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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Wait and see what happens first, I'm still a bit worried that they'll pull a fast one.

Aye, I cannot just see Ashley just rolling over, this is good news but no point in counting chickens yet.

10 Sleeps till we get our club back !!!

:lol::lol::thumsup2 F'kin priceless Tedric

Edited by GreenockRover
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I stillthink the football authorities should be involved, even if the police are also. This is a blight on our game and the ostrich approach is simply unacceptable imo.

Perhaps these morons might start to get the message if their team faces a loss of points.

Agreed.....10 point penalty any time any of the songs are heard from their supporters would soon put a stop to it, though they would probably be relegated after 5 games!!

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Point penalties for crowd misconduct would just encourage scumbags to go into their rivals' support and get them in trouble.

Thousands of them? Cause if it's just a few idiots I doubt they could be heard over the fine upstanding people surrounding them booing as loudly as they can to make it clear this is unacceptable. They would only need to worry if their entire support was full of bigoted zoomers.

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How is Cockwomble still in a job? When are the SFA and SPFL going to grow a pair and hammer the bigots on both sides who blight our game? Last Friday the sounds coming from the away fans was a disgrace broadcast internationally, the Semi final was a disgrace broadcast world wide. A few Chelsea thugs on a train in a racist incident is rightly condemned by the English authorities yet there was hundreds of bigots belting out hate songs and the Scottish football authority don't see a problem WTF!!! This is not acceptable behavior in modern day society.

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How is Cockwomble still in a job? When are the SFA and SPFL going to grow a pair and hammer the bigots on both sides who blight our game? Last Friday the sounds coming from the away fans was a disgrace broadcast internationally, the Semi final was a disgrace broadcast world wide. A few Chelsea thugs on a train in a racist incident is rightly condemned by the English authorities yet there was hundreds of bigots belting out hate songs and the Scottish football authority don't see a problem WTF!!! This is not acceptable behavior in modern day society.

Perhaps Doncaster is doing his job. :whistle:whistle

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What got me was the why Rangers are getting off with it.

The SPFL have basically said the pair of them can sing loud and proud as long as everything was done before the game to stop them singing loud and proud.

Are the Police and our Government actually happy to allow this kind of rugsweeping to continue?

How can they actually tackle bigotry and sectarianism in this country when they throw a deafy at the worst offenders?

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What got me was the why Rangers are getting off with it.

The SPFL have basically said the pair of them can sing loud and proud as long as everything was done before the game to stop them singing loud and proud.

Are the Police and our Government actually happy to allow this kind of rugsweeping to continue?

How can they actually tackle bigotry and sectarianism in this country when they throw a deafy at the worst offenders?

I hate to say it but I agree with Collymore. The media, and authorities don't five a flying f**k about it. It's an embarrassing insight into Scotlands shameful issues.
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Some posters on another thread were discussing the stadium criteria for possible promotion to the top flight. During the discussion it was mentioned that whilst there wasn't a criteria as such, there is a bronze minimum standard which includes finances. How would that affect Sevco? Is there this criteria? What is it. Would then meet this criteria? Would the rules be bent for them again?


... and breathe

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What got me was the why Rangers are getting off with it.

The SPFL have basically said the pair of them can sing loud and proud as long as everything was done before the game to stop them singing loud and proud.

Are the Police and our Government actually happy to allow this kind of rugsweeping to continue?

How can they actually tackle bigotry and sectarianism in this country when they throw a deafy at the worst offenders?

Quit your greeting.
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How is Cockwomble still in a job? When are the SFA and SPFL going to grow a pair and hammer the bigots on both sides who blight our game? Last Friday the sounds coming from the away fans was a disgrace broadcast internationally, the Semi final was a disgrace broadcast world wide. A few Chelsea thugs on a train in a racist incident is rightly condemned by the English authorities yet there was hundreds of bigots belting out hate songs and the Scottish football authority don't see a problem WTF!!! This is not acceptable behavior in modern day society.

Posts like this really piss me off. Doncaster is carrying out SPFL policy, any blame lies with the policy makers not Doncaster. The policy makers in both the SPFL and the SFA are responsible to the clubs. When the SFA was given the opportunity to adopt a policy of strict liability on this issue there was near unanimous rejection. That means that most likely your club and mine crapped out of tackling this issue.

IMO Doncaster is an arse but on this issue we should be pointing the finger of blame at the clubs who have refused to deal with this issue and adopt the sort of policy that UEFA has.

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What got me was the why Rangers are getting off with it.

The SPFL have basically said the pair of them can sing loud and proud as long as everything was done before the game to stop them singing loud and proud.

Are the Police and our Government actually happy to allow this kind of rugsweeping to continue?

How can they actually tackle bigotry and sectarianism in this country when they throw a deafy at the worst offenders?

Its laughable, the ones complaining and pointing the finger at every turn are the same 'football fans' who are happy to post their bitter hatred and vitriol on-line towards our support but don't f*ckin realise in doing so, that they are a huge part of the same problem.

There's hundreds of em on this forum alone, never mind on FB and Twitter! Are they 'rugswept' too?

I'm sure there's a huge silent majority that are sick to the back teeth of this name calling sticks and stones pish, that dominates the 'football headlines' at the moment !!

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Mon now Rob, surely you can tell the difference between some well earned schadenfreude at Rangers fall and sectarian bigotry?

I can go with the pisstake AB I don't really have a choice given what's happened to my club do I ?, but the undercurrent of hate and bile exists beyond that!

Do I care? No not really, just accept that it works both ways, that's all

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I can go with the pisstake AB I don't really have a choice given what's happened to my club do I ?, but the undercurrent of hate and bile exists beyond that!

Do I care? No not really, just accept that it works both ways, that's all

Love the way you call Rangers "my club"

Why anyone would associated with something as toxic and disgusting as Rangers is beyond any right thinking human and reflects really badly on you.

You are certainly not the people. You are a laughing stock who don't understand the meaning of embarrassing.

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I can go with the pisstake AB I don't really have a choice given what's happened to my club do I ?, but the undercurrent of hate and bile exists beyond that!

Do I care? No not really, just accept that it works both ways, that's all

Hate and bile? Laughing at the death of an ethereal idea that is a football club does not even come close to hate or bile. Laughing at the death of an ethereal idea does not even come close to extinguishing the very real life of even an insect. Laughing at people who invest so much emotion into an ethereal idea that they believe it actually matters so much that they attach strong emotions such as hate and love to it is.... well it's just hilarious.

Get a grip, people live and die every day, football is just a game, football clubs are just a common interest with no real significance in comparison to real life, something to kill time. You are taking comedy far too seriously. This is not a problem, we love how seriously you and others take it, it gives us something to laugh at. Thank you for making our lives a little better, thank you for being a fool. On second thoughts, don't get a grip. You are far too valuable as entertainment for us. What would we do, what would we laugh at if it were not for the likes of you and your melodrama?

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