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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In view of recent media speculation, the company wishes to clarify that Sevco 5088 is not an active subsidiary of the Rangers International Football Club plc. It is and has been a defunct non trading company over which termination proceedings began last year and which would have been struck off by the Registrar of Companies had false claims of directorships not been filed recently at Companies House. Sevco 5088 was listed in the company's announcement dated 22 April 2013 to comply with the AIM Rules for Companies requiring disclosure of directorships held by the directors of the company both currently and during the preceding 5 years. Sevco 5088 was not the acquisition vehicle which purchased the assets of Rangers Football Club.

I still do not understand how Sevco Scotland (apparently) got the gig when 5088 was officially the preferred bidder. Was that not cited as one of the reasons for not selling to the blue nighties or anyone else? (I have lost any documentation or recordings from that time) ;)

Oh, and having seen the names of Mather's other companies, cue "Simply The Best".

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Leggo on the sauce early....oh, and in case you miss it, Keith Jackson is on 90k a year...


THE twists and twisters, along with the turns in the Rangers saga, defy description, challenge sanity and are beyond the bounds of logic.

It is becoming harder and harder to keep up with unfolding events and to know who is telling even a smidgeon of the truth, never mind the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Which is why it is time for chairman Malcolm Murray to stand up and be a man. To grow a pair and step out into the glare of the spotlight and speak.

It is time for Rangers chairman Malcolm Murray to start behaving like a Rangers chairman, to stop skulking and time for a stop to be put to damaging leaks from the Blue Room to the now fiercely anti Rangers Daily Record and its £90,000-a-year chief football writer Keith Jackson.

As I have written before, Jackson cannot come straight out and print his hints and innuendo in the form of a news story, which must be factual and substantiated by quotes, so he sneaks out what look like leaks from the Blue Room under the guise of comment.

And one thing which he actually more than hinted at on Monday is that at least a large part of the £22.5M which we were told was raised through a share issue, is a figment of the imagination of the majority shareholders that is the 40 per cent shareholding represented on the board by Charles Green, who remains a director.

Jackson, in the Daily Record a paper we must remember is commercially linked to Peter Lawwell and Celtic even went as far as saying that his information is that the board have not seen any evidence of that £22.5M actually coming into the Rangers books and being in the clubs bank account.

Oh, really!

So what then is chairman Malcolm Murray doing?

As the non executive chairman and as a man skilled and experienced in the ways of corporate governance and as the man more than any on the Rangers board who is responsible for good corporate governance inside Ibrox, it is Malcolm Murrays corporate and legal duty and his legal right, to not merely ask, but to demand the figures are put before the board for their scrutiny.

Has he done so? And was he satisfied by what he saw?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then Malcolm Murray should now be instructing Rangers lawyers to take action against the Daily Record and its £90,000 chief sports writer Keith Jackson for writing something which was not merely factually incorrect, but deeply damaging to those who have invested in Rangers.

If the answer to the first question is yes, but he was then not satisfied by what he saw, Malcolm Murray should still be taking action, for the Record and Keith Jackson were only half right and he has been defamed.

However and this is where it gets murky if Malcolm Murray cannot answer the first question in the affirmative, it is surely the duty of the rest of the Rangers board to question his competence. And his discretion.

Unless they believe it is one of their other fellow Rangers directors, either directly or through a conduit outside of Ibrox, who is leaking the confidential information from the Blue Room to Keith Jackson and the Record.

Of course, not all of what Jackson has been attempting to pass off as opinion, is absolutely accurate. Which is an old newspaper trick. Get one or two things wrong just so as you muddy the waters and obliterate some of the trail leading to your source. I may even have pulled of the same trick here. After all, when it comes to old reporters, there are few older than your humble hack.

And then we come to the motivation for the leaks. For as sure as eggs are eggs, leaks which lead to Keith Jackson publicly questioning the existence of the £22.5M only serve to drive down the share price. It has now plunged by more than 30p

Which begs the question. If the leaks from the Blue Room, via whoever, are designed to drive down the share price, who gets hurt and who benefits? Well, a seller gets hurt. That would be Charles Green. And a buyer benefits. That would be bus tycoon James Easdale.

However, what it is that I find hard to understand is why anyone should believe that the directors of Rangers have not asked to see and have not been shown, clear and irrefutable evidence of the presence of that £22.5M?

The hint and innuendo smells, to my old reporters nose, suspiciously like a smear.

While all the time chairman Malcolm Murray simply refuses to step forward and fulfil the public part of his duty as chairman of Rangers by speaking clearly to the bemused, befuddled Rangers supporters who are now reaching the end of their tether over this fresh bout of infighting, uncertainty and murky unsubstantiated and unattributed claim and counter claim. Especially when it looks as though it has been floated across the Clyde, via a conduit, from Ibrox to The Daily Record.

The patience of Rangers supporters, stretched to the limit over the past sixteen months, is, I sense, just about to snap.

And I do not take the rambling words again in the Record of Andy Kerr, the now totally discredited President of the equally discredited Rangers Assembly as an indicator of the mood of the fan base. Kerr, who lives in England and is seldom in Glasgow due to travelling difficulties, presides over a honky tonk rabble which has not met since February 2012 well over a year ago - and whose vice president Ross Blyth eventually offered his resignation after being caught trying to sneak into Tannadice for the Scottish Cup tie after lying when he told Odious Creep he was not going and would abide by the Assembly approved boycott.

There is no evidence, months down the line, that the unelected Kerr accepted the liar Blyths resignation. Thats the way the Assembly works. It has no credibility.

Of course the Daily Record story was written by David McCarthy, a man seen by many of his colleagues as a sloth and a man who has admitted in a bizarre and self indulgent column, he prefers the easy option of attending a press conference to get a story.

Could it be that McCarthy just opened his now almost completely out of date contacts book at A and jabbed his finger at Assembly? Or at R and the first entry was Assembly? Whatever! It smacked of lazy journalism to me.

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Leggo :

THE twists and twisters, along with the turns in the Rangers saga, defy description, challenge sanity and are beyond the bounds of logic.

Well, he should know. A total grade "A" pissed up, rambling nutter, living in a made up world of anti Rangers conspiracy theories.

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I'm actually going to refrain from gloating on this one, doesn't sit well.

Yup, this has gone beyond Idiots running rangers, now very dodgy people, don't need this in the game at all. But, given what everybody seems to know, will the Rangers fans stand up and be counted on this one or roll over either through not caring or apathy?

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Yup, this has gone beyond Idiots running rangers, now very dodgy people, don't need this in the game at all. But, given what everybody seems to know, will the Rangers fans stand up and be counted on this one or roll over either through not caring or apathy?

if these people really are that dodgy, I wonder if its a good idea for you to be talking them down on the Internet? Would be a shame if you we're paid a little visit.
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Leggo on the sauce early....oh, and in case you miss it, Keith Jackson is on 90k a year...


Has he done so? And was he satisfied by what he saw?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then Malcolm Murray should now be instructing Rangers lawyers to take action against the Daily Record and its £90,000 chief sports writer Keith Jackson for writing something which was not merely factually incorrect, but deeply damaging to those who have invested in Rangers.

If the answer to the first question is yes, but he was then not satisfied by what he saw, Malcolm Murray should still be taking action, for the Record and Keith Jackson were only half right and he has been defamed.



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I think you missed the hidden dig which was that the Easdale Bros (bus/taxi 'entrepeneurs') take no prisoners and it is alleged some business dealings are dubious - a competitor firm who wouldn't sell out suddenly had a fire at the depot. A disused premise which they bought but was refused planning permission for a change into flats suddenly self-ignited...............

To be fair, the "fire at competitors" nonsense is something that happened more in the west of Scotland back in the days when Stagecoach started running their buses in the area, running a bus war against all comers & a number of the small independents suffered having their buses torched by "vandals". It's always amazed me how they were never investigated.

As for a disused premises being torched (usually due to it having some sort of protected status), I wouldn't be surprised if the answer lay instead with someone on the local council standing to benefit with a kickback once the deal goes through. There were a remarkable number of listed buildings in Paisley during the 1990s that mysteriously spontaneously combusted despite there only being stone and brick left in them. No charges were ever brought, the buildings compulsory demolished for safety reasons, & the refused crap flats duly built.

I can't say anything about the rumours surrounding the Easdales, save for the VAT fraud jail sentence. What I can say is that they've invested in the best buses money can buy, as opposed to the aged death traps Stagecoach and many other west coast operators used. That isn't the sort of behaviour atypical of gangsters, they buy the cheapest charabangs they can get away with. So I'll hold judgement on the winks & nudges until something more concrete comes out (such as someone with their feet in concrete at the bottom of the Clyde!)

I never thought i would say this. If Rangers are controlled by these people i will simply walk away. I absolutely point blank refuse to line the pockets of gangsters...i choose to work for a small taxi firm as i won't give my money to Stevie Malcolm!!

I'd like to believe you, but... I don't. The minute there's the whiff of a trophy, you'll be bellowing the "Follow Follow"s & worse with the rest. Rangers fans to a man don't have a moral cell in their whole bodies when it comes to their club, just so long as they're winning.
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I never thought i would say this. If Rangers are controlled by these people i will simply walk away. I absolutely point blank refuse to line the pockets of gangsters...i choose to work for a small taxi firm as i won't give my money to Stevie Malcolm!!

A Rangers fan taking the moral high ground :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Good stuff.

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To be fair, the "fire at competitors" nonsense is something that happened more in the west of Scotland back in the days when Stagecoach started running their buses in the area, running a bus war against all comers & a number of the small independents suffered having their buses torched by "vandals". It's always amazed me how they were never investigated.

As for a disused premises being torched (usually due to it having some sort of protected status), I wouldn't be surprised if the answer lay instead with someone on the local council standing to benefit with a kickback once the deal goes through. There were a remarkable number of listed buildings in Paisley during the 1990s that mysteriously spontaneously combusted despite there only being stone and brick left in them. No charges were ever brought, the buildings compulsory demolished for safety reasons, & the refused crap flats duly built.

I can't say anything about the rumours surrounding the Easdales, save for the VAT fraud jail sentence. What I can say is that they've invested in the best buses money can buy, as opposed to the aged death traps Stagecoach and many other west coast operators used. That isn't the sort of behaviour atypical of gangsters, they buy the cheapest charabangs they can get away with. So I'll hold judgement on the winks & nudges until something more concrete comes out (such as someone with their feet in concrete at the bottom of the Clyde!)I'd like to believe you, but... I don't. The minute there's the whiff of a trophy, you'll be bellowing the "Follow Follow"s & worse with the rest. Rangers fans to a man don't have a moral cell in their whole bodies when it comes to their club, just so long as they're winning.

This is the hive mindset which has allowed all the jiggery-pokery of the last decade (or more) to go unchallenged. I can't see anything changing if the next main men are a gang of Albanians with many years of successful people trafficking behind them. Just so long as they can bang on about the trophies Charlie bought. Assuming he didn't take them back to DunSwizzlin with him, that is...

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The minute there's the whiff of a trophy, you'll be bellowing the "Follow Follow"s & worse with the rest. Rangers fans to a man don't have a moral cell in their whole bodies when it comes to their club, just so long as they're winning.

You can discount the past of anyone who comes into Rangers. As Charles Green proved, all they have to do is make a few pronouncements on the "anti Rangers conspiracy" front, chuck in a couple of "No Surrender's" and before long, they're the new messiah.

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To be fair, the "fire at competitors" nonsense is something that happened more in the west of Scotland back in the days when Stagecoach started running their buses in the area, running a bus war against all comers & a number of the small independents suffered having their buses torched by "vandals". It's always amazed me how they were never investigated.

As for a disused premises being torched (usually due to it having some sort of protected status), I wouldn't be surprised if the answer lay instead with someone on the local council standing to benefit with a kickback once the deal goes through. There were a remarkable number of listed buildings in Paisley during the 1990s that mysteriously spontaneously combusted despite there only being stone and brick left in them. No charges were ever brought, the buildings compulsory demolished for safety reasons, & the refused crap flats duly built.

I can't say anything about the rumours surrounding the Easdales, save for the VAT fraud jail sentence. What I can say is that they've invested in the best buses money can buy, as opposed to the aged death traps Stagecoach and many other west coast operators used. That isn't the sort of behaviour atypical of gangsters, they buy the cheapest charabangs they can get away with. So I'll hold judgement on the winks & nudges until something more concrete comes out (such as someone with their feet in concrete at the bottom of the Clyde!)I'd like to believe you, but... I don't. The minute there's the whiff of a trophy, you'll be bellowing the "Follow Follow"s & worse with the rest. Rangers fans to a man don't have a moral cell in their whole bodies when it comes to their club, just so long as they're winning.

Come and live in Inverclyde for a month or two and you'll be left in no doubt who these chancers are and what they're up to!!

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And going by the swamp, any of our pets that says its fine, will be a business owner....

if these people really are that dodgy, I wonder if its a good idea for you to be talking them down on the Internet? Would be a shame if you we're paid a little visit.

And we have our first inverclyde business owner stepping up to the plate......

May I suggest having a look at this Sir ?


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This is the hive mindset which has allowed all the jiggery-pokery of the last decade (or more) to go unchallenged. I can't see anything changing if the next main men are a gang of Albanians with many years of successful people trafficking behind them. Just so long as they can bang on about the trophies Charlie bought. Assuming he didn't take them back to DunSwizzlin with him, that is...


Fucking hell Simon you chat more and more pish by the day.

The worst part is you think your posts are clever/funny and they never are. To be fair that makes your posts funny not that i think that's your approach.

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You can discount the past of anyone who comes into Rangers. As Charles Green proved, all they have to do is make a few pronouncements on the "anti Rangers conspiracy" front, chuck in a couple of "No Surrender's" and before long, they're the new messiah.

As Charles Green proved aye?

What a load of rubbish. All Green did was say a few words to win over the fans. Aye you've got your finger on the pulse...

P&B is the worst for misinformation being repeated as fact. It seems to be what some of you sad c***s live on.

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As Charles Green proved aye?

What a load of rubbish. All Green did was say a few words to win over the fans. Aye you've got your finger on the pulse...

P&B is the worst for misinformation being repeated as fact. It seems to be what some of you sad c***s live on.

....and yet you too are a member.... A P&B'r if you will.

All those eyes, watching, questioning, debating every move your beloved club/company makes.....

Bummer huh?

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Stock Exchange announcement re appointment of Craig Mather

Rangers International Football Club plc

("Rangers", the "Group" or the "Club")

Directorate Change

Rangers announces that the Board has appointed Craig Mather, aged 42, to the role of Chief Operating Officer for the Group. In addition, Craig will act as interim Chief Executive Officer and will be a member of the Board as the interim Chief Executive Officer. In the meanwhile the search for a permanent replacement for Charles Green will continue and a further announcement will be made as appropriate. Craig has been director of sports development for the Club since October 2012 and is currently a shareholder in the Club having invested prior to its initial public offering in 2012. Craig currently holds 1,800,000 ordinary shares, representing 3.1 per cent. of the Company's shares in issue.

Craig is currently a director of Simply Cartons Limited, Simply Cartons Holdings Limited, Simply Racing Limited, Simply Sport Management Limited, Puki Limited, One Partners Limited and Little Big Shot Limited and has been a director of IP Logik Limited, Simply Rigids Limited and Spirit Sports Entertainment and Media Limited in the last five years.

So, initial 1,000,000 shares at 100p and 800,000 shares for 1p it looks like.

Know nothing about this guy, but I am sure we will know all pretty soon! :wacko:

Hopefully he will have been given a brief by the board to cut out all the ducking and diving as The Rangers have been under Green. Talk of honesty and transparency I think have come from the lips of fat Sally, Uncle Walt and the chairman.

An obvious first step for Mather will be to get rid of Traynor. A totally discredited journalist obviously hired by Green to pump out half truths and other such nonsense. Probably behind some the the Sevco loyal on boards such as P&B.

Get somebody in who can do an honest job to represent the club properly and positively. And that person cannot be Traynor. He is contaminated goods. :thumbsdown

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Yup, this has gone beyond Idiots running rangers, now very dodgy people, don't need this in the game at all. But, given what everybody seems to know, will the Rangers fans stand up and be counted on this one or roll over either through not caring or apathy?

And the difference is?

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