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Far be it for me to defend SF and I'm not really interested in this individual case here but what is the point of the "ignore" button then?

It's completely pointless, imho. Apart from the posters who lie about putting people on ignore as if it's some kind of moral stance*, it's easy enough to just drift past posts from complete fuds - their avatar in the ol' peripheral vision suffices for me. If their drivel becomes germane to a particular discussion, you can then go back and read them easily enough.

*Right up there with accusations of "seething" and "upset" in the Serious Business category of Internet Winning.

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Far be it for me to defend SF and I'm not really interested in this individual case here but what is the point of the "ignore" button then?

Not sure what you mean? Are you saying the people on the end of the abuse should just put the abuser on ignore?

Yes, that's my point. You say there's no option for "stalking" therefore no warning for it, I said surely you can choose another category and put what the actual warning is about in the text. Then you say you don't know what I'm on about then give an example of where "inappropriate language" was used as "that's the closest category there was".

Again, could have all been easily sorted by a PM from you in the first place but you seen determined to try and make some kind of public show of all this and saying I've had warnings for "stalking" when I clearly haven't.

If poor wee dhensebhigot can't take it as well as give it out and gets upset then I'll leave him alone. Perhaps you should go occupy your time dealing with the picture of the disabled child in the Celtic thread in the premiership forum than trying to pick an argument with me.

Shall I rephrase it then? In the past, you have been guilty of, what some consider, stalking. This has, on more than one occasion, resulted in a warning for inappropriate language towards that poster.

You appear to be repeating this behaviour towards DB. Thats what I pointed out to you. You could have chosen to ignore me, discuss it further by PM, heed the warning or whinge about it in public. You chose the latter

Ah right, it's my fault for not PMing you after you accused me of stalking?

Everyone knows nothing is ever your fault

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Not sure what you mean? Are you saying the people on the end of the abuse should just put the abuser on ignore?

Shall I rephrase it then? In the past, you have been guilty of, what some consider, stalking. This has, on more than one occasion, resulted in a warning for inappropriate language towards that poster.

You appear to be repeating this behaviour towards DB. Thats what I pointed out to you. You could have chosen to ignore me, discuss it further by PM, heed the warning or whinge about it in public. You chose the latter

Everyone knows nothing is ever your fault

Of course they shouldn't but I thought you were on about warning Posters for stalking others on here, not abusing them?

Edited by sjc
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Whoever Mike Ashley has as his legal / business advisers, I hope he rewards them handsomely for their masterly tactics in doing SevcoRangers2012 up like a kipper.

However, I'm sure he couldn't have done it without some inside info from Wee Craigy or Le Duc de Normandie.

Chapeau indeed.


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Still not sure what you mean :unsure2:

Apologies....typo in my last post.

There isn't a difference between "stalking" and "abusing"? Don't get me wrong, I don't condone either but if someone is following you around the forum you can surely just put them on "ignore"?

Edited by sjc
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Less than one millionth of the fan base then? Ashley must be quaking...

Have no idea size of their fan base it ain't what they claim anyway, but if they can keep that up for a week and buy more shares it could get even more interesting:)

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353 people joined the RST yesterday, not to bad that for one day.

0.0000706% of the apparent potential fanbase at that rate it will only be another 4000 years before all the fans sign up

edit beaten to it while playing with a caculator

Edited by accietilleyedye
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Apologies....typo in my last post.

There isn't a difference between "stalking" and "abusing"? Don't get me wrong, I don't condone either but if someone is following you around the forum you can surely just put them on "ignore"?

OK, I see what you mean now. You're right there is a difference

Theres varies degrees of both, though. Following someone round the forum simply disagreeing with everything they say, for example, is stalking but its hardly bothering anyone. Similarly, theres "abuse" going on all the time too, of varying degrees. If nobody is bothered and it doesnt cross a line then, generally, nothing happens.

What Im talking about is somewhere in between. Repeatedly posting "abuse" that doesnt quite cross the line, until it does

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