue with/take the piss out of the sentiments but also make sure that you quote all of the offensive words when you write to The SFA/UEFA/FIFA/FARE and The Irish Embassy.

Edited by Kincardine
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Green & Murray had another wee nibble after the game yesterday. In particular Greens comments about looking forward to seeing certain clubs balance sheets at the end of the season, nice sentiments.

In todays Scotsman and no doubt other less salubrious publications.

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What has happened to Rangers is not through bigotry but due to their own mismanagement , no one else is involved other than the custodians of Rangers Football Club as they once were. There is no conspiracy by a religious group just corrupt foolhardy men who used a football club as a vehicle for their own publicity and kudos. Charles Green is another in that mould and for him to say what has occurred was anything other than the previous owners own deceit brings the game into disrepute.

It is wilful misinformation to blame anything or anyone but David Murray and Craig Whyte. Not Lloyds bank , not the SPL, not Neil Lennon or Peter Lawell not the SFA, or all the other clubs. There is only one club who have to answer the charge of bringing the game into disrepute over 10 years.

How do you sort that mess out ? The ramifications of one clubs actions has the potential to throw the world game into meltdown.

Those players illegally registered who went on to play in domestic , European and International games, how do you honestly sort that mess out ??

Today I was disgusted to see the phrase Rangers used by everyone at BBC Alba I wonder how the creditors remember them poor b*****ds who were cheated of their remunerations for services or investors.

Same name ,same crest , same strips, same obnoxious supporters singing the same distasteful songs. They are not worth saving if they are not willing to change .

As others have said they hoped the separation of the cheeks would allow the supporters who claim things are getting better and it will eventually die out , well sorry it is not quick enough. The only way to kill this crap off is to rid ourselves of the problem.

How will you get either to give up when they display an intolerance to change.

Well said Sir.

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Is this The Famine Song that you're referring to:

The words are:

Four men had a dream

To start up a football team

But they had no money, no kit, not even a ball

But they carried on

And The Rangers were born

54 titles

We're still going strong.

Feel free to argue with/take the piss out of the sentiments but also make sure that you quote all of the offensive words when you write to The SFA/UEFA/FIFA/FARE and The Irish Embassy.

Was wondering if you would kindly supply us with all the other songs sang during the game?


Didn't think so. dry.gif

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Is this The Famine Song that you're referring to:

The words are:

Four men had a dream

To start up a football team

But they had no money, no kit, not even a ball

But they carried on

And The Rangers were born

54 titles

We're still going strong.

Feel free to argue with/take the piss out of the sentiments but also make sure that you quote all of the offensive words when you write to The SFA/UEFA/FIFA/FARE and The Irish Embassy.

Is that song about The Rangers football club or Sevco 5088?

Either the "54 titles" or the "still going strong" bit is a lot of pish but the rest is fairly accurate for either!

I've got to admit there was a lot that stuck in the craw yesterday, that brand new shiny football team that has just entered our game looked and sounded an awfy lot like the bitter toxic club that completely ruined Scottish football over the previous two decades.

I'm no legal eagle but it just didn't seem right that this new business are blatantly allowed to rip off the customers of the old business whilst sticking two fingers up at the creditors of the old business! I know the law can be an ass though!

Also Chuck Green actually said that Bigotry is to blame for his clubs fate. Damn sure it is, without the support of the like minded individuals in the establishment this shiny new club wouldn't have had a sniff at an uncontested application to Division 3.

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From a Sevco "Fan" in a Scotsman article:

Scott Brown, from Montrose, described the situation as “a new adventure”. He said: “I’ve been following them for 20 years, and I’m not going to stop now. If they played on the streets, I’d watch from the pavement. I’ll miss the Old Firm games, but I won’t miss the rest – I’ve got no care for any of the
others, especially after what’s happened.

Typical knuckledragger, and before I get shot down, yes we are as guilty in carrying likeminded a**eholes as well.:angry:

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Green & Murray had another wee nibble after the game yesterday. In particular Greens comments about looking forward to seeing certain clubs balance sheets at the end of the season, nice sentiments.

In todays Scotsman and no doubt other less salubrious publications.

Green should be worrying about his own balance sheet...with displays like that yesterday he'll be lucky too see five thousand a game in the stands once the weather sets in. He's clearly been advised by the likes of mccoist n jardine on how to play to the natives....a very poor choice long term imo ...but then again not his first

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Now that spivco have actually kicked a ball, would somebody who lives north of the border give us a run down on the inevitable social unrest and armageddon situation up there. Do we need the aircraft carrier and missile batteries protecting the olympics redeployed???

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Now that spivco have actually kicked a ball, would somebody who lives north of the border give us a run down on the inevitable social unrest and armageddon situation up there. Do we need the aircraft carrier and missile batteries protecting the olympics redeployed???

Me, on a 3rd Division forum, on a Monday, with my reputation? Ayyyeee sayyyy.

There was a lot of social unrest and anti-social behaviour yesterday at Brechin. At least six polystyrene cups and five crisp packets were dropped, and there was a criminal mis-spelling of the word(?) "paedo" (peado).

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He's clearly been advised by the likes of mccoist n jardine on how to play to the natives....a very poor choice long term imo ...but then again not his first

Yes, after hearing McCoist's comments on Friday and Green's yesterday, I can only assume a decision has been made to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

They've got their work cut out to sustain it though, because as denominators go, we're talking very, very low indeed.

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Is this The Famine Song that you're referring to:

The words are:

Four men had a dream

To start up a football team

But they had no money, no kit, not even a ball

But they carried on

And The Rangers were born

54 titles

We're still going strong.

Feel free to argue with/take the piss out of the sentiments but also make sure that you quote all of the offensive words when you write to The SFA/UEFA/FIFA/FARE and The Irish Embassy.

On the radio i heard -- loud and clear -- the "We are Rangers, Super Rangers" song, with the "We hate Celtic, ****** b*****ds" line in there being shouted audibly by many.

Why are Rangers fans still singing this? Why are decent Rangers fans not objecting?

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Leggo's struggling here - http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/ - Green playing the bigot card has got him all confuzzled

Yes, not up to his usual standard. The repetition is nowhere near as relentless as in his better work. I think he's maybe made the mistake of trying to write when semi-sober.

Come on Leggo - back on the sauce. We deserve better.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Just back from a fortnight off to find these pearls of wisdom in my inbox from someone:

"The above Company was incorporated on 11 October 1994, with a registered office at 24 Great King Street, Edinburgh.

This Company subsequently changed its name on became "The Celtic Football and Athletic Company Limited" and currently trades as Celtic Football Club.

So let us start the campaign that as the old Company folded in 1994 and was replaced by this Company, that all trophies, including the big jug, won before 1994 be stripped from their official records.

The Company that Liewell runs has a very very proud history going back all of 18 years and has won 7 titles, 6 scottish cups and 5 league cups.

Pass this info around every bear you know, get on the phone-ins and let us ensure the gloating fans of Pacific Shelf 595 Limited that we are not the first to think about a change of name, and that it doesnt necessarily mean that previous history is lost."

Said e-mail has been sent to just about every media outlet going. God knows why I got it. It doesn't actually say who the "above company" is.

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Interesting point, this.

You do wonder if - in hindsight - chairmen and officials wish they'd relegated them before June, thus achieving SFL1 situation.

Isn't there an SFL rule against transferring an SFL membership to a Newco? I'm sure someone said that on here a while back.

In that case, relegating them to SFL1 would have led to them having to re-apply to the SFL after the CVA was rejected.

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Wonder how much of a loss The Rangers made yesterday. They would get half the crowd less Brechin's costs. A wee bit of prize money for getting into the next round. Would that even cover a winning bonus for the players?

Will we now see the heated balls being used to guarantee a home tie in the next round?

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I suspect you already know the answer to that question. It's a terribly easy one.

It seems implausible I know, but it's almost as if they don't really care one way or the other. It's almost as if their entire defence will be to point at other clubs with much less widespread problems and whine "But what about them? What about Queen Of The South?!! You're all just anti-Rangers!!". But surely that cannot be the case. I'm quite sure many of them, hell the majority of them, have written to their club to express serious concern that sectarian singing continues in the year 2012. I am doubly sure many of them have tapped the offenders on the shoulder at matches and asked them to cease their behaviour, because it's only a tiny minority of idiots, right??

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Yes, not up to his usual standard. The repetition is nowhere near as relentless as in his better work. I think he's maybe made the mistake of trying to write when semi-sober.

Come on Leggo - back on the sauce. We deserve better.

Carry on reading his previous blog.

"Alistair" (I want to have your babies) McCoist = Great, Superb, Hero, King, Ruler of the Universe.:rolleyes:

Charles "Snake Oil" Greene = Bad, Despicable, Low-down Sh*t, Ruler of the Underworld.:angry:

If it wasn't for the sanity that "Alistair" brings, the wicked white wizard would take over Orc city.:D

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