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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Without wanting to sound triumphalist about it, Celtic made almost enough money last year on player sales and European games to buy New Rangers outright - club, company, stadium, staff.

Even if Celtic arse up their European campaigns for the next five years, they're still going to out-earn you by maybe five times, annually. The financial gulf between the two will likely be even greater than the one that existed when Celtic were teetering on the verge of bankruptcy.

Given that this is the case, what is it that makes you think Rangers will be winning the title any time soon? Do you think some new sugar daddy is going to plough cash into the team, or is Jesus Himself going to step in with a miracle or two to help out?

Sounds pretty good in theory doesn't it but last year Parkhead was half empty for a lot of league games as ST holders never turned up, will that change this year and the following year?

Celtic are downsizing bit by bit, players going and lesser players coming in, anyone can see that.

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So you actually approve of the way the rangers support handled their administration? Wow.

Maybe Dunfermline fans did care, they just managed to show it without waging a campaign of boycotts, threats and intimidation(oh and red card displays). That's not the only way to support your club you know? :1eye

No wonder the seethe runs so deep, you really are furious they saved their club.

I bet you had your vitriolic triumphalist post already written for them dying. Unlucky. :lol:

Rangers handled administration brilliantly. We know it for a number of reasons - one particularly satisfying aspect has proved to be its annoyance factor for plastics and diddies alike. Have you seen the twist Rico gets his knickers into about hospitals for example?

Sweet. And nothing sweeter than the day Lord Nimmo sworded the very wettest dreams and announced our titles were going nowhere.

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Indeed not - so very few cared. Disinterest won the day for the fife losers, but they may yet go on to secure lower league mediocrity for decades to come. I do hope the rent extractions aren't too painful.

Meanwhile - those big, bad Rangers types will be horsing your mob of diddies all over again and winning titles before you know it.

As if nothing ever happened :lol:

Tell us all again what the Rangers fans did from February 14th 2012 to the point where Charles Green saved your club/oversaw liquidation/started a whole new club *delete where applicable.

Dunfermline fans actually rallied, raised money and at the moment it looks like they have saved their club.

You won't win another Premier title before the 2022 World Cup. I doubt you'll see out the season without another major crisis.

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Sounds pretty good in theory doesn't it but last year Parkhead was half empty for a lot of league games as ST holders never turned up, will that change this year and the following year?

Celtic are downsizing bit by bit, players going and lesser players coming in, anyone can see that.

While it's true that Celtic are downsizing (and have been for almost a decade), they're still coining it in, in far greater sums than Rangers will. They'll continue doing so for years and even if there won't be £20m cheques wafting in from Uefa every August, it's still going to look like the early 90s in reverse.

How exactly are your lot going to counter that, once you finally claw your way back to the top tier? Are you going to buy two Ian Blacks for every one that Celtic don't?

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Rangers handled administration brilliantly. We know it for a number of reasons - one particularly satisfying aspect has proved to be its annoyance factor for plastics and diddies alike. Have you seen the twist Rico gets his knickers into about hospitals for example?

Sweet. And nothing sweeter than the day Lord Nimmo sworded the very wettest dreams and announced our titles were going nowhere.

I wonder what Rico will have to say about Dunfermlines creditors getting heehaw?

I'm sure that Rico won't be hypocritical over it, Rico is a man of ingetrity and he won't change his tune.

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While it's true that Celtic are downsizing (and have been for almost a decade), they're still coining it in, in far greater sums than Rangers will. They'll continue doing so for years and even if there won't be £20m cheques wafting in from Uefa every August, it's still going to look like the early 90s in reverse.

How exactly are your lot going to counter that, once you finally claw your way back to the top tier? Are you going to buy two Ian Blacks for every one that Celtic don't?

Celtic have a history of not strengthening when in a position of power, just my opinion but i reckon that Celtic selling players to cover any shortfalls from fans staying away. The image of Lawwell and co swimming about in a duck tales style money bin is laughbale.

We will have to increase our squad with a few better SPL level players every season and i reckon we'll be sightly weaker than Celtic but we've been there before and won 3 in a row against megabucks FC.

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Celtic have a history of not strengthening when in a position of power, just my opinion but i reckon that Celtic selling players to cover any shortfalls from fans staying away. The image of Lawwell and co swimming about in a duck tales style money bin is laughbale.

We will have to increase our squad with a few better SPL level players every season and i reckon we'll be sightly weaker than Celtic but we've been there before and won 3 in a row against megabucks FC.

Even assuming you're right about Celtic, are you aware that no bank will be willing to lend you anything like the gigantic fvckloads of cash that helped you win titles in the 00s?

Even if your club was a rock-solid investment, the climate has utterly changed from ten years ago. Even if Celtic suffer badly in transfers and European competition, they're not going to be *a wee bit* richer than you. They're going to be *a lot* richer than you.

This is before we consider the fact that we're presuming a straight head to head between the OF when the likelihood is that your setup will be closer to, say, Aberdeen than it will be to the one at Parkhead.

ETA: also worth mentioning that Celtic wouldn't say they "didn't strengthen when in a position of power" - they'd say that they spent within reasonable boundaries, based on the rewards and limitations at the time.

They'd also point out that this is why Celtic are in the top division winning titles and cups, while your lot... Aren't.

Edited by flyingrodent
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This is before we consider the fact that we're presuming a straight head to head between the OF when the likelihood is that your setup will be closer to, say, Aberdeen than it will be to the one at Parkhead.

Even in allowing you the indulgence of your wildest fantasies, a line has to be drawn somewhere - and when Rangers return to the top league everyone knows that the very worst that will happen for us is second place.

Abhergreen FFS. Milne might still be busy licking liewells arse, but dolly's ambition died when Bosman ruined their every hope of anything beyond decades of mediocrity.

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Even in allowing you the indulgence of your wildest fantasies, a line has to be drawn somewhere - and when Rangers return to the top league everyone knows that the very worst that will happen for us is second place.

Really? You'll be doing it with cash earned from the Championship, and likely with players picked off other SPL sides.

While I don't doubt Rangers will be able to buy some of the best players the SPL has to offer, I don't see how this translates into a guaranteed second place finish, even if we assume that it'll all be plain sailing for you between now and then.

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I wonder what Rico will have to say about Dunfermlines creditors getting heehaw?

I'm sure that Rico won't be hypocritical over it, Rico is a man of ingetrity and he won't change his tune.

I'm convinced Rico is so distraught at that poor Masterton's losses that he can't speak at all for the time being. Hopefully Masterton can secure a fair and proper decent lucrative rental deal with the fife losers and Rico will be able to relax.

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Really? You'll be doing it with cash earned from the Championship, and likely with players picked off other SPL sides.

While I don't doubt Rangers will be able to buy some of the best players the SPL has to offer, I don't see how this translates into a guaranteed second place finish, even if we assume that it'll all be plain sailing for you between now and then.

At least second. I'm expecting us to ruffle your feathers big time on our return. You should win the league again in our first year back (should) after that - we'll see.

And the diddy's? Even their glory days of battling to be least worst loser will have ended.

Aw fuckin' bless :lol:

Edit to add - I hope we never spend another penny in transfer fees in Scotland - why bother? Even on the lower leagues we can attract their best players on bosmans.

Edited by Bendarroch
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At least second. I'm expecting us to ruffle your feathers big time on our return. You should win the league again in our first year back (should) after that - we'll see.

And the diddy's? Even their glory days of battling to be least worst loser will have ended.

Aw fuckin' bless :lol:

Edit to add - I hope we never spend another penny in transfer fees in Scotland - why bother? Even on the lower leagues we can attract their best players on bosmans.

Well, you'd better hope for some cracking Bosman deals then, because your player budget is going to look diddy in the extreme.

And I have to point out that even the best teams in the works have to deal with patches of bad form, unlucky runs of injuries, unrest in the dressing room and other unforeseeables.

Given that and the vast financial gulf there is and will be between us - probably the most extreme in Scottish football since Souness was your manager - I can't for the life of me see why you'd be confident of second place, far less of worrying us.

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I am sure our last title was won on a budget of around £16M, did Celtic not spend £30M in the same season?.

The Rodent has every right to be confident his clubs wage bill was around £35M last year and they won the treble comfortably with a record points total.......oh wait.

Yes, I think we can all agree that only winning two trophies and making the last sixteen of the CL was pretty catastrophic for us.

I mean, you must be on the windup. Even a rough comparison of our 12/13 and yours leaves one team looking a good bit sillier than the other, especially if you insist on bringing "expensive squads" and "lack of record-breaking points hauls" into it.

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I am sure our last title was won on a budget of around £16M, did Celtic not spend £30M in the same season?.

The Rodent has every right to be confident his clubs wage bill was around £35M last year and they won the treble comfortably with a record points total.......oh wait.

And while I'm at it, if your last title was won for £16m, even that level of spending didn't work out too well for you in the long run, and no sane banker is going to lend you anything like that much money for a long, long time. Edited by flyingrodent
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The difference is, I am quite happy to admit we were shite last season, Celtic fans gleefully ignore the record points drop, losing to St.mirren and almost being horsed out of the Scottish cup (they should have been) I mean what is yer wage ratio against Arbroath? £35M vs £50k if they are lucky, well done indeed.

Yes, obviously we should all be grief-stricken, or something.

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ditch the petted lip and get back to how you used to be. At one time you used to be fairly reasonable, open to debate and even enjoyed a bit of a laugh every so often.

Now i barely recognise you, what happened to you man?

:lol: Yes, very good Bennett.

For the record, I've never been any of those things.

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Still won the league ffs check the record books, nothing said about record points drop.

Losing to a team that plays in the same division as you, phone the fitba polis.


Tedi doesn't really care whether any of this makes sense, geezer - he's trying to change the subject from Rangers' severe disadvantages to something else. Anything would do just as well - record-breaking pie sales, who's got the biggest, shiniest bus etc.

And indeed, it's worked. I'm off to bed.

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Even assuming you're right about Celtic, are you aware that no bank will be willing to lend you anything like the gigantic fvckloads of cash that helped you win titles in the 00s?

Even if your club was a rock-solid investment, the climate has utterly changed from ten years ago. Even if Celtic suffer badly in transfers and European competition, they're not going to be *a wee bit* richer than you. They're going to be *a lot* richer than you.

This is before we consider the fact that we're presuming a straight head to head between the OF when the likelihood is that your setup will be closer to, say, Aberdeen than it will be to the one at Parkhead.

ETA: also worth mentioning that Celtic wouldn't say they "didn't strengthen when in a position of power" - they'd say that they spent within reasonable boundaries, based on the rewards and limitations at the time.

They'd also point out that this is why Celtic are in the top division winning titles and cups, while your lot... Aren't.

We shouldn't need to get into debt to win in Scoltand so we can score that one out.

Again i have to remind you that Celtics attendances were well down last season and if you're being honest they'll probably continue to drop, added to Celtic redusing their ticket prices, income will drop at Parkhead. 2 years from now Celtic will be ahead but as i said earlier Celtic have been ahead financialy for years now and it never done them much good.

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The difference is, I am quite happy to admit we were shite last season, Celtic fans gleefully ignore the record points drop, losing to St.mirren and almost being horsed out of the Scottish cup (they should have been) I mean what is yer wage ratio against Arbroath? £35M vs £50k if they are lucky, well done indeed.

Celtic will struggle if teams play to a game plan and keeps things tight, they lack that wee bit of magic they've had in recent years and will struggle to break teams down, just like against Arbroath.

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