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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Do you have a source/link that verifies that he has made such a statement? I am not questioning your honesty. I would like to save the link to such a statement for future reference. Thanks in advance if you can provide the source/link..

Has Murray paid back his own £6million EBT and provided credible evidence that he has done so?

Have any of the 100+ individuals who received those EBT's payed them back ?

I think everyone already knows the answer to these questions.

And considering Murrays company MIH already had debts of well over half a billion pounds at the time of provision of the EBT's why haven't the "loans" been recalled? Could it be because the truth is ... the EBT's were not loans and cannot be repaid!

I think the answer to that question is clear too.


Rangers agreed contracts of employment with its players (and staff). The EBT scheme involved the contribution of funds into an offshore discretionary trust managed by independent trustees.

The trustees could and did make loans to individuals carrying interest with scheduled repayment dates.

When(?) the loans are finally repaid what happens to the money? As it was originally paid into the trust fund by Oldco will the money be returned to it to pay the creditors? Or will it disappear into a black hole of legal and administration fees?

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Work colleagues brought in a Record so I decided to have a scan of it. Great reading with tears everywhere.

My personal favourite was Jackson's lead into his 'kangaroo court' story where he mentions EBTs getting the club into 'hot water'. True, if the water was hot enough to scald them to death, rather than the slap on the wrist that Keith portrays.

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When(?) the loans are finally repaid what happens to the money? As it was originally paid into the trust fund by Oldco will the money be returned to it to pay the creditors? Or will it disappear into a black hole of legal and administration fees?

The money goes back into the trust fund to be redistributed to EBT recipients. It seems that the "loans" were to be repaid in between 10 to 15 years, or on the death of the player.

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Sevco will be in admin by November IMO.

i dunno i suspect the budgeting is done until end of January. Green is looking for a pay day and he could be looking at paying these players with the clubs money and loans on assets and ticket money.

Would it surprise anyone if these players left for a 'fee' in January and those fees were payable direct to Green and his cronies not Sevco? He and his consortium want their money and interest back and as shown at Sheffield he really doesn't care about football.

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I picked up this story/rumour via a Social Media site. Must say it makes very interesting reading if true!!

"Reported that SFA Chief Executive, Stewart Regan was head hunted by Nolan Partners and that Neil Doncaster was also head hunted by Nolan Partners.

Topping was reported to have been been head hunted by Nolan Partners and it is believed that Lunny was head hunted by Nolan Partners.

Nolan partners owner and senior partner is Paul Nolan

Paul Nolan is a lifelong best friend of Kevin Reid. Paul Nolan is a lifelong friend of the Reid family

Kevin Reid's father, Dr John Reid was the Celtic FC Chairman at the time of all 4 appointments

The SFA internal lawyer cut her teeth at Celtic FC

The SFA's head of Marketing joined in March from.....you guessed it, Celtic FC

Every journalist in Scotland totally refuses to investigate / run with these reported FACTS

Ask yourself why "

interesting !

Meh, if it was the Nolan sisters it may have been of intetest.

But it wasn't.

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Work colleagues brought in a Record so I decided to have a scan of it. Great reading with tears everywhere.

My personal favourite was Jackson's lead into his 'kangaroo court' story where he mentions EBTs getting the club into 'hot water'. True, if the water was hot enough to scald them to death, rather than the slap on the wrist that Keith portrays.

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The money goes back into the trust fund to be redistributed to EBT recipients. It seems that the "loans" were to be repaid in between 10 to 15 years, or on the death of the player.

10 to 15 years or the death of the player, whichever comes second.

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The money goes back into the trust fund to be redistributed to EBT recipients. It seems that the "loans" were to be repaid in between 10 to 15 years, or on the death of the player.

At which point they will be subjected to income tax and NI. So the players will have had a loan of their own money which they will have to pay back with interest only for that money to be given back to them minus NI and Income tax. I shouldn't think that is what they signed up for at the time! :huh:

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The money goes back into the trust fund to be redistributed to EBT recipients. It seems that the "loans" were to be repaid in between 10 to 15 years, or on the death of the player.

Has any of the players / directors mentioned this before?

If that was the case, why didnt they say that from the start, would have nipped it in the bud.

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At which point they will be subjected to income tax and NI. So the players will have had a loan of their own money which they will have to pay back with interest only for that money to be given back to them minus NI and Income tax. I shouldn't think that is what they signed up for at the time! :huh:

After they pay it back (aye, right) they won't see it again. It was a loan.

Technically they worked in exchange for a loan.

Is that legal?

Who mentioned the Truck Act a while ago?

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I picked up this story/rumour via a Social Media site. Must say it makes very interesting reading if true!!

"Reported that SFA Chief Executive, Stewart Regan was head hunted by Nolan Partners and that Neil Doncaster was also head hunted by Nolan Partners.

Topping was reported to have been been head hunted by Nolan Partners and it is believed that Lunny was head hunted by Nolan Partners.

Nolan partners owner and senior partner is Paul Nolan

Paul Nolan is a lifelong best friend of Kevin Reid. Paul Nolan is a lifelong friend of the Reid family

Kevin Reid's father, Dr John Reid was the Celtic FC Chairman at the time of all 4 appointments

The SFA internal lawyer cut her teeth at Celtic FC

The SFA's head of Marketing joined in March from.....you guessed it, Celtic FC

Every journalist in Scotland totally refuses to investigate / run with these reported FACTS

Ask yourself why "

interesting !

Wiggy and Campbell Ogilvie must have been undercover tarriers , we have heard this constant about a bias to one side of the ugly sisters from the other. The truth is both are full of supporters who cannot accept being beaten on the day or in any other situation.

Both are pathetic institutions who profit from the paranoia of their own sheep like supporters. I and many others have spent a lifetime being accused of being a closet of one or the other just because you do not side with their opinion.

No doubt The EBT was given to Murray by another Celtic connection the whole affair boils down to the non acceptance of one set of supporters that their club has over spent so much so that it jeopardised the existence of their club. Don't need to look to anyone other than those who sat at the big table at Ibrox.

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Ok. I was curious about the players that we faced in 2002 and which of them had an EBT according to http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-18148818

Player EBT

Klos Y

Vidmar N

Amoruso Y

Konterman Y

Numan Y

Ricksen Y

Latapy N

Ferguson Y

Lovenkrands Y

Canniggia Y

Flo Y


McGergor N

Kanchelskis Y

S. Hughes N

McCann N

Dodds Y

What this means to me is that nine players who started the game were illegally registered (the dual contracts were not lodged with the SFA) and two of the subs were as well.

This has shocked even my cynical heart.

Rangers (IA/IL) must be stripped of this cup (and all the others, IF found guilty). I am no longer fussed whether or not we get given it retrospectivly, just I cannot abide cheats being allowed to keep the trophies won with players they should have been unable to afford.

Now I am unsure whether all of these players had their EBTs in operation in 2002 but they have all benefitted from them. This is bonkers. Nine of them.

And this is only the game I am interested in, how many other games had this number of 'dodgy' players?

Onto the New Sevco: Why is it that the Orcs cannot see that they are going down exactly the same road as before?

A couple of their fans are questioning the wisdom of £7k players in Div 3 but are being drowned out by the majority.

Nuts. Nothing has changed. No lessons have been learned. Total zoomers.

And then I wonder who is the idiot? Them for believing this pish or me for following my team through thick and (mainly) thin, in an obvously corrupt game?

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Gutted that Fran Sandaza has taken down his Facebook page again. I was just about to call him a c**t.

Yet another player who shows a total lack of ambition by choosing to play in the lowest league in the SFL. Just proves that some players care more about the money than the standard of football on offer, pretty sad really.

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Oh...oh...at last a question I can answer! NASA have been kind of busy landing a new 'Rover' on Mars. This one is specifically designed to determine if life exists, or has ever existed, on the red planet. In that respect they have obviously been a little too preoccupied to help out Sevco.

Or maybe, just maybe, NASA has been helping after all, and with a little aforethought the new Mars Rover is there to search out new signing targets for Ally? Of course one of the scientific instruments it carries therefore must be able to check that any martian footballers it finds are not only of the appropriate standard i.e. mercenary, money grabbing b*****d martians, but that they went to the right martian school!


Martians? You have to be feckin jokin!!! Little green men. Feckin terriers the lot of them


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