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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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ReasonableGeezer :D it's like a parody of himself! Read that last post and tell me this guy isnt off his trolly! Sheeple :D if we were "non sectarian" :D

Not only is it a creepy obsession of Rangers, it's just plain insanity!!

I sincerely hope a few of you don't work with the general public, for the sake of society

Yet again, someone tries to put a sensible comment forward and the same old bullshit comes out from the bigots.

And you sir are a complete brain dead fuckwit. Scotland? Scared to admit you support a tribute act?

Your whole life is a parody and you cant see it.


Edited by ReasonableGeezer
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WBR it appears you have the verdicts before anyone else in the country! Rangers are guilty, yet you don't quite know what of? The EBT scheme was legal. There is also not this huge pile of evidence re: what I am assuming you meant, the dual contracts. The mindset to twist Rangers recent situation into us "cheating" is brought about out of sheer bitterness, jealousy and obsession.

Also, the comparison to Elvis was flattering until we hit the childish "he wasn't replaced by a lookalike pretending he is the same Elvis"

1. There will never be another Elvis!

2. I'm assuming your mindset is that we are also ZOMBIE RANGERS ( again I want to reiterate I've heard adults say this phrase :( )

3. If my 2nd point is correct we really can't discuss this like rational human beings can we? That mindset is clearly warped and corrupted.

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Wow ReasonableGeezer, I did address your "point" ( can we call it that?) to a previous poster yesterday. However you seem like a very smart and intelligent person so I'll explain it to you, my new friend. Scotland is the default setting on this website for your favourite team selection. The drop down arrow wouldn't change when selecting it. I hope you will sleep better tonight and thank you for your delightful post.

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Seriously - You are comparing the offensiveness of a song that makes light of people dying with a throwaway comment about the name of a football club. You are the parody. Crazy frog indeed.

And actually you didn't address my point, you decided you'd attempt a feeble pisstake because I made a point that others have made time and time again on this thread and yet fools like you still don't seem to get it. You deserve Mr Green and co, and I truly hope he finishes you lot off for good.

By the way, does the ward manager know you are using his computer?

Please don't call me a friend. Remember No-one likes you and you don't care. :lol: :lol:

Edited by ReasonableGeezer
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The EBT scheme was legal. There is also not this huge pile of evidence re: what I am assuming you meant, the dual contracts

Just to take this one, no need for a pile of evidence.

Wee Billy's word is good enough for me, and more importantly, a court of Law :)

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Yes I am making such comparisons. Football fans sing offensive songs, anyone that is offended by a song needs their head checked. But apparently everyone is offended by everything these days so what can we do?

So we aren't friends, Reasonable Geezer? Such hostility for one so mental!

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Yes I am making such comparisons. SEVCO (or whatever they are called this week) fans sing offensive songs, anyone that is offended by a song needs their head checked. But apparently everyone is offended by everything these days so what can we do?

So we aren't friends, Reasonable Geezer? Such hostility for one so mental!

Sorted that for you Insane amphibian. :lol:

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Wunfellaff. I thought the court of law in Scotland was Celtic related football forums?

Anyway chaos, it's been fun again, same time tomorrow?

I'll be sure to answer all Rangers related questions when I return. Remember, no matter what you think if others on here we are all the same, we all share an obsession with Rangers FC :)

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Are the people who are moaning about this Falkirk guy and saying it was just banter, the same people who almost broke down in tears when Rangers fans sang the Famine song?

I'm actually not sure weather to piss myself laughing or do a 'palmface' at that comment.

I just find it unbelievable that so many supporters of one club can be so incredibly naive & thick at the same time.

I also love the way the orc's have suddenly appeared in numbers on this thread claiming "obsession" when their silence was deafening before that first game at brechin.

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"Did you ever imagine that RFC as you knew it, and no longer be the original RFC?"

I know you're having difficulty with the complexities of the board like setting your team name etc. but the quote function is really easy ....

If someone posts something you want to reply to simply hit the 'Reply' button at the bottom of their post and lo-and-behold their post will appear in your post and folk will know what the chuff you are on about.

We can discuss the MultiQuote function at a later date, small steps and all that !

Here to help etc.

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Come now, even you know that no one is going to buy dhensebhore as the plastics big hitter. A title worthy of the great man after your arse-licking salesmanship on behalf of Mr Eat & Shite himself.


Big hitter. I almost feel sorry for you for using such an utterly, pathetic cringeworthy turn of phrase on a football message board. Almost, but not quite :lol:

Is that really how you view this? Big hitters and poor writers? I also had a mini cringe at you yesterday with your "daring to answer back" line. :lol:

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I'm actually not sure weather to piss myself laughing or do a 'palmface' at that comment.

I just find it unbelievable that so many supporters of one club can be so incredibly naive & thick at the same time.

I also love the way the orc's have suddenly appeared in numbers on this thread claiming "obsession" when their silence was deafening before that first game at brechin.

All the orcs crawling out the woodwork. They just don't get it. Arrogant pompous wankerrs.

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^^^^^^^^^^^^Chuckys latest company :D


Previous Names: Date of change Previous Name

31/07/2012 RFC 2012 LIMITED

22/06/2012 RFC 0712 LIMITED


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I'm actually not sure weather to piss myself laughing or do a 'palmface' at that comment.

I just find it unbelievable that so many supporters of one club can be so incredibly na'ive & thick at the same time.

I also love the way the orc's have suddenly appeared in numbers on this thread claiming "obsession" when their silence was deafening before that first game at brechin.

Highly predictable really.

As soon as they were given a place to play and the more complex issues surrounding their demise got less column inches in the papers, the 'loyal brigades' were always likely to creep out from under their beds and rise to the fore.

Their massively low understanding of the facts is unsurprising given they would have stayed away from the troll fest firestorm that engulfed their club once the facts emerged.

The SevCo zoomers on here are mildly amusing at times, but there is disturbing evidence (deflection of genuine points and facts, lack if criticisms towards owners, juvenile 'obsession' rebuttals and our latest kindergarten poster - Crazy Frog ) that perhaps the kindest thing to have done, for all our sakes, would be for them to have been left to die.

Maybe a wee bit harsh given it's only 12 years of fraud and cheating out of 140 years existence! ?

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The whole process was dodgy. Rangers had a manageable debt (not including the tax case- that even now hasn't been decided). Criminals have had their way with us and it's a case of seeing if the justice system can do it's job.

Charles Green doesn't worry me, He's only trying to get fans onside. He's just the face of it all. We still don't know who's behind the scenes. It could literally be anyone and that's something that's lingers in my mind.

Yep, same as Hitler was quite a nice guy if you ignored his genocidal policies....

And I think it's been fairly widely accepted that rangers' finances were shot to hell, to the extent that Sir Craig withheld ALL monies due to HMRC while he desperately tried to punt them as a going concern, rather than the gone concern he finally got shut of.

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