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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It isn't difficult to understand. Berzz want 'the spivs' out. They boycott games and that, allied to their team being utter shite, sees crowds down - actual crowd in the ground, or some sort of 'officially announced' figure, no matter. Crowds were down.

However.... The spivs have been ousted. Hurrah!....

In comes a new regime with a convicted tax fraudster the leading light, a named and shamed glib and shameless liar. Paul 'no pot to piss in' Murray is involved. Both leading lights were around the scene when the shit hit the fan involving the old club / company / clumpany / holding company / ethereal entity that can only die when Frodo throws the ring into the fires of Mordor. Very quickly, Ranjurz legends are invited back, a gobshite fan is given an official club tie, and the talk is of 'leading Scottish football', 'challenging Celtic' and 'getting our club back'.

Berzz lap up their shite like it is the nectar of the Gods and this sees a bigger crowd. It won't last. They are still shite, and the people in charge are at the very, very least... Questionable.

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The most ironic thing in the whole of this journey is the amount of real Rangers men that have "walked away".

Not even because of the crooks, Rangers have been shite, humiliated on the pitch and they can't take it. They were big enough to gloat week in week out when they were pumping teams 5-0 during the 9 in a row era. Using dodgy business men as an excuse not to watch your shite team doesn't wash with me.

I think it was you who said it earlier, but it's astonishing just how many arch Uruk-Hai have suddenly decided they're "jist no' interested in the fitba' any mair".

Strangely their interest seemed to be maintained during the WATP spending other people's money years, but now that the Rangers are a stinking mess of dross, they've beetled off sharpish.

Edited by H_B
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This for me, I could not give a f**k about his wee twitter wars even though he does frequently rip the yahoos new arseholes, I do not care what he has said in the past, he is just an ordinary fan who loves the club, worked tirelessly and played a huge part in ridding our club of the vermin who have infested it for the past 3 years, his campaigning for the RST was 1st rate and nobody can deny the results and support the RST achieved were a huge success, Rangers fans owe him and Craig a massive debt of gratitude.

Promise no1 delivered, well done the new regime.

GIRUY to that clown Merlin and his wee w**k gang on RM

So it doesn't matter that he has made bigoted and sectarian posts in the past as long as he's 'one of us' is that what you are saying?

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So it doesn't matter that he has made bigoted and sectarian posts in the past as long as he's 'one of us' is that what you are saying?

I think what he's saying is "nothing anyone has done matters as long as The Rangers win".

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Actually the bigger question is on Season Ticket renewals and we may have to wait a bit longer for that.

Generating enough public enthusiasm to get Season Ticket holders to attend games they've already paid for shouldn't require too much good news.

The challenge is in persuading them that paying for another season is worth doing.

King now has to persuade Rangers supporters that next time will be different and good times are just around the corner and that he's not like those other guys you've been with before.

You're closer to the ground than me so in a better position to judge his prospects of pulling that off.

That is fair enough. Nobody can be absolutely certain how season ticket sales will go but we have already shifted a few for the rest of the season . If I was to have a guess I would reckon you will see a sharp increase from this season...maybe as many as 30,000 for the whole season with a further 5,000 half season tickets.

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The Rangers have learned from their predecessor club that it's better to convince people to work for free up front rather than to promise to pay for their services and then refuse to do so.

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