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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Eh, did LNS not find ​oldco guilty of incorrectly registering players over an 11 year period.

Amusing that some sevconians now consider this a victory.

Yes they did AB but fucking failed to act appropriately to remove them titles because the orcs would have went on the rampage.I can't understand how they couldn't void them titles and cups simply because they apparently didn't catch them in the act at the time :blink: .

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Eh, did LNS not find ​oldco guilty of incorrectly registering players over an 11 year period.

Amusing that some sevconians now consider this a victory.

Yes they did AB but fucking failed to act appropriately to remove them titles because the orcs would have went on the rampage.I can't understand how they couldn't void them titles and cups simply because they apparently didn't catch them in the act at the time :blink: .

You mean they did gain an advantage by these improperly registered players but not enough to win them the league or the cups?

Maybe LNS outcome not to remove them was 'an admin error'

But that won't be the biggest admin error to affect rangers.. Pretty sure d&p made a fair few

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All lies from bigots and bampots and timmy trying to kick ra peepul when they are down. Nothing to see here, move along :1eye

The rangers supporters reactions as stated above are understandable, because none of them can come up with a viable argument against the rumours, heresay and "eventual" facts spouted by some conspiracy theorists. All they ever do is slag/defelect/abuse until they feel self-satisfied that they have kept the flag flying for one more day.

Why are they bothering anyway when people write supposition/theories on blogs. They keep telling us that the club and company are different entities and that anything that affects the company will not affect the team on the pitch (aye, right!). :1eye

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Sevco article from 'City Slicker' in Private Eye. Crooks charter.




That Whyte and Earley have apparently been raping pension funds comes as no surprise.

What's really disgraceful is that articles like this are appearing a London based magazine. How inept are the MSM? Surely it's about time our fat doughnut eating, idle b*****d "investigative" journo's got off their arses and actually did their jobs.

I don't believe there is any sort of conspiracy of silence. I just think the MSM are lazy b*****ds.

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D's & P's still seething over LNS


The topic only came up because Bennett told a barefaced lie about my reaction to the results of the investigation.

Don't compound his lie by joining in snidely with the aftermath Ted.

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D's & P's still seething over LNS


Welcome back Ted.

I'm not seething over the LNS decision, far from it, your club/company were found guilty on a lesser charge. I can't understand the reasoning behind some of his statement. But, that's part of your "glorious history" now.

What gets me is that these so-called qualified people "investigate" and reach an outcome which they think is correct given the evidence presented in front of them, then a couple of months later some more evidence arises that puts there original outcome in a dubious light.

Surely if they're going to investigate something they should turn everywhere upside down to get evidence? Not just rely on "supplied" documentation. Subpeona ALL parties and get to the truth.

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Most bears don't want the truth though. Plenty of blind eyes turned as long as they think there is continuity .

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I see that now as " proper Rangers men " have launched their "independent " :1eye investigation into Whyte and Green the pondlife that is M Dingwall has re emerged from the swamp

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That Whyte and Earley have apparently been raping pension funds comes as no surprise.

What's really disgraceful is that articles like this are appearing a London based magazine. How inept are the MSM? Surely it's about time our fat doughnut eating, idle b*****d "investigative" journo's got off their arses and actually did their jobs.

I don't believe there is any sort of conspiracy of silence. I just think the MSM are lazy b*****ds.

I'd say it's a bit of both tbh.

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Sevco article from 'City Slicker' in Private Eye. Crooks charter.




Seems like welcome infornation to me, if unsurprising. Dubious dealings by Whyte et al. Shockerooni.

Worthington are backing Whyte's claim to own Rangers. Does that give anyone confidence in his claim?

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The topic only came up because Bennett told a barefaced lie about my reaction to the results of the investigation.

Don't compound his lie by joining in snidely with the aftermath Ted.

Wow...just...fucking Wow.

You have posted many lies and hald truths about Rangers throughout this whole sorry episode and you have the barefaced cheek to have a go at Bennett after made a simple mistake which he has subsequently apologised for....wow.

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I see that now as " proper Rangers men " have launched their "independent " :1eye investigation into Whyte and Green the pondlife that is M Dingwall has re emerged from the swamp

I heard Tedi and AWRA are carrying the out the investigation. Anyone know how they're getting on?

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Sevco article from 'City Slicker' in Private Eye. Crooks charter.




Of course this article can be used to beat up the Sevco loyal, and have another laugh at their expense.

However anyone with the slightest interest in either Scottish businesses or Scottish football must read this with feelings of total humiliation and frustration.

That such a bunch of shysters and crooks should have been able to get their hands on such a significant Scottish business and football club is shameful. A stain on a nation.

We can feel anger about what has happened since the man with 'wealth off the radar' appeared How the media experts played along with the fraud, the supporters who sucked in up in a totally unquestioning way, and the authorities who connived and colluded. Those laughed at and threatened from the Tax Case blog to P&B and Off the Ball have been the voices of sense and reason. Everyone else who has been involved or guilty of getting it wrong for so long and so often should acknowledge this.

We can say we must make sure this type of thing never happens again, and people like Whyte, Green should never be allowed to run a football club, or hopefully any company ever again.

But the best way to stop this, is to make sure we never create the opportunity for people like them to exploit the situation.

So who created this one? David Murray is a standout, aided by Campbell Ogilvie who was in the cesspit up to his knees waving it through while pocketing the dosh (tax free), and of the course the SFA. A body which only matches its incompetence with its poisonous behaviour behind their closed doors.

All projects that deliver any public money via the SFA must be terminated by the Scottish Government while they clean out the current brigade and bring in a new regime that is honest, capable and more concerned about Scottish football than being preoccupied by their own personal gain. Ogilvie goes first.

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I must be reading this wrong but " the media experts played along with the fraud". Are you suggesting that this done to benefit Rangers?

There was no journalistic investigation of Whyte which would have revealed him as the shyster he is. I, for one, don't believe it was done to aid Rangers , just lazy journalists peddling what the masses wanted to hear in order to sell copy.

Maybe some of them DID know he was a crook and just didn't care as long as they got paid.

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There was no journalistic investigation of Whyte which would have revealed him as the shyster he is. I, for one, don't believe it was done to aid Rangers , just lazy journalists peddling what the masses wanted to hear in order to sell copy.

Maybe some of them DID know he was a crook and just didn't care as long as they got paid.

Everyone with access that that Google thingy knew he was a crook. MBB my arse.

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On one of the share sites (had link sent but not on this device) apparently there's an announcement on tues regarding ownership and smith is walking away. Not seen it anywhere else so pinch of salt needed.

It also queries if the sfa will revoke licence due to fraud.

May 7th is date to look for

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There was no journalistic investigation of Whyte which would have revealed him as the shyster he is. I, for one, don't believe it was done to aid Rangers , just lazy journalists peddling what the masses wanted to hear in order to sell copy.

Maybe some of them DID know he was a crook and just didn't care as long as they got paid.

Thats how i see it, the whole it was done to aid Rangers scenario is just crazy.

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