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A few things I would like to add on the IPO, and investments in general (Wee disclaimer to be added being that I haven't had a read of the prospectus so this is just a general rant based on experience).

First, and quite an important one, is that very few people invest in football to make money. In terms of financial reward, in the overwhelmingly vast majority of cases, there is none. As far as Rangers go, the opportunity of striking it rich was taken up by Charles Green, and that will not come round again. This means that you will not find many speculators willing to invest, and certainly not in large numbers. This IPO will very likely be taken up by fans, and fans only. That's not entirely a surprise mind you, as far as football clubs go it's not uncommon.

Secondly, the club will be listed on the AIM market, and not the FTSE. Normally this wouldn't be that big or important an issue, especially with a relatively new company, but I think with Green still being very coy with the details, and the general lack of trust in him by many Rangers fans, not to mention the complete lack of trust in him by anyone else, will again scare off potential investors. You have lower levels of disclosure required, and far less regulation involved in registering and trading on AIM. You are risking money on a guy with no track record, in a company with an appalling recent history as far as financials go. Added to my first point this again suggests that the fans are the only people likely to invest.

Third point, and the important one for me. The fans are being targetted and asked to invest in a company they know very little about, by someone they do not entirely trust and who is not entirly forthcoming with information on the important questions that have and will be asked. The same fans who recently and in some cases are still paying for season tickets. Who have spent the last few years watching financial disaster after financial disaster hit their club, while being ripped off by those that ran it. Who are having to watch guys currently earning massive money make a complete ar$e of themselves against opponents earning less in a year with 2 jobs than some of the Rangers players will be earning in a few weeks. They are being asked to give up £20m at a time when many will be struggling financially themselves, in the run up to the most expensive time of the year. People who in many cases will have lost on a monatary and emotional level in the previous company. I could add to this, but you can all see what I'm getting at, and I don't think there's any need to expand much more. Essentially, they are asking for a lot of money at a time when there is likely to be less than at any other point they could have picked, under conditions that would make anyone with any sense give very little thought to handing it over.

From a nuetral point of view(And despite what some Rangers minded posters will suggest, this is me looking at it from as pragmatic a view point as I can), this IPO has disaster written all over it. If I was still working in my old job, I would be laughing at anyone who called me to ask for an opinion on making an investment like this.

As I've stated already, the above is just my opinion (based on previous IPO's I've dealt with, and several years experience of working in investments). I'm frequently wrong, and may be here, but it looks like a long odds bet to me. I have seen a few of those coming in spectacularly well in the past, but this would really surprise me.

Does anyone have a link to the prospectus, and can anyone confirm who is underwriting it?

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This is not actually a bad article given its source, its does get slightly caught up inthe what if scenario but it does ask the important questions that potential shareholders should be asking

This is what should happen, however it gets it slightly wrong, the original investors put up a total of about £6.25M, they then sold a pile of ST`s, did a deal with Sports direct and have sold considerable Match day tickets all of which is money in the bank, they have spent some of this, Temps (an asset), some of the football debts and operating costs, it appears they have used this cash in the bank along with undisclosed player valuations to boost the value of the company to £22.69M rather than calling it operating capital (legal but IMO immoral). So the 22M shares will not dwarf this

How did they fund the purchase of the assets, loan or investment, it should be treated as an investment but this needs to be clarified, this makes a big difference, if its investment then they need the share issue to be a success as this is the only way they can make money as the gain already achieved is actually either tied up in assets or needed as operating capital, if its a loan then they make money regardless

The 'what if stuff' and possible punishments is only important due to the timing, I think that Charlie should wait till the new year before doing this, let the dust settle from the FTT and the tribunals findings

What type of share are they offerings, will these have power if bought collectively

We need proper managements that show the company is able to stand on its on feet and that this investment is to be used for the long term good of the club and company, I do not mind if some of this investment is then used to buy some of the shares owned by those wishing to cash in sooner rather than later, after all it was them that took the action to buy the assets and continue the club, they deserve to get a suitable return for this

So Mr Green

Slow down

Issue some managements showing the company is self sufficient

Issue a prospectus in the new year showing how the shares are distributed

Allow us collective power

Do this and I will purchase shares allowing you to sell your 10% back (and anybody else who wants to cash in) and wave cheerio

Anything else then then its gonna be a big no to shares from me and from what I see and hear then there are many other who think the same way

Oooofftt, even Tedi is asking questions now....tongue.gif

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So many people getting all worked up over absolutely nothing. Once the prospectus is released then we can go through it all with a fine tooth comb, see what will be done with any money raised and how safe it'll be and if anyone isn't happy then it's quite simple - you don't give them your money.

We even have young Dhens taking advice from that well known financial expert Paul Brennan, keep calm and carry on.

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Humour me here please, maybe I'm just being thick, Charlie and consortium payed 5.5m, and for the purposes of the IPO that is 50% of the company. So based on the value that they put on it at £1 per share, and they are going to sell 22.5m shares. Does that mean he an consortium also own 22.5m shares and he stands to make a £17m profit for his sky rocket. (if the shares remain at £1)

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They have boosted the value of the company by using the ST money, matchday sales and even possibly players valuations

I am not sure about the player valuations but using the cash sitting in a bank account is perfectly legal, but in my opinion immoral as I would class this as operating capital

In finance, cash is an asset and needs to be included. It is only when it is spent that it moves to some other category. The cash may be used to pay down loans!! 5.5m probably.;)

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I would say that if CG and co are having a meeting and discussing financials with regards to the forthcoming IPO then they would be quoting figures from a draft prospectus

You can call it a scrap bit of paper or back of an envelope, whatever keeps you happy

I read that too, from the meetings in Canada, America and Northern Ireland that he was showing them a draft prospectus. Dhens is being a fanny as it's common sense that Green would be showing potential investors a draft copy.

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1349965502[/url]' post='6703837']

They have boosted the value of the company by using the ST money, matchday sales and even possibly players valuations

I am not sure about the player valuations but using the cash sitting in a bank account is perfectly legal, but in my opinion immoral as I would class this as operating capital

I see what you're saying about operating capital. But what confuses me is that he bought 100% of the company for 5.5m. That is what it was valued at by H&D the cash raised since then, as you rightly said is for operating the company, not to add any value to the initial sale price, IMO this is Charlies way of making a quick buck for his investors and is how he could have sold it to them. In reality, who in their right mind would invest in any football club to make a profit. You would only invest with your heart knowing you are never going to make a profit on tour investment and that decision would be for the future of the club and not for your own personal gain. These rogues are out to stiff you.

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Peter Hoskins ‏@PeterHoskinsSky

As Rangers FC announce plan to raise £20m on stock market see chief exec Charles Green & manager Ally McCoist on #JeffRandallLive from 7pm

Same time as Emmerdale farm :angry:

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So many people getting all worked up over absolutely nothing. Once the prospectus is released then we can go through it all with a fine tooth comb, see what will be done with any money raised and how safe it'll be and if anyone isn't happy then it's quite simple - you don't give them your money.

We even have young Dhens taking advice from that well known financial expert Paul Brennan, keep calm and carry on.

I'm not seeing many Rangers supporters getting their knickers in a twist - if the prospectus is good I'll invest and if not, I wont. Hardly rocket science.

Diddy clubbers and plastics however? Apoplectic at one more sign that the Rangers are in rude health smile.gif

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I'm not seeing many Rangers supporters getting their knickers in a twist - if the prospectus is good I'll invest and if not, I wont. Hardly rocket science.

Diddy clubbers and plastics however? Apoplectic at one more sign that the Rangers are in rude health smile.gif

Exactly and i was referring to our non Rangers supporting friends.

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Humour me here please, maybe I'm just being thick, Charlie and consortium payed 5.5m, and for the purposes of the IPO that is 50% of the company. So based on the value that they put on it at £1 per share, and they are going to sell 22.5m shares.

Does that mean he an consortium also own 22.5m shares and he stands to make a £17m profit for his sky rocket. (if the shares remain at £1)

Yes, i think that you are correct in your assessment. I don't expect any orcs on here to concern themselves with that though. Most of the orcs (online and offline) are banking upon the shares being sold and The Rangers continuing to exist in some shape or form. They know that if the IPO Share Issue fails the club will fold again very soon. They don't care who buys the shares so long as they are sold. I would go so far as to say that many of them who have no money to buy shares will lie and say that they are planning to buy shares in the hope that others will be fooled into buying them. For many among them ,their priority concern is the survival of the (corrupt, bigoted, cheating) club that they support. For some The Rangers mean more to them than life itself! dry.gif

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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I see what you're saying about operating capital. But what confuses me is that he bought 100% of the company for 5.5m. That is what it was valued at by H&D the cash raised since then, as you rightly said is for operating the company, not to add any value to the initial sale price, IMO this is Charlies way of making a quick buck for his investors and is how he could have sold it to them. In reality, who in their right mind would invest in any football club to make a profit. You would only invest with your heart knowing you are never going to make a profit on tour investment and that decision would be for the future of the club and not for your own personal gain. These rogues are out to stiff you.


And most fans would only be interested in buying a nominal number of shares, just to say they were part of the club. I simply cannot see vast numbers of Orcs shelling out 500 quid each for a bit of paper with a dubious future. They are either too poor or too smart (yes) to do that. The IPO will fail. Which for Newco fans may not necessarily be a bad thing but for Charlie, it would.

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Peter Hoskins ‏@PeterHoskinsSky

As Rangers FC announce plan to raise £20m on stock market see chief exec Charles Green & manager Ally McCoist on #JeffRandallLive from 7pm

Same time as Emmerdale farm :angry:

Emmerdale more believable rolleyes.gif

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