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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rangers chief executive Derek Llambias will address the Scottish FA board on Tuesday to make a case for Mike Ashley raising his stake at Ibrox.

The SFA has issued notices of complaint to the club and Ashley due to alleged breaches of dual interest rules.

A disciplinary hearing will be held in January, but the informal talks about Ashley increasing his shareholding will be treated separately.

Ashley currently owns 8.92% of Rangers International Football Club.

But the Newcastle United owner has previously shown interest in raising that to 29.9%.

Explains the reasoning behind voting against resolution 9 today i suppose.

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That performance was the funniest event so far, way better than the Big House guy; more hilarious than Mr Custard; even funnier than the Ramsden's Cup exits.

I've never seen anything quite like it - the club in Phoenix Nights was run with more dignity and professionalism. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you told me it was all a huge prank.

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I have no idea if this is real, a few folk out there seem to think it is.


For an "executive type" the wording seems pretty amateurish.

Kind of like what would happen if Dhenbhoy ever gets hold of a dictionary.

Also, doesn't look like any email facility i've ever seen, in terms of format, text, layout etc. It'd be incredibly easy to fake on Word or whatever.

ETA, Mind you, wouldn't be the first time someone in a position of power sends something careless.

Edited by jupe1407
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I thought the SFA couldn't actually do anything to stop Ashley increasing his stake.

If they do, and they deny him then they are effectively sending the club into administration.

That'll be why it's been brought before the compliance officer and he has brought a notice of complaint against the club.

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They cant but then again there is not a lot Ashley can do to stop the SFA punishing him and the club for breaking agreements without prior consent.

I dare say the threat of Rangers going bankrupt again will be enough for the SFA to shite out of any punitive charges or fines.

Doncaster, Regan et al are desperate for Rangers to make the Premiership ASAP.

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I dare say the threat of Rangers going bankrupt again will be enough for the SFA to shite out of any punitive charges or fines.

Doncaster, Regan et al are desperate for Rangers to make the Premiership ASAP.

Are they?

The SPFL and SFA boards are made of reps from the clubs remember, not just those two.

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Shocking if true.

Keith Jackson seemingly on the case, I guess he could just ask Somers to deny the emails validity.

I really really really hope the SFA come down like a ton of bricks on Ashley and refuse his more shares request and demand that his director is removed, the only way Mike will listen is if they threaten to take the license away, I have no doubt if Ashley is forced out he will take the foundations away but I just want this to end, even if it means the end of my club, Scottish football has had enough of this fiasco.

At this stage - were a credible alternative, FC United of Manchester style, to start taking shape - how much support do you think it would get? Would you get behind it, yourself. even if it meant playing in the Juniors/no longer a team in blue at Ibrox/no more crowing about 54 titles etc.?

Genuine question, and one that surely a fair few fans are going to start asking given the succession of profit-hungry goons that have been bleeding your club dry in recent years.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Plenty of decent fans from other clubs have expressed that they are sick of this pantomime.

Ah right, so just some folk you've heard?

I thought the way you proclaimed such a statement, it actually had some validity.

Scottish Football has had enough of this fiasco, take a tissue, dry yer eyes and man up. At least Sommers was right about one thing, you've only got yourselves to blame.

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