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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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From @STV_Andy (also being reported by Daily Mail journos)

"SFA to make statement about ongoing investigation into Rangers and use of EBTs. Expected shortly."

"Campbell Ogilvie has left 'by mutual consent'.

Ends. "

Edited by H Wragg
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SSN just reported that the players are at Murray Park 'mulling over the various options'. As so many other posters have also said - what kind of two-bob administrators are this Haudit & Daudit duo? Mulling over options? 15 days or so into administration? WTF is going on?

As Hugh Adams said in the Mail article,

'The players were very naive. Few of them were the Brain of Britain, of course. If they get the money, they don't give a damn where it's coming from.'

Anything changed? Shagger, Broadfoot, Lee Wallace, Lafferty. Hope their agents are at the end of a phone to tell them what it all means.

"Monthly income 2 million, monthly expenditure 1.9 million, result happiness. Monthly income 2 million, monthly expenditure 3 million pounds, result misery." Charles Dickens telling the administrators their job.

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perhaps why Whyte was so quick to appoint them? they feck it up, he's got someone else to shift the blame onto, and he remains a "stand up guy" in all this mess.oh and probably a few £mill better off :angry:

It would be interesting to hear their reasoning for taking so long to try and mitigate costs. If i was a creditor i would be asking why nothing has been done as yet. Surely HMRC cant be too chuffed either?

Who is the creditors?

Whyte is a secured creditor. He will be repaid his debt out of the proceeds of sale of the secured assets in priority to ordinary unsecured creditors. The adminstrators are therfore acting in the interests of Whyte.

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Utter pish. Not only that but utter hypocritical pish.

I watched Motherwell beat Spurs in the Texaco Cup at Fir Park in 1970. Well fans chanted, "When The Well go up to lift The British Cup we'll be there"

Your support is as keen as ours to succeed. There is no difference. We all want a sniff of glory.


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Of course they are, I'm not trying to undermine your reasons for supporting your club at all, whatever those reasons may be. But you're wrong to say that there's no difference between supporting an Old Firm side and supporting a non-Old Firm side.

You'll never know what it feels like to watch your team get scudded 4/5/6/ nil, and then the following week be faced with a 3 hour drive to Aberdeen, knowing that there's a fair chance your going to get humped again (not recently mind you ;)) and have to drive those 3 hours back knowing that even if you had won, it wouldn't matter because you're never going to win the league anyway. You may wonder why anyone would do that, you may think you'd have to be wrong in the head to get any kind of enjoyment from it. But the fact of the matter is that the feeling you have when you get to Hampden, or get any bit of relative success doesn't come from the thought of winning...it comes from the emotional journey you've had to go through over the years to get there. If you haven't made that journey...and as an Old Firm fan you won't...you'll never get to the level of sheer joy and excitement of those of us who have. And that's the bond that exists between fans of all other clubs...that's why we stick together when it comes to things like this, because we've all travelled that journey in one way or another.

We might get into the Champions League next year. In fact it's looking increasingly likely with each passing day. And if we do, the feelings and emotions won't come from hoping to do well in it, or even being in it. They will come from sitting in my seat, watching the teams come out and remembering standing on the away terracing an Boghead as we scrape a draw against a team at the bottom of the 3rd, and not being surprised by it. Remembering what seemed like our annual pumping out the cup by Ayr United. Thinking of watching guys play for us who you were sure should be behind your mum in the pecking order for getting a game. All the while....the Champions League music plays over the tannoy. The feelings don't come from being in the champions league, they come from the journey you've travelled on the way there, and the acknowledgement and acceptance that you'll be travelling back along the same road in the other direction before you know it.

It doesn't matter whether you're Rangers, or Celtic. Current club, or new incarnation. You'll never know what things like that feel like, and that's the difference. That's why we all band together, and why we will always see you both as one. Because you're the only ones that just don't get it.

Fantastic post. It's all about the sense of occasion and the emotional journey you take when following a real football team.

The old firm just don't get it.

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Fantastic post. It's all about the sense of occasion and the emotional journey you take when following a real football team.

The old firm just don't get it.

Reminds me of an old joke involving a guy who only has sex once year but seems bafflingly happy. On being asked why he's so happy he replies, "Tonight's the night".

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Fantastic post. It's all about the sense of occasion and the emotional journey you take when following a real football team.

The old firm just don't get it.

And i don't follow a "real" football team? :huh: FFS, get a grip.

Yes my club wins trophies and league titles, but that doesnt make me any less of a football fan than anyone else no matter what club they follow.

should i not be happy my team is successful? or how about i just support someone else else that's less successful, would that make these self righteous supporters from other clubs feel better?

Here's a news flash. I don't support Celtic because of the success on the park, i support them because they are my team, that will never change. even if we didn not win anything again, I will still support them. so please f**k off and stop spouting shite and pretending your on some sort of moral high ground.

i can guarantee i still go on the same "emotional journey" as any other football fan.

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While officially the administrators are working for the creditors (Whyte being one of them), the main people the administrators work for is themselves and they will be the ones who get the most out of the day to day running of Rangers, they will take millions from them.

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