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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Do you really expect to be taken seriously?

Not at all, but you seem to want to be taken seriously yet provide a simililar , arguably lower, level of input with your overly aggresive replies to someone you maintain that you don't take seriously, so I am further confused.

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Classical conditioning from the diddies. Mr Pavlov would be so proud.

For the avoidance of doubt Pavlov should not be confused with Pavlova. A meringue?

No, you're right, Pavlov shoud not be confused with Pavlova, although it no doubt is, on occasion.

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Some of its informative and interesting, some of its just regurgitated old shite .

...and, despite nearly THREE YEARS of continually being told that the would be saviours of the footballing entity are up to no good, the fatal arrogance/denial attitude prevelant amongst the support has allowed an arse-raping of previously unimaginable proportions to be perpetrated against "The People" ?

Stop making such mugs of yourselves (yeah, I know), get realistic about your place in Scottish Football ( :blink: ), OPERATE WITHIN YOUR MEANS ( :lol::lol::lol::lol: ) and compete on a level playing field ( :rolleyes: ) then you just might find that the overbearing spotlight currently focused on Ibrox will turn elsewhwere - Hopefully on Doncaster, Reagan and Ogilvie.

Tbh, the manner of the demise of this club has raised so much awareness of the dubious activities used to sustain superiority within the game that the level of trust and honesty lost is huge and is probably going to keep top clubs in the spotlight permenantly.

No bad thing imho.

So Rob, thanks. Thanks for your club bursting the cosy cartel you had going and allowing all us diddies the opportunity to confirm that things weren't right or fair or....honest at he top of Scottish Football as we had said. For a wee minute or two, we were beginning to think we were, as you (collective you ;) ) liked to put it, paranoid.

Turns out we were, and continue to be, right.

Who'd a thunk it ? ;)

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Donahoe says O'Ashley ain't fit to be a The Newcunto F. C. man.

Correct, as Michael is not a mouthbreathing fuckwit sectarian bigot.

As delighted I am that a monster like Ashley is nowhere near my famous, debt-free, double European trophy winning club, I don't get the fit and proper persons angle at all here. He's a successful businessman and therefore a bit of a b*****d but other than waving his goolies at the SFA (which director of rangers old and new hasn't) I can see no reasonable objection to him.

I note with mirth that the honourable Mr Donohoe is yet to use his parliamentary privilege to ask any questions of Sir Moonbeams of Tax-Cheating or Dave Dodgy actual convictions King. Surprising that.

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As delighted I am that a monster like Ashley is nowhere near my famous, debt-free, double European trophy winning club, I don't get the fit and proper persons angle at all here. He's a successful businessman and therefore a bit of a b*****d but other than waving his goolies at the SFA (which director of rangers old and new hasn't) I can see no reasonable objection to him.

I note with mirth that the honourable Mr Donohoe is yet to use his parliamentary privilege to ask any questions of Sir Moonbeams of Tax-Cheating or Dave Dodgy actual convictions King. Surprising that.

I think that the objection isn't with Ashley himself but that he owns Newcastle. I think dual ownership is part of the fit and proper criteria.

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As delighted I am that a monster like Ashley is nowhere near my famous, debt-free, double European trophy winning club, I don't get the fit and proper persons angle at all here. He's a successful businessman and therefore a bit of a b*****d but other than waving his goolies at the SFA (which director of rangers old and new hasn't) I can see no reasonable objection to him.

I note with mirth that the honourable Mr Donohoe is yet to use his parliamentary privilege to ask any questions of Sir Moonbeams of Tax-Cheating or Dave Dodgy actual convictions King. Surprising that.


A clearer example of using his public position for "vested interest" I have yet to see. Hopefully he'll be out on his greedy arse come May.

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I think that the objection isn't with Ashley himself but that he owns Newcastle. I think dual ownership is part of the fit and proper criteria.

Sure and there was an undertaking, agreed to by Ashley, but do we have a list of criteria anywhere to do a checklist?

If we are comparing Ashley with SDM, King, Green, Whyte, who is the most fit and the most proper out of that lot?

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News today from Big Mike's football club.

Nacho Novo is chased from Ibrox. "Don't come back to train with us".

Players not getting their usual batch of free tickets. But they can buy up to 10 if they want. Outrage!

The 3 Bears complaining they are not being taken seriously. They have loads of money (they say.)

Rangers fans have vote of no confidence in the board.

Chris Graham the spokeman for .... himself...said something.

Bert Konterman also said something and then fell over.

Brian Donohoe Central Ayrshire MP, expenses cheat, living very well off the Westminister gravy train had a moan to the press. Shamefully the lazy Daily Record made it into a story.

Mike clearing out the nonsense that goes on behind the scenes at Ibrox, bit by bit.

Must soon be time to bite the bullet with McCoist.

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As delighted I am that a monster like Ashley is nowhere near my famous, debt-free, double European trophy winning club, I don't get the fit and proper persons angle at all here. He's a successful businessman and therefore a bit of a b*****d but other than waving his goolies at the SFA (which director of rangers old and new hasn't) I can see no reasonable objection to him.

I note with mirth that the honourable Mr Donohoe is yet to use his parliamentary privilege to ask any questions of Sir Moonbeams of Tax-Cheating or Dave Dodgy actual convictions King. Surprising that.

Usually decided by confraternal handshake - or lack of. :unsure:

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News today from Big Mike's football club.

Nacho Novo is chased from Ibrox. "Don't come back to train with us".

Players not getting their usual batch of free tickets. But they can buy up to 10 if they want. Outrage!

The 3 Bears complaining they are not being taken seriously. They have loads of money (they say.)

Rangers fans have vote of no confidence in the board.

Chris Graham the spokeman for .... himself...said something.

Bert Konterman also said something and then fell over.

Brian Donohoe Central Ayrshire MP, expenses cheat, living very well off the Westminister gravy train had a moan to the press. Shamefully the lazy Daily Record made it into a story.

Mike clearing out the nonsense that goes on behind the scenes at Ibrox, bit by bit.

Must soon be time to bite the bullet with McCoist.

Nacho Novo in small dogs and small men want to fight shocker. Evidently his grace thinks the Rangers board consists of shitebags.

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Welcome to the first ever fixture between Celtic FC and SevcoRangers2012 (a Sports Direct company).

All police leave cancelled west of Harthill ?

SWAT teams / snatch squads on standby ?

Stewards to be issued with body armour ?

Special bulletproof viewing box to be constructed for Messrs. Ogilvie, Regan & Cockwomble ?

All Sports Direct outlets in Glasgow to be guarded by ex. military personnel ?

All wives and girlfriends of SevcoRangers2012 (a Sports Direct company) supporters to be issued with cans of Mace & information on how to get to nearest Womens Refuge ?

Hospitality boxes reserved for Professors of Social Anthropology from all major UK universities ?

Journalist areas to be provided with mops & buckets in order to clean up ejaculate from Daily Retard / BBC scribblers ?



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Disciplinary update: Rangers FC and Michael Ashley Wednesday, 28 January 2015

A procedural hearing convened under the auspices of the Judicial Panel Protocol was held to determine the principal hearing dates in respect of Notices of Complaints issued against Rangers FC and Michael Ashley on 15th December.

The following hearing dates were determined:

Michael Ashley – Monday, 2nd March 2015

Rangers FC – Monday, 16th March 2015

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I think that the objection isn't with Ashley himself but that he owns Newcastle. I think dual ownership is part of the fit and proper criteria.

Genuine question - back in the day, did the SFA ever question Vlad regarding his interests in teams other than Hearts ? Seems so long ago, I can't remember how that panned out.

Plus, I am an auld fecker with memory issues............. :P

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Genuine question - back in the day, did the SFA ever question Vlad regarding his interests in teams other than Hearts ? Seems so long ago, I can't remember how that panned out.

Plus, I am an auld fecker with memory issues............. :P

I'm still waiting on that 20 quid I loaned you.

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Hopefully newco Rangers and Scottish Labour both take a kicking this year.

SevcoRangers2012 (a Sports Direct company) have been taking financial kickings since Charlie, Aidan, Imran et al gave birth to the monstrosity. Long may it continue.

Scottish Labour, with c*nts like Moneyhoe in their ranks, deserve to be wiped out.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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