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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yet more talk of how the Orcs, and Rangers players, should pull out of the national team, this time with a majority in favor.

How brilliant wold it be if McGregor and Naismith played the patriotic card to gracefully exit Rangers? "a minority, but a dangerous minority, of Rangers supporters have forced us to choose between club and country, and we must choose Scotland. The significant boost to our wages down South did not play a role, and if only we could have played for both in good conscience we would have stayed...."

The one thing oft overlooked in this bullshit boycott idea of the national side by their players is just how often they were 'injured' and unable to play for Scotland only to make a remarkable recovery to play for the orcs three days later. f**k um, let them boycott, I'll take Craig Gordon, Matt Gilks, Johnny Russell and Mackay Stevens over Naismith and McGregor any day, not to mention a rejuvenated Sean Maloney and many others who wouldn't give the middle finger to the fans for a second chance in the national team....we don't need their cheating team in the SPL and we don't need their players in the national team either.

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I'm off to have a shuftie at the #fuckthesfa hash tag on twitter although I might check #ufckthefsa out too

One of the first tweets I noticed under #fuckthesfa

Andrew Burton@andybsei Seems Rangers have been fucked over tonight.... football really has gone to shit recently #fuckthesfa #PompeyGers

He's wearing a Portsmouth shirt in his profile pic. This lad really knows how to choose his teams. :lol:

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Matt Gilks over McGregor? Behave, that's just daft.

Naismith when fit is one of the first names on teamsheet too.

Neither will be at snake mountain next year anyway.

I note you bypassed Craig Gordon that I mentioned first and went straight to Gilks, not something I would have advocated if you'd picked up on that. Gilks is a benchwarmer, agreed, but I'd take my gran as back-up keeper if it meant McGregor wasn't there with his smug grin and his extended middle finger. Couldn't accept he'd done much wrong then if I recall, I wonder if that attitude rubbed off from being corralled inside the big house.....

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I'd been too busy watching Con Air to check the internet, and I come back on to this news.


As for D&P whinging about not getting "certainty and finality", em, that's exactly what you have got. You now know that Rangers will not be able to sign players next season. That is final, there is no uncertainty about it. If you don't want more uncertainty, don't attempt another appeal to FIFA or CAS.

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All the momentum behind the 'keep Rangers in the SPL' campaign seems to have disappeared. And we've still got the Tax Case AND the SPL's dual contracts investigation to come.

If they're going to start getting into legal action in the midst of CVAs and/or liquidations and takeovers and player sales... I can't see them being in any shape to enter next season's SPL, even if some club chairmen want them to.

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All the momentum behind the 'keep Rangers in the SPL' campaign seems to have disappeared.  And we've still got the Tax Case AND the SPL's dual contracts investigation to come.

If they're going to start getting into legal action in the midst of CVAs and/or liquidations and takeovers and player sales... I can't see them being in any shape to enter next season's SPL, even if some club chairmen want them to.

I reckon one incident or provocation by Rangers or their support could tip the balance.

The ring of hands round Hampden could be enough, if the cup final is spoiled then that might be the final straw for some chairmen.

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http://www.rangers.c. ..icle/2775049The administrators waffle some pish about it not being the opinion of their legal advisorsMore worryingly there's this quote at the bottom of thr statement.Individuals run clubs and say things sandy.

This 'actions of an individual' thing that they keep reeling out is f**king bulls**t. The only reason Rangers won 9 in a row (and many other titles) was because of the actions of an 'individual' pumping tens of millions of pounds into the club. Strange how we don't hear Rangers fans queing up to hand back these trophies because of the actions of one individual. It works both ways, if you're prepared to lap up the glory then be prepared to take the hit when it comes, most clubs live or die by the decisions of a select few individuals, it's tough s**t I'm afraid.

Edited by Diamonds are Forever
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All the momentum behind the 'keep Rangers in the SPL' campaign seems to have disappeared. And we've still got the Tax Case AND the SPL's dual contracts investigation to come.

If they're going to start getting into legal action in the midst of CVAs and/or liquidations and takeovers and player sales... I can't see them being in any shape to enter next season's SPL, even if some club chairmen want them to.

The dual contract investigation results are going to be a doozy :D

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