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Ahhhh you gotta love how money grabbing SevCo has become.........

Home League Cup ties will no longer be included in the standard season ticket.

Fans wishing to attend non-league home games can sign up to ALL games only by ticking the relevant section on the form. BUT, fans who have returned their renewal form and ticked the box for all non season ticket games please note the East Fife game is excluded from this due to timescales.

So, thanks for renewing your season ticket, now give us £15. laugh.gif

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Orcmedia reckon that because they're not spending transfer fees these players are basically free.

I suppose they have a point. If they're snapping up frees, then they do indeed cost nothing - until they actually have to pay them.

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How EBT’s Work – and How They Go Wrong – the Melchester Rovers Debacle

Suddenly the acronym EBT is front and centre in the sporting news, leading some to speculate that a decision from the Tax Tribunal dealing with the appeal against tax assessments by Rangers is imminent.

I have therefore, in an effort to clarify and explain the matter to new readers, taken a post I wrote in January and revised and extended it.

It also has Roy Race and Melchester Rovers in it.

I should declare that neither the famous footballing hero, Mr Race, nor his world-famous club, are accused of wrongdoing by me. They merely provide a hypothetical example.

In addition, I refer to a Mr Waxendale-Balker. He should not be taken as having any connection to a tax expert called Mr Baxendale-Walker.

On with the explanation - http://scotslawthoughts.wordpress.com/2012/08/07/how-ebts-work-and-how-they-go-wrong-the-melchester-rovers-debacle/

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Maybe Murray was duped on EBTs? ......unfortunately for minty ignorance is not an excuse, doesn't matter if the chancellor of the exchequer advised him on EBTs and the House of Lords said it was legal,,,they were misused ergo ...cheating b*****ds .

Murray really should be worried about prison rather than bleating on about lost tin pots and being victimised.

VICTIMISED! what a laugh, the establishment team did everything in their power to grind all competitors into dust for the last 100 years until they had the brass neck to try and rip off Her Maj too.

And now they are still living in denial, casting about for someone to blame, anyone to blame, because they can`t accept that they did this to themselves.

David Murray should have bought his first love A*r United when he had the chance, now that would have been funny...

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From today's Daily The Ranger

Coisty slams Scots boss for leaving Gers left-back out of squad

McCOIST said: “I would argue we’ll have a better quality of player here at Murray Park than some of the boys in the Scotland squad."

ALLY MCCOIST last night took a swipe at Craig Levein’s decision to make Lee Wallace a Scotland outcast.

Rangers’ drop into the Third Division saw the full-back dropped yesterday from the national squad to face Australia in a friendly at Easter Road next week.

And McCoist can’t accept the logic behind that omission.

He said: “I feel sorry for the Scotland fans more than anyone else.

“The fact Lee’s now in the Third Division shouldn’t close the international door on him.

“I would argue we’ll have a better quality of player here at Murray Park than some of the boys in the Scotland squad.

“Don’t rule my players out just because they’re in the Third Division.”

McCoist insisted he wasn’t launching a personal attack on Levein while mounting a defence of Wallace.

He added: “I’m not going to criticise Craig because he’s got a hard job to do.

“He picks the squad and sees who the best squad is. But if you’re asking me if I think Lee’s good enough to play for Scotland then my answer is yes.’”

Levein explained the reasoning behind Wallace’s exclusion.

He said: “It was a tough decision. We’ve put a performance system in place and one of the key components is this best v best thing when you’re testing yourself every week at a high level.

“The whole idea behind it is that it’s not such a big jump when you step into international football.

“I’ve made my decision and it’s not my job to give players advice on where to play their club football.”

So, Craig's saying "If you want to play for Scotland, I'm not telling you where to play your football (but I'm saying DON'T play it in the 3rd Division in Scotland)":P

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I know your trying to be diplomatic but the whole thing was driven by Murray's accountancy firm which charged the club if we are to believe what other board members said in the documentary the men who sold the jerseys.

If or when they are found guilty it will prove irrelevant due to the percieved bias. All the you'll not take our titles stuff apart from being a childish game of oneupmanship is this to hide the possible sanction of suspension or expulsion which will have to be considered.

I fully understand and agree with the sentiment, but I'm really confused as to how this could possibly come about given the structures we currently have.

This is an SPL investigation, but obviously Cevco can't be suspended/expelled from the SPL which they're not members of. How could an SPL appointed Commission adjudicate over their SFL membership?

Even should the SPL Commission decide to look simply at title stripping as a punishment, how can an SPL panel adjudicate over the 6 League Cups during the period in question?!

It's a mess. The only way I see it working is if Chas and the RFFFFFFFFFF stupidly appeal the Commission's findings. As the appeal is to the SFA, they could easily up the punishment to include SFL suspension/League Cup takebacks!

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He must hate it that they're now called Sevco then.

I thought it was just me that found that scrawny wee git unfunny. Now I realise he probably got the gig on a very funny handshake, that's the only thing about him that I would find funny.

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It's a mess. The only way I see it working is if Chas and the RFFFFFFFFFF stupidly appeal the Commission's findings. As the appeal is to the SFA, they could easily up the punishment to include SFL suspension/League Cup takebacks!

Sssssshhh! If you delete yours, I'll delete this.;)

So, Craig's saying "If you want to play for Scotland, I'm not telling you where to play your football (but I'm saying DON'T play it in the 3rd Division in Scotland)":P

That's Craig on the "list" now;

Edited by cyderspaceman
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From today's Daily The Ranger

Coisty slams Scots boss for leaving Gers left-back out of squad

McCOIST said: "I would argue we'll have a better quality of player here at Murray Park than some of the boys in the Scotland squad."

ALLY MCCOIST last night took a swipe at Craig Levein's decision to make Lee Wallace a Scotland outcast.

Rangers' drop into the Third Division saw the full-back dropped yesterday from the national squad to face Australia in a friendly at Easter Road next week.

And McCoist can't accept the logic behind that omission.

He said: "I feel sorry for the Scotland fans more than anyone else.

"The fact Lee's now in the Third Division shouldn't close the international door on him.

"I would argue we'll have a better quality of player here at Murray Park than some of the boys in the Scotland squad.

"Don't rule my players out just because they're in the Third Division."

McCoist insisted he wasn't launching a personal attack on Levein while mounting a defence of Wallace.

He added: "I'm not going to criticise Craig because he's got a hard job to do.

"He picks the squad and sees who the best squad is. But if you're asking me if I think Lee's good enough to play for Scotland then my answer is yes.'"

Levein explained the reasoning behind Wallace's exclusion.

He said: "It was a tough decision. We've put a performance system in place and one of the key components is this best v best thing when you're testing yourself every week at a high level.

"The whole idea behind it is that it's not such a big jump when you step into international football.

"I've made my decision and it's not my job to give players advice on where to play their club football."

So, Craig's saying "If you want to play for Scotland, I'm not telling you where to play your football (but I'm saying DON'T play it in the 3rd Division in Scotland)":P

For once Levein is correct. It's like an actor going from Coronation St to the Royal Shakespeare Company a la Sir Iain McKellen. In both cases the performance suffers.

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True It's like any sport or challenge, you only raise your own game by playing better opponents, they expose the weakness in your own game, which in turns helps you identify the areas you need to improve on.

That said I am sure there are a few players in 3rd who are capable and will enjoy testing Lee's capabilities

This also works in reverse, if you are constantly testing yourself against a lower skill base then your skills will drop to their level eventually. This is why I am confident Sevco's 'big' signings, "a couple of the best players from the SPL" as someone told me the other day, will find themselves turning into half decent 2nd division players within thenext couple of seasons. Sevco will stagnate until they are allowed to sign players again, if Chuckie does not bust them by then.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Ahhhh you gotta love how money grabbing SevCo has become.........

Home League Cup ties will no longer be included in the standard season ticket.

Fans wishing to attend non-league home games can sign up to ALL games only by ticking the relevant section on the form. BUT, fans who have returned their renewal form and ticked the box for all non season ticket games please note the East Fife game is excluded from this due to timescales.

So, thanks for renewing your season ticket, now give us £15. laugh.gif

To be fair, they started trying to rip the fans off long before that wee ditty at the end of the form.

£368 for a third division season ticket. Really? I think you may be taking the piss Mr Green.

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And it's back to the Scottish media failing to ask the pertinent questions - like who's backing Sevco and where's the money coming from? It's all good head in the sand stuff once again and when it goes tits up we'll have a chorus of "why didn't the SFA, SFL, RSPB or f*cking NASA do something".

Oh...oh...at last a question I can answer! NASA have been kind of busy landing a new 'Rover' on Mars. This one is specifically designed to determine if life exists, or has ever existed, on the red planet. In that respect they have obviously been a little too preoccupied to help out Sevco.

Or maybe, just maybe, NASA has been helping after all, and with a little aforethought the new Mars Rover is there to search out new signing targets for Ally? Of course one of the scientific instruments it carries therefore must be able to check that any martian footballers it finds are not only of the appropriate standard i.e. mercenary, money grabbing b*****d martians, but that they went to the right martian school!


Edited by Ravelin
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