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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I can assure you he is, back in the heady days of Rangers death we had a few set too's on here over various things, 'twas before your time Tedi but if you search you will find. Got quite heated at times, ahh the good old days :)


ETA: Smilie to start with - also thanks for pointing out I'm no lover of your mob. Obviously your opinion won't sway the Sevconians, but at times I've even had Killie fans questioning me because of their defamation. They just can't understand that almost everybody despises them.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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1354212438[/url]' post='6852347']

There is no accuracy with your above question


So who were you describing as pedantic, with reference to the club & company issue when you said...

Aside from the usual pedantics of the club / company thing.

And those pedants you talk about, why are they being pedantic?

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It would appear the punctuation harvest has been bought up by HellBhoy for his personal (over)use, leaving us mere peons to scrabble around for stray semi-colons, overlooked hyphens, underdeveloped commas and the occasional wild full stop. (look! there's one!)wink.gif

Exclamation marks are obviously on a "use one get one free" basis. Apostrophes should be avoided as far as possible, although they are occasionally scattered about like confetti, wherever an "s" appears. Colons are usually an accident, unfortunately.

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I dont think our Charlie had anything to do with that

...which is chief among the reasons why I, at no point, suggested otherwise.

Green did however directly criticise the fact that the verdict took so long to be reached. In doing so, he's not being critical of the organisation which did all the obstructing.

That's why, as usual, he's being dishonest.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Exclamation marks are obviously on a "use one get one free" basis. Apostrophes should be avoided as far as possible, although they are occasionally scattered about like confetti, wherever an "s" appears. Colons are usually an accident, unfortunately.

I'm also thinking we should get "space bar abuse" listed as an offence. Oh, and gratuitous use of ">" for "is/are better than" - bloody kids and their texty talk! *grumpy old man smilie*

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Let's Jump in the Time Machine – An Occasional Series – How Predictions Can Go Wrong I was idly clicking through the internet, checking up information for a piece I am writing when I came across a couple of fun posts.

I offer extracts from them to you as a quiz. All you have to do is guess the writer, the topic and the date. No prizes, as for each one you can find the answer at the foot of the piece.

This is all intended purely as a lighthearted bit of fun and I trust the excellent writers I quote do not take offence – none is intended.

I am sure that there is a lot I have written here which has turned out to be wrong too, so I am not claiming infallibility. In fact, I have never spoken ex cathedra.

Anyway – on with the quiz, but feel free to chip in your own examples in the comments.

Question 1

Who wrote, when, and about whom, the following?

(I have edited the piece to make it a challenge, but have retained the typographical errors. I do not however wish to be accused of bear-baiting.)


"(Mr X) has done more than merely confound his critics by showing he is the real deal. He has also displayed the sort of tough technique in talks which he will surely be able to use for the good of Rangers in the fututre (sic).

(He) has got what he wanted, and made his dream of owning the club come true.

At the moment, with the country skint and deep in Labour led debt, what he has done is join the stampede of savvy shoppers to Poundland. He has squeezed and squeezed, and then squeezed a bit more, and the result is there should be more money available for Rangers.

Remember, when Sir David Murray first put Rangers up for sale three years ago the asking price was in the region of £40M. When (Mr X) entered the scene a figure of around £20M started being quoted, and as recently as a couple of weeks ago it had dropped to Murray getting back the original £6M he paid for Rangers in 1988.

That (Mr X) ended pocketing the title deeds for Rangers, Ibrox Stadium and Murray Park for (not much) tells us one thing. Do NOT play poker with this man.

Such has been the amount of muckraking and mud hurled at (Mr X), that there are many Rangers supporters who still doubt him. They though, will soon be won over if the new owner gets together quickly with Ally McCoist and lets him loose in the transfer market.

A couple of quick singings (edit – yes, it says singings, not signings) would soon dispel much of the doubts. And such a move would also have the spin-off of boosting season ticket sales, which have dropped by 6,000 during the last two uncertain years.

Part of the deal included a pledge he would pay off the club's debt to Lloyds. When that is done, then all (Mr X) has to do to sent his approval ratings soaring among the Rangers support, is show Lloyds and the bank's man on the Rangers board the Ibrox door.

Maybe he could even restort (sic) to the language of the people …. PICK A WINDAE. YOU'RE LEAVING!

There are many in the media who will stop at nothing to undermine Rangers, some with more subtle style than others. This is something (Mr X) will have to confront head-on in a much more aggressive way than Murray ever did.

If the new owner shows similar tough tactics in this area as he did in the negotiations which landed him Rangers, then that too would find favour with fans.

He should beware of smarm and charm. There are plenty of people within Ibrox who know the score in this area, and who can advise (Mr X) on the way forward, in order that Rangers no longer present an easy target to their many enemies.

Confounding the enmies (sic) of Rangers should be one of the first tasks for (Mr X) now that he has confounded his critics.


Now question 2

Who wrote, when, and about whom, the following?


It's been a rough ride for (Mr X) since he took over at Rangers. If he had any illusions about how difficult a job it would be or how many obstacles, real or imagined, would be placed in his way then I think those illusions will now have been dispelled. There is no doubt that legitimate questions remain on his plans for Britain's most successful club but the sad truth is that instead of those questions being posed in a calm and rational way by those who love the club, they are being obscured by the muck raking and dramatisation of Scotland's desperate press and their 'Celtic minded' hangers on.

First let me state that I remain to be entirely convinced by Craig Whyte. He has done some things well and some things poorly since taking over. I am sure he would acknowledge that the transfer dealings of the club have been shambolic over the past two windows but as with many of the things for which he is attracting criticism he is not alone in making mistakes. Ally McCoist's insistence on revealing the name of virtually every target to the press has not helped, for example. The sale of Nikica Jelavic was not handled well but the press have again tried to shed a more negative light on it by suggesting he did not want to leave. Forcing a move and wanting to leave are two different things. Jelavic absolutely wanted to leave and although he will be missed from a numbers point of view, his form this season has been poor.

(Mr X's) performance with the press has, on the whole, been refreshing if a touch naive. I'm sure some would argue the opposite but it is about time we had a chairman who was prepared to end the open season on Rangers. With several media outlets now persona non grata at Ibrox it is clear the knives are out but someone had to draw the line. The frustrating thing from a fans' point of view is that instead of asking pertinent questions that need to be answered, the personal attacks on (Mr X) have, in most cases, made it easy for him to respond.

Only STV and a select few journalists seem to be interested in reporting fact rather than innuendo. The Daily Record report on Ticketus may well have contained some questions which (Mr X) needed to answer but it was so shrouded in personal attack from members of the old board and so wooly in terms of understanding the finances behind the headlines that it lost all impact over the first couple of paragraphs. Sports journalists are not in their profession because they have an understanding of finance but that hasn't stopped them from having a pop at it over the past few years.

I have to say it is hard to see the comments (of former Board Members P##l M####y and A######r J######n) as anything other than sour grapes. They seem incapable of putting across their concerns without sniping at (Mr X) like jilted lovers. There is also, tellingly, a total lack of any alternative put forward by them. You want to sit them down and say "Ok guys we get it. You don't like or trust (Mr X) but what exactly are you proposing?"

Murray et al had four years to come up with an alternative and couldn't. It's time for them to stop bitching and allow us to examine (Mr X's) tenure on its merits and over a sensible period of time once this tax case has reached a conclusion.

I am impressed that (Mr X) has now stepped up several times to (answer questions). The press in Scotland certainly never saw fit to question Sir David Murray in this way when his reckless spending brought the club to this point. It's notable that the same hacks who gave Murray such an easy ride are the ones now attempting to discredit (Mr X), but they are of course a dying breed. With newspaper sales plummeting and most people becoming aware of stories on the internet long before they have even dusted down their typewriters, they are more desperate than ever to create stories rather than report them.

Make no mistake, there are people currently working around the fringes of journalism and also in mainstream media who are trying to create an environment in which Rangers can only fail. They want to discredit the club and the easiest current target is the new owner. They want to make it difficult for us to attract new finance or gain favourable terms with creditors. The more mud they sling the more it sticks and if there are real issues with (Mr X) they are being obscured by what now appears to be a vandetta.

Once again, on the day after the Daily Record story, the usual suspects were prematurely congratulating themselves on the demise of Rangers … as they do anytime one of their pet subjects makes it into a mainstream paper. If the fans want to vent their frustrations somewhere then it is here that their targets should be found.

Ally McCoist called for unity on Friday. Those who are mistrustful of (Mr X) should remember that there are people working in Ibrox who know a lot more about him, his motives and his methods than the press do. Does anyone doubt that McCoist or Gordon Smith have the best interests of the club at heart? Do they really think if (Mr X) was trying to pull off some sort of swindle then they would stand by and watch it happen? There are tough times ahead and (Mr X) has already stated many times that we cannot continue to spend money we don't have.

The fans need to back the new owner and understand that what he is doing may not be popular but it is necessary. If working within our budget means that young players like Fleck and Hutton will return from loan spells and take their place in our team next year then I am all for it.

Rangers have to become a sustainable business – one that does not rely on injections of cash from people like David Murray or (Mr X). The type of facilities that (Mr X) is using are more and more common in business these days with invoice discounting and factoring being used as a replacement for bank lending which is now so difficult to secure.

(Mr X) has my full support for the moment. His detractors continue to fail to convince or put forward a viable alternative and as long as that is the case he remains the only show in town.


Answer 1

You can find the full piece here, written by that vastly experienced man of letters David Leggat, on 7th May 2011, when the Craig Whyte era (yes, that is Mr X) commenced.

Answer 2

You can find the full piece here. This one is about the same Mr X, Craig Whyte. However this was written rather later in his tenure – on 5th February 2012, just 9 days prior to Mr Whyte taking Rangers into administration.

The author was the former blogger, and now major writer on The Rangers Standard, Chris Graham. The telegenic Mr Graham has also now achieved a position as STV's "official" Rangers fan, when they need a contribution to Scotland Tonight.

This piece is a fine example of how even the best writers can make a wrong call, and Mr Graham deserves every credit for not letting the small error of fully supporting Craig Whyte get in the way of his detailed and forensic analysis now of all the people outside Ibrox responsible for the club he follows being in SFL3.


Edited by Bairnforever1992
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In reply to Bhairns post

If Paul had a time machine then he could go back and make sure that those pensioners got their money.

Sanctimonious claptrap from the legal beagle.

Craig Whyte is a legend, he introduce Charles Green to D+P and he fooled you to be your hero to fight against the SFA. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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And what do you add? apart from hate, bile, whataboutery, misquoting, lies and arselicking anything anti-rangers (especially those who have green tinted glasses on)?

Is it your wonderful but totally useless (given this is a footie forum) English skills

Look at the quality of your own replies and perhaps then you will realise why you the responses you do

Your name is consistently linked with bringing this thread down

Sums up Norman pretty well, all he is interested in is attacking Rangers and Rangers fans. I actually feel sorry for him, his bitterness must eat away at him every night.

He's a liar, a hypocrite and a nasty piece of work.

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http://www.rangers.c. ..-on-tax-verdict

Charles Green there, saying it was "the club" (not "the company" you'll notice) that went into admin. Who's he trying to curry favour with now?

And if he mis-spoke or the writer of the piece made an error you'd think it would have been sorted fairly quickly to put a stop to the sniggering at the back of the class.

AH ! Chucky the master of "it's like this but it's like that".

Green knows that it was the club that went into admin and liquidation and has been quoted on many occasions saying that in the public domain.BUT ! then Green panders to the fans and says something completely different on the vein of the club survived but the company didn't ?.

Green has tactically manoeuvred the fans into a believe that they are in fact the very same club (54 titles WATP craphead2.gif ) the master stroke of using the same kit and badge has totally convinced the fans they are the very same club.GENIUS I'D SAY :blink:

Now that the fans are on-board the Chucky Cheese express sometime very soon after the fans have affirmed loyalty to the new club Green will have to publicly state that his new Clone Rangers are in fact a brand new entity and not the former one that is being liquidated.All these fucking delays after delays on important matters that need to be resolved have done nothing but give Green time to gain as much of the old clubs support before the truth is finally revealed that RANGERS PLC the club was liquidated,the SPL commission will affirm that Rangers the club PLC will have ceased to be a club on the 14th of June 2012 when the order to liquidate was given.Delayed until Jan ?

Something tells me that this has been an elaborate rouse by all involved at the top to give the Rangers fans a Rangers team still playing football at Ibrox for a multiplex of reasons and money being the major factor.The Rangers fans expressly said that they would not follow anything but Rangers in name and spirit and this has been supplied to them.

How much more time do the authorities need to give Green to get as many fans following the clone club before they eventually have to tell them that the old club was liquidated ?.

I know the Rangers fans will attach the old clubs history to the new club and I don't have a problem with that,but they should at least acknowledge that the old club died but the new club is in some way a continuance of "A" Rangers team playing football at Ibrox but it is not the very same club.It is in fact a Rangers team that plays football at Ibrox were another Rangers team used to play football before it was liquidated.

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1354216071[/url]' post='6852520']

Both parties dragged their feet, both could have done far more to get this decision out sooner, the only winners were the likes of D & P and the lawyers, the creditors did not get a look in, nor did the fans

You and the rest of the lemming rangers mob seem to have forgot that Murray tried to dump any potential tax bill on prospective buyers of the club which scared off several buyers , if he was completely convinced of his legality he would have taken responibility for it,,now the hymn sheet is ,,hmrc killed rangers .

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And what do you add? apart from hate, bile, whataboutery, misquoting, lies and arselicking anything anti-rangers (especially those who have green tinted glasses on)?

Is it your wonderful but totally useless (given this is a footie forum) English skills

Look at the quality of your own replies and perhaps then you will realise why you the responses you do

Your name is consistently linked with bringing this thread down

Sums up Norman pretty well, all he is interested in is attacking Rangers and Rangers fans. I actually feel sorry for him, his bitterness must eat away at him every night.

He's a liar, a hypocrite and a nasty piece of work.

And there we have the poorly spelt, inaccurate, defamatory, evidence-free case for the prosecution.

For the defence:

This is a thread about the demise of rangers. This is a story of interest and importance to many people, not just fans of the former club or the facsimile currently trading from the same premises.

I despise rangers. I see no reason why I should hide that fact and, naturally enough, this will show when I post on this subject.

I do not lie, invent character flaws, or otherwise defame fellow posters. Any insults (and by Christ there have been a few) aimed at posters on this thread have been due to their behaviour on this forum. I treat all posters with a basic respect, no matter how despicable, stupid, or bigoted they may be. Show me one post where I have referred to a poster by anything other than their preferred name, or an abbreviation of same.

Yes, bigoted. It's a lifestyle choice - I may not agree with someone's opinions, but I respect their right to hold them. I do not respect those who seek to deny their choices by whataboutery and deflection. This hypocrisy is a problem with both of the big Glasgow teams, and their supporters.

Finally, as this is a football forum - is there anything more disrespectful than accusing someone of not following the team they have supported up and down the leagues, home and away, for over forty years? Not in my book.

I would like to offer this statement to the board at large - if these two, and their like, can at least try to keep things on track, then we can get back to the matter in hand. That is what I and (going from recent weeks) most users want. The balls in your court, boys.

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Both parties dragged their feet, both could have done far more to get this decision out sooner, the only winners were the likes of D & P and the lawyers, the creditors did not get a look in, nor did the fans

Nonsense. By way of demonstration, I have to point out that HMRC didn't have to be forced into complying with legal requirements by the police.

This "on the one hand... On the other hand" stuff doesn't work when HMRC were praised for their diligence and hard work by all three judges*, and your shyster directors were castigated by all three for deliberately obstructing and delaying the case.

*Edit - including the two judges whose absolute wisdom and accuracy we have been instructed to unconditionally accept.

Edited by flyingrodent
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WKR purports to be a fan of Killie but his contributions here show that if he is "fanatical" about any football team it would have to be Rangers ! A pitiful specimen.

Seems your one of the orcs who are fanatical about WRK.

Tragic for you and you do have my pity.

Edited by Burma
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