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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Never nice seeing a club going under, so here's hoping they pull through.

Its not nice when clubs that play fair, without cheating, while paying their dues, go under, however it was fucking hilarious watching that cheating tax-dodging creditor-bumping club at Ayebroke Stadium going under. laugh.gif

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They'll need to get players off the wage bill quicker than that, in January. They still have a funding gap. I think they will make it to the end of the season though.

It really has to be severe cost cutting and surviving for a good while. They also have the £500,000 for tax to pay from May for 3 years as well as at some point dealing with the Main Stand, which desperately needs upgrading. Then there is the debt.

I don't want Hearts to fold (I even made a, small, contribution), I would like Hibs to be better on the park than them for a considerable amount of time though.

Who can second guess though, when the owner is a complete space cadet. It also looks like he is not quite as rich as he once was.

(I expect a Hearts fan from the SPL forum to suddenly appear and reply to this post with, "5-1") :-)

You might be correct on that one, who would you suggest would be one of the first players to be sold? I've not been following the SPL that much this year, caught a game that's been on TV here or there when I've not been at the football myself, but I'm not quite sure who the star performers would be at Hearts.

Romanov has completely torn apart that club, I'm sure I read at one point that wages were at 120% of turnover. Seeing as wages of a club should roughly be 60-70% of turnover to make a profit, it was only a matter of time before they had to cut back drastically.

Jane Lewis@JaneLewisSport SPL have extended #Hearts transfer embargo after club informed them they've not paid a number of bonuses + appearance payments to Players.

Yeah I just read that, it's not looking good for them, especially since it's near Christmas. It's not a nice thought to think of families struggling at this time of year, which some may very well be if they aren't massive earners at the club.

Surey all nice people would rejoice in seeing the death of a club whose success was built on the exploitation of sectarianism, bigotry and hatred? A club whose success was based on cheating and intimidation?

I'm not quite sure how they've exploited sectarianism in any way, considering a fan was arrested on Tuesday night for such. If they were exploiting it they would encourage him to do so, as opposed to letting the police do their job and rightfully arrest him.

Also the success wasn't based on cheating, due to the EBT's being found to be, on the most part, lawfully administered. Intimidation I'm not even sure how to answer, as I cannot really think of a moment in time where the club has, though I'm sure you have all of these things bookmarked as, when I lurked here a lot in the past, I'm sure you made the same point.

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Thanks for such an in depth and definitive answer but i got the info required from another post,after reading it i remember about the take up by Celtic fans. Hope your wife is playing slaphappy games with your head over Christmas.:P

She might actually. You know how violent these Rangers fans can get :(


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You might be correct on that one, who would you suggest would be one of the first players to be sold? I've not been following the SPL that much this year, caught a game that's been on TV here or there when I've not been at the football myself, but I'm not quite sure who the star performers would be at Hearts.

Romanov has completely torn apart that club, I'm sure I read at one point that wages were at 120% of turnover. Seeing as wages of a club should roughly be 60-70% of turnover to make a profit, it was only a matter of time before they had to cut back drastically.

Yeah I just read that, it's not looking good for them, especially since it's near Christmas. It's not a nice thought to think of families struggling at this time of year, which some may very well be if they aren't massive earners at the club.

I'm not quite sure how they've exploited sectarianism in any way, considering a fan was arrested on Tuesday night for such. If they were exploiting it they would encourage him to do so, as opposed to letting the police do their job and rightfully arrest him.

Also the success wasn't based on cheating, due to the EBT's being found to be, on the most part, lawfully administered. Intimidation I'm not even sure how to answer, as I cannot really think of a moment in time where the club has, though I'm sure you have all of these things bookmarked as, when I lurked here a lot in the past, I'm sure you made the same point.

Ryan Mccgowan, John Sutton, Andy Webster and Andy Driver would be my guesses.

To address just a couple of other points:-

The dual contracts investigation is still being carried out. If that is dismissed then we can say that cheating (however people have different views on what can constitute that) didn't happen, if it comes back as proven then in the authorities eyes, that is cheating.

Sectarian signing policy was an issue for Rangers and one that was not denied for most of your history.

Intimidation is on-going. Turnball Hutton would testify to that. Ally's "who are these people" statement, when he knew exactly who they were. The Montrose programme editor. There were threats to disrupt the Scottish cup final last year. The list goes on and on. It is a moronic element of your fan base, mainly, who do it.

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Ryan Mccgowan, John Sutton, Andy Webster and Andy Driver would be my guesses.

To address just a couple of other points:-

The dual contracts investigation is still being carried out. If that is dismissed then we can say that cheating (however people have different views on what can constitute that) didn't happen, if it comes back as proven then in the authorities eyes, that is cheating.

Sectarian signing policy was an issue for Rangers and one that was not denied for most of your history.

Intimidation is on-going. Turnball Hutton would testify to that. Ally's "who are these people" statement, when he knew exactly who they were. The Montrose programme editor. There were threats to disrupt the Scottish cup final last year. The list goes on and on. It is a moronic element of your fan base, mainly, who do it.

To the first two, I'll concede them, the second one being a bad policy to follow.

I wouldn't say we are exploiting intimidation in any way to somehow increase the level of our performances on the pitch or anything like that. Me personally, I wouldn't have made much of a gripe with the program thing, was a bit of a stupid thing to print but I could see how people would get their jolly's from it. I don't really remember any threats to the Cup Final last year at all, doubt it would have came to much anyway.

Yes there's a moronic element of our support, every support unfortunately has it.

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To the first two, I'll concede them, the second one being a bad policy to follow.

I wouldn't say we are exploiting intimidation in any way to somehow increase the level of our performances on the pitch or anything like that. Me personally, I wouldn't have made much of a gripe with the program thing, was a bit of a stupid thing to print but I could see how people would get their jolly's from it. I don't really remember any threats to the Cup Final last year at all, doubt it would have came to much anyway.

Yes there's a moronic element of our support, every support unfortunately has it.

No denying that there are half-bakes in every support.

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