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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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1339456374[/url]' post='6325325']

Personally i believe they are entitled to take the money and have waited long enough for it so yep i think they should...BUT...that Newsagent is on the Copland Road and must coin it in on Matchday. Now i think it will affect business and the small amount he might recoup through the CVA will be a drop in the ocean for what he will lose through supporters taking their custom elsewhere.

Each individual case is different and it all depends what sums are involved. Some might see waiving their rights to the CVA as good publicity and beneficial to their businesses in the long run.

..and this is why the votes cast by people due any cash by a cva should be kept completely confidential and ownly known by Duff and Phelps and the court. Any leaking of the information should be swiftly followed by legal action...and a kick in the nuts!

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Rapid Vienna seem to be under the impression that they can say no to the CVA, yet still get every penny owed to them. Very admirable but, erm - good luck with that!


Before the CVA is decided can teams like Rapid that are owed money not still make complaints to UEFA or FIFA saying they have not received full payment for transfers and look for sanctions against the club or does the fact that Rangers are in administration somehow stop them from doing this ?

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After reading no8's prattlings

Wonder if he will accept 6p in the pound on his next wage because his employers are wanting to replace the equipment?

Don't worry, there is plenty of other people getting paid in full, but he seems to make more because of where he is...

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Surely rapid vienna can get uefa to impose a transfer embargo? this is the sort of thing that platini gets a boner about these days

RM response is along the lines of jog on, only HMRC and ticketus matter. Roll on thursday.

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Before the CVA is decided can teams like Rapid that are owed money not still make complaints to UEFA or FIFA saying they have not received full payment for transfers and look for sanctions against the club or does the fact that Rangers are in administration somehow stop them from doing this ?

Not wishing to sound like the Cockwomble here, but is it not the case that once a company goes into admin they are, for want of a better phrase, "protected" from the creditors?

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If the CVA is rejected and Rangers go down the newco route, I would see it as very difficult for them to pay outstanding football debts in full because the deal for a newco is they hsve nothing to do with oldco. All the debt must be left with oldco. If newco pay any legacy debt HMRC will be all over them as a phoenix company and will chase them for oldco debt.

If the oldco debt is managed inequitably, HMRC and Ticketus will probably freeze the process.

So the ability to deal with any complaints to uefa may be limited.

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Not wishing to sound like the Cockwomble here, but is it not the case that once a company goes into admin they are, for want of a better phrase, "protected" from the creditors?

Damn. :angry:

No, burn them!


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Not wishing to sound like the Cockwomble here, but is it not the case that once a company goes into admin they are, for want of a better phrase, "protected" from the creditors?

From a financial, legal, business point of view yes. But not from football sanctions, this is afterall why there is a transfer embargo on clubs in admin. I'm sure UEFA etc. can sanction as they please... as long as it's written in their rulebook of course. ;)

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I'll quote ye on that - was £135 up before Engerland drew :-( Bugger - it was my holibags to see yer Germans who support Gers

Look at this way. If Russia don't win it gives you even more reason to think i am a 'TWONK'..'w**k'.....Not that you seem to need any more excuses ;)

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Surely rapid vienna can get uefa to impose a transfer embargo? this is the sort of thing that platini gets a boner about these days

RM response is along the lines of jog on, only HMRC and ticketus matter. Roll on thursday.

Would be amusing if HMRC & Ticketus both accept, and everyone else rejects. This would still be enough to block the CVA. :ph34r:

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Look at this way. If Russia don't win it gives you even more reason to think i am a 'TWONK'..'w**k'.....Not that you seem to need any more excuses ;)

My team: Rangers

Nobody needs any more of an excuse to think that. :rolleyes:

Edited by Spain
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So you steal from businesses and then daft Rangers fans threaten to boycott these businesses for wanting paid in full?

And you wonder why all of Scottish football hate you?

After reading no8's prattlings

Wonder if he will accept 6p in the pound on his next wage because his employers are wanting to replace the equipment?

Don't worry, there is plenty of other people getting paid in full, but he seems to make more because of where he is...

Seems to be a misunderstanding here. I believe Rangers should pay back in full everything they owe...no matter how long that would take.

Going through a CVA is , IMO, just wrong and i expect others to be unhappy about it.

Last night i was answering a question about those businesses who had already been paid in full by the RFFF and if i thought they should also be paid by the CVA. My answer was they should due to the amount of time they had waited for their money.

I added that each business has to make that decision based on what is best for their long term future. For example the newsagent on the Copland Road will lose business if supporters see him being paid in full by the RFFF and then also taking money out of the CVA pot. Doesn't matter if i think that is right or wrong it is just a fact that some will boycott him...You know how we all love a boycott

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To be perfectly honest i thought that the fund would hit around the £2.5-£3 million mark. That it didn't could be down to a few factors,apathy being the main one in that some fans,whether a minority or majority doesn't matter,have been under the belief that Rangers were too big to go under with this we are the people attitude. Many though realise the full extent of the situation and seriousness the club is under but with Whyte at the time still on the periphery a lot weren't sure whether to donate or not.

One of the reasons may well be that there are too many divisions in the support groups in that you have the RSTand Association who maybe have their own agendas or outlook on how the club should be run. Whether fans of other clubs agree or not the support has taken a hammering over the last year financially in that they've seen a club with a controllable debt of £18 million suddenly increase in a relatively short period of time to £48 million,(not including debenture bondholders £7.7 million). To an extent the reluctance is understandable but in saying that there were pledges put in to the Save Rangers campaign which iirc was sitting at well over £3 million,may be wrong about the exact sum, but was pledged for a support ownership of the club,something which the Blue Knights were ready to give consideration to.

You want the truth, you can't handle the truth!

Just like the Pre-Souness 1980's era, your teams "support" has been shown up to be like 'snaw aff a dyke'.

When that team aint winning, they're just not interested. It's called being "a gloryhunting b@st@rd".

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Rapid Vienna seem to be under the impression that they can say no to the CVA, yet still get every penny owed to them. Very admirable but, erm - good luck with that!


Wasn't it the case that Craig Moore returned to Rangers because Crystal Palace couldn't afford an instalment on his transfer fee? :unsure:

Jelavich to be playing in Vienna next season? :huh: I can't see Everton being happy about that. Exactly how much did they pay Rangers? :lol:

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Out of interest, have rangers handed over the relevant (the ones they want the spl to see) documents to the spl. Or has that deadline not passed? Or did they just shred them like chick young suggested?

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Out of interest, have rangers handed over the relevant (the ones they want the spl to see) documents to the spl. Or has that deadline not passed? Or did they just shred them like chick young suggested?

The SPL official website has a news article saying they are in receipt of the relevant documentation. It didn't say if the ink was dry on them yet mind you.

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