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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If the authorities don't do anything, then it signals that underpaying tax to gain a sporting advantage is ok.

Imagine for arguments sake Rangers had won 20 in a row during the EBT years before they were rumbled. Their chairman then concedes it gave them a sporting advantage and they lose the Big Tax Case. Are we really saying they get to keep those 20 titles??

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Using a means to reduce our level of tax didn't breach footballing rules.....that it led to our admin has been dealt with.

Our implementation of said scheme has also been dealt with.

The only place the rhabid hordes have to go is in either making up rules to be applied retrospectively, reopening the LNS enquiry or shutting the f**k up.

Go on, say it... 'led to our liquidation'.

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The latest King statement, does of course provoke further astonishment.

This idea that clubs are trying to topple them now, because they couldn't on the pitch, is just amazingly crude, dishonest and disrespectful.

That he can make such noises in a statement that also calls for clubs to work together for advancement of the games is staggering.

Remember that this man has already said that contrition would be due if the big tax case went against Rangers.

Remember when reading of his aspirations towards a greater good, that this man said he wanted a world in which Rangers won 55% of titles, to Celtic's 45%.

An absolute b*****d of a man.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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He isn't rational. He thinks that by focusing on the tiniest of detail in a statement or post he can deflect from the point at hand.

He genuinely seems to believe his posts counter arguments made.

He comes across as a dangerous obsessive with very little grasp of the real world.

I think you are wasting your time looking for honestly or rationality from someone like him.

I think Kinky's position of being virtually the only *** on here that can string a coherent sentence together gives him an aura of gravitas that he doesn't really deserve. A perhaps unsurprising state of affairs when one considers that the other ***s posting on here consist of simpering fools like Bennett, Tedi (and his many aliases) and AWRA's latest hopeless incarnation.

All that matters to Rangers fans are nice and shiny baubles, and having more of them than anyone else. It's what gives them their self-worth so they are understandably upset at the prospect of losing some of them. Kinky is no better than the rest of them.

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He isn't rational. He thinks that by focusing on the tiniest of detail in a statement or post he can deflect from the point at hand.

He genuinely seems to believe his posts counter arguments made.

He comes across as a dangerous obsessive with very little grasp of the real world.

I think you are wasting your time looking for honestly or rationality from someone like him.

To be fair, he often posts valid discussion points but, as you say, his constant deflections detract from his credibility.

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I posted a link to the full judgment. I'll do it again: http://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/search-judgments/judgment?id=8213f5a6-8980-69d2-b500-ff0000d74aa7

I may have missed 'illegally' so you quoting it would be helpful.

So what part of "the SPL accepted that decision as it stood, without regard to any possible appeal by HMRC" makes my point wrong?

That means they took the current legal position you fukin idiot!...

From LNS (within the law)

"Nor is it a breach of SPL or SFA Rules for a club to arrange its affairs - within the law - so as to minimise its tax liabilities. The Tax Tribunal has held (subject to appeal) that Oldco was acting within the law in setting up and operating the EBT scheme"


In our opinion these issues raise clear questions of law. To the extent that legal principles have been misapplied, the court can and must interfere with the decision of the First-tier Tribunal"

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With the lamented disappearance of Bendy Bingo, maybe we should start something else - say Where's Kinky?*

Each day, we'll sift through the nonsense and rhetoric spouted by King, the MSM, et al. The winner will be the one who picks the word or phrase which The_KinCarCrash will, when he's refuelled and ranting in the wee hours, continually and repeatedly use to deflect and derail every argument put forward by those who genuinely want to discuss what's happening with the absolute clusterfúck that is happening.

Winner gets to propose a new imperialist-themed avatar for the crackbrained old fool.

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This was the basis that the LNS enquiry proceeded on. They asked for a judgment whatever the outcome of the UTT was.

The validity of the LNS commission wasn't dependent on the FTT appeal. The SPL's brief was very clear on this.

It is not possible to read the paragraph below from the commission and come to that conclusion. You clearly are desperate for the truth to be otherwise, but no amount of slithering and squirming is going to make a very clear statement mean the complete opposite.

"The Tax Tribunal has held (subject to appeal) that Oldco was acting within the law in setting up and operating the EBT scheme. The SPL presented no argument to challenge the decision of the majority of the Tax Tribunal and Mr McKenzie stated expressly that for all purposes of this Commission’s Inquiry and Determination the SPL accepted that decision as it stood (ie that the decision of the FTT stood - Rangers use of EBTs was within the law), without regard to any possible appeal by HMRC (ie ignoring the possibility that the decision of the FTT could be overturned at appeal). Accordingly we proceed on the basis that the EBT arrangements were lawful (the possibility of the use of EBTs being unlawful was ignored - wrongly as is now the case)."

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Andrew Dickson

As Scottish football braces itself to be hit with the consequences of the Five Way Agreement of 2012 one figure continues to scuttle around the corridors of power- Andrew Dickson....

I actually feel quite sick reading that article.

As a Thistle fan, I accept that they more often than not we will be shite, thats life, thats what you accept when you follow Thistle. But regardless of how we perform on the park, off the park, I expect our Club to be treated as an equal, I expect every Club to be treated as an equal

Our governing bodies, the greed and focus of the old firm, mean that that will never be the case. There is an arrogance and selfishness that eminates from the SFA down and stops at the old firm.

Everyone else is just here ro make up the numbers and fill the calender. And it's that, that really sits uneasy with me.

Further down the chain, My Dad regales a story of when he was in his youth and his Uncle came over to Scotland representing the African FA to basically hand over a pendent, it demonstrates the "us and them" attitude that fans are not important. Football is not a sport for fans, it's an exercise for business men to get their brass buttoned blazer on and club tie and wine and dine each other whilst the back hand work to each others businesses, whilest we stand in the pissing rain, agonising over a late goal or a missed chance, eating third rate cold pies and cold bovril, standing in bird shit covered stadiums fighting over the last bit of paper towel to dry our hands.

regardless of where abouts you are in the food chain, unless you are part of the old firm, you are not important, you are just here to make up the numbers.

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To be fair, he often posts valid discussion points but, as you say, his constant deflections detract from his credibility.

He's a curious and unfortunate case is our Kinky. He starts out posting about the facts and in a semi-intelligent manor, but then the mask slips and he resorts to arrogant abuse. Often this will happen within the same post.

I reckon that his attempt to appear erudite by using fancy words along the lines of 'erudite', coupled with his habit of pulling up others for their use of the English language, shows an insecurity that needs help.

He may be insecure because he's a rangers fan. He may be insecure because he's posting on a 'diddy' football forum (his liking for that word really does show his true colours). Or maybe he's insecure because of issues in his private life.

Whatever it is, he's not your typical numpty football fan who blows-off his rubbish quite happily. I really do think that this man needs to take a step back and think about things...

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Yes I know a certain blogger posted the HSBC link and you are relying on his understanding of it.

If Murray was guilty of tax evasion he would have been arrested.

Sorry. Do you want proof from an official source?

Well OK then here you go:-

9.The number of criminal prosecutions for offshore tax evasion is still woefully inadequate. HMRC’s investigations do not lead to sufficient prosecutions to provide an effective deterrent, particularly for wealthy individuals who hide their assets offshore. In December 2013, we argued that HMRC needed to demonstrate that it deals robustly with individuals and companies who deliberately mislead it and that HMRC should be more willing to pursue prosecutions against both individuals and businesses. Regrettably, since then HMRC appears either to have ignored our recommendation or to have made little progress. Incredibly, there have been only 11 prosecutions in relation to offshore tax evasion since 2010, and only one individual from the Falciani list (of some 3,600 potential UK tax evaders whose Swiss bank account details were leaked by a former employee of HSBC) has been prosecuted. HMRC told us that it had now exhausted its use of the Falciani data, which did not meet the standards required for UK evidence. It said that offshore tax evasion is one of the toughest areas to prosecute, with people deliberately disguising their activities, while those who facilitate this form of tax evasion were careful not to enter the United Kingdom. HMRC has offered disclosure facilities with reduced penalties for people who come forward and provide information on assets held offshore. We are in no doubt that the use of these disclosure facilities is not an adequate substitute for the deterrent effect of prosecution. That is particularly so given that by 2017, HMRC will receive tax data from 94 countries and will be able to detect evaders more easily, so these disclosure facilities will no longer be necessary. The vast majority of UK individuals pay what is due from them in tax. Those who do not must in future know that they could face prosecution if they deliberately seek to evade paying what is due.


Now maybe you want to repudiate this (RangersMedia quotes or such) or just accept that you are completely out of your depth. If you catch me at the right time, I may even throw you a lifevest.

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What is it with Rangers fans, including apparently intelligent ones, taking statements etc out of context and trying to make them fit their agenda?

Kinkster, you are bang to rights. The whole LNS report reads that his findings are based upon EBTs and their use being lawful. The latest findings of the tax enquiries show that "Rangers'" use of EBTs was not lawful.

If I were a *** I would be disowning that institution and it's successor. It must be a shameful embarrassment to call yourself a Rangers man these days.

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I think Kinky's position of being virtually the only *** on here that can string a coherent sentence together gives him an aura of gravitas that he doesn't really deserve. A perhaps unsurprising state of affairs when one considers that the other ***s posting on here consist of simpering fools like Bennett, Tedi (and his many aliases) and AWRA's latest hopeless incarnation.

All that matters to Rangers fans are nice and shiny baubles, and having more of them than anyone else. It's what gives them their self-worth so they are understandably upset at the prospect of losing some of them. Kinky is no better than the rest of them.

iirc No.8 was similar - he'd sometimes make noises that sounded reasonable, then spaff an unbelievable amount of shite. The game where Darren McGregor was slow to get back in position and they lost (Hearts last season, Osman Sow at Ibrox for 2-1?) and he started crying about "we wurnae ready". Think there was a QotS game where he made a really contrite post after a defeat, then spent the next 6 or 7 blaming the referee

edit: and going to the politics forum, he dipped in to a topic once, made a post about oil revenue falling, which was summarily destroyed by about 5 different posters and disappeared from the thread, which was quite funny.

He was in a particularly "WE ARRA PEOPLE" mood after the first tier tribunal decision as I recall - hope he's handling the last-minute winner for HMRC well. smirkingainsleyharriot.jpg

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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The latest King statement, does of course provoke further astonishment.

This idea that clubs are trying to topple them now, because they couldn't on the pitch, is just amazingly crude, dishonest and disrespectful.

That he can make such noises in a statement that also calls for clubs to work together for advancement of the games is staggering.

Remember that this man has already said that contrition would be due if the big tax case went against Rangers.

Remember when reading of his aspirations towards a greater good, that this man said he wanted a world in which Rangers won 55% of titles, to Celtic's 45%.

An absolute b*****d of a man.

Surely a Chairman of the Club/Company/Abortion that is Rangers/Sevco making a statement regarding the reasoning of the actions of other clubs and their boards and with veiled threats of future action is making a statement that brings the game into disrepute and he should be getting dragged before the board of the SPFL to explain himself. Of course they probably don't think they need to as they did find him 'fit and proper'..................

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If I were a *** I would be disowning that institution and it's successor. It must be a shameful embarrassment to call yourself a Rangers man these days.

When wasn't it?

Even when I was at High school I used to look at Rangers fans with pity.

All my adult life I've treated them with disdain.

Horrible club.

Horrible fans

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