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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That's big talk from a fan of a club that's in admin right now owing £30,000,000 and has used every penny of season ticket money before a ball was kicked. Lets wait and see what kind of accounts Hearts post if they live that long.

Tell you something much rather be in Rangers postion than Hearts right now that's for sure.


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Been good watching......thought the Rangers support actually came across well.

Yeah it was good to hear a supporter from the club talk honestly without the WATP pish mentality or blaming everyone else

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From the Scotsman tonight

Rangers shareholders’ board proposal dismissed

But earlier it said that the new board members would be voted on at the AGM. Talk about Orwellian.

At least this comment on the original piece has not been deleted.

Thursday October 24th. There will be no, I repeat NO vote on any new board members. This will be carried over to an EGM. The Rangers International have out-manoeuvered the rebels. Which is a shame really because I come from a Rebel background.

My point is simply that the MSM is shoddy.

ETA New Nomad installed too.

1 October 2013

Rangers International Football Club plc

("Rangers" or the "Company")

Appointment of Nominated Adviser

The Company is pleased to announce that Daniel Stewart & Company plc ("Daniel Stewart") has been appointed as Nominated Adviser to the Company with immediate effect. Daniel Stewart will continue to act as the Company's Sole Broker.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Rangers fans vent fury after club announce operating losses of £14.4million 1 Oct 2013

ANDY KERR, president of the Rangers Supporters Assembly, said previous claims that some inside Ibrox were "filling their boots" now appeared to be backed by evidence.

andy%20kerr-1451738.jpgAndy Kerr, President of the Rangers Supporters Assembly has voiced the concerns of fans

RANGERS' eagerly-anticipated annual accounts did little to soothe fans' fears over expenditure at Ibrox after the club announced an operating loss of £14.4million.

The club's audited accounts showed they had generated revenue of £19.1million over a 13-month period, the vast majority from gate receipts, and spent £17.9million on staff costs.

Former chief executive Charles Green, who left the club in April, received the highest amount, £933,000, on top of the money he will make on the sale of his shares.

Rangers International Football Club plc, which raised £22million from a share issue last December, had £11.2million in the bank at the end of June, about £4.5million of which was from sales of 2013-14 season tickets.

The club, who gave notice of their annual general meeting on October 24, insisted expenditure was falling and that the results showed they were on the way to financial stability but many fans remain concerned about the spending.

Andy Kerr, president of the Rangers Supporters Assembly, said: "We have transacted a huge amount of money in a 13-month period and there will always be concerns about how appropriately they have used that money.

"The £11million is probably less now and it's clear that expenditure is ahead of our income.

"Income doesn't come quickly given that season ticket money is in and advertising and sponsorship deals are in place.

"It was noted recently that we were losing £1million a month so 11 months from June just takes you to the end of the season."

The accounts, for a 13-month period, show a total of £7.8million was spent on paying the players that won the Third Division title meaning the majority of wage costs were to non-playing staff.

Green, who stepped down in April following allegations over links with oldco Rangers owner Craig Whyte, which he denied, received wages of £333,000, a severance payment of almost £220,000 and a bonus of £360,000.

Other highly-paid employees included manager Ally McCoist, who received £825,000. McCoist revealed on Friday that he had agreed a pay cut.

Finance director Brian Stockbridge received more than £400,000, about half of which was a bonus, while former commercial director Imran Ahmad, who has launched legal action against the club over a bonus row, received £300,000.

Kerr said: "It's interesting to compare the figures to the past - even in the halcyon days, I'm sure directors' remuneration never reached that amount.

"Charles Green's bonus payment was higher than his salary and he got a severance payment on top of that.

"There were suggestions beforehand that some inside Ibrox were filling their boots and there is some evidence that that was true."

A breakdown of the figures showed that the club's biggest income stream by far was gate receipts and hospitality (£13.2million).

Other major sources of revenue included sponsorship and advertising (£819,000), retail (£1.6million), broadcasting rights (£778,000) and commercial revenues of almost £1million.

The club revealed they had £4.2million of non-recurring expenses, most of it from the repayment of oldco Rangers' football debts totalling £2.7million, as agreed when the club's Scottish Football Association membership was transferred.

The rest of this total was made up of investigation expenses relating to the internal probe into Green's alleged links with Whyte, acquisition expenses totalling £600,000 each and share issue costs of £300,000.

Rangers also revealed they had spent £600,000 fighting Whyte's legal claim against the club as part of an overall legal bill of £2million.

Stockbridge, who formed part of the consortium who embarked on the £5.5million purchase of the liquidation-bound club's assets and business, claimed Rangers had turned the corner to reach financial stability.

Stockbridge noted the club had spent £1.8million on stadium wifi and big screens which he predicted would generate additional revenue, and £2.5million on buying Edmiston House and Albion car park, which are intended to bring in future profit.

He added in his business report: "Inherited contracts from pre-administration included termination payments of £1.7m for expensive players and their agents, which would have cost the club £2.5m for the current season had we not acted when we did.

"However, as has been made clear, these are all exceptional cash costs which will not be repeated and so going forward we can look to costs continuing to narrow and sponsorship developing."

Stockbridge added: "Whilst an operating loss of £14m was made on a turnover of £19.1m in the period, it will not be repeated this season. Turnover in retail this season is expected to be much higher than the £1.6m received.

"Operational costs are now significantly lower than they were at the start of the period and additional revenue streams are being generated."

Edited by AberdeenBud
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Obviously we have a lot of hurting wee fuds on here today.

The predictions that "Ranjurs were pure gonna be in administration by xmas" have been proved to be a load of pish. Now it's moved to March and when March comes and goes it will be May, then July and so on.

Must really be grating on the wee diddys fans tits that Rangers are getting average gates of 43,000 this season and running up 5,6 and 8 goals against teams.

Unlike most of the pish in Scotland we have a massive fan base and will bring in more money should the club look like being short.

:lol: Oh fkg glory, glory, music to spivs ears or what? ffs :lol:

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Tom English on Scotland Tonight

"Ally McCoist earned more than Barack Obama last year" :lol:

Aye, but how much did he spend getting that job :1eye

Pyrrhic victory if ever there was such a thing :1eye

Edited by Fotbawmad
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"Tell you something Aberdeens bank debts are £10,800,000 times that of Rangers right now!!!!"

You said Rangers' bank debt was £0.

0 x 10,800,000 = ?

Take yer time now and think about it.

We service our debt.

We pay our taxes and creditors.

We took stock of overspending years ago (to keep up with the cheating oldco) hence why we have been shockingly bad for so long

But as a club our heads are held high.

Your shameful Newco is an arrogant, immoral, disgusting entity just like your scum support.

Enjoy your big fancy state of the art electronic scoreboard while we watch the Newco die

Enjoy your half a million pound team bus (whats left of it)

Enjoy worshipping the greedy, fat, scaremongering joke of a manager

Enjoy the Charity money your despicable new club have kept for themselves

Enjoy reading articles from an ex-media hack who agrees with us all your club died on your OFFICIAL site

Whilst the rest of us wait for the inevitable day when you have no football club at all to attach your draconian, outdated, bigoted views to.

Hopefully then you will all go back to the caves where you were born and rid Scotland of it's shame.

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Having snoozed my way through most of the Barca Celtic game I am sure half way through I caught an interview with Alistair McCoist. That fat guy off the tele, Rangers legend and trainee football manager.

Alistair was fair affronted with the figures coming out of The Rangers. What is showing up is that a number of people have been fleecing the club big time. Basically wheeling barrowloads of tenners out the back door at Ibrox as the fans threw their money in the front for shares, season tickets and merchandise.

Alistair said "the fans have been ripped off, they deserve better, and this wouldn't have happened in Bill Struth's time."

Alistair also asked "who are these people"? "We want names" "I suspect they aren't even football people".

Alistair was told the two worst culprits were a Mr Green and Mr McCoist. Alistair was apoplectic (his face went all red) and demanded these two guilty men be held accountable. "They must pay back what they have stolen from the loyal Rangers fans".

Anyone know who these people are? Anyone got a phone number? If they are in hiding, where are they hiding? 8) Alistair must be told. :o

Edited by thelegendthatis
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The thing that still gets me is that we all knew they were overspending, any other clubs fans, well apart from maybe one, would've been demanding their team cut their cloth if they were liquidated with massive amounts of debt and lucky enough to restart in the bottom league.

But oh no, not the sevconians, they demanded warchests, top flight players, five-star hotels and buses, and dismissed any talk of admin mk2 as a nasty timmy conspiracy.

Where was the pressure to cut costs from the beginning? Why didn't the fans demand to know what their money was spent on? Why did they waste their time shooting the messenger, again, and again. Why did they laughably talk of enemies when the real enemies were in the boardroom and the dugout? Is the projection of a false veneer of triumphalist superiority so bloody important they don't care if that in doing so leads the newco towards an insolvency event?

Answers on a postcard, to Mr C Green, Huge Mansion, Cayman Isles.

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