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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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After the last 24 hours, its time they were erased from Scottish football/society permanently. The bully tactics of Cardigan and company just show what kind of arrogant scumbags they all are.

They are not better than any of us, they are not and never were the people. Die forever please.

SFA and SPL - If you allow this pantomime to continue on your heads be it. YOU will kill Scottish football.

They simply do not deserve sympathy. Their sheer arrogance and lack of humility has killed them. Even their semi-reasonable fans cant resist making whataboutery comments. Time they were gone forever. Its getting ridiculous now.

All it needs is for SFA to put out ta statement saying that as Rangers F.C. has now been liquidated they would consider any application from a Newco company for admission to either the SPL or SFL.

Further, any Newco club will obviously be devoid of trophy wins albeit that they remain in the history books under the name of the liquidated club, and that any Newco have absolutely no claim to any trophy wins as it is an entirely separate entity.

oops, forgot, no balls .

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I have been giving this a little thought this morning. It stinks to high heaven. I know it stinks and everybody knows it has been a stitch up. I am not proud to support this club right now. I'll go further i am actually ashamed at what has gone on there. I am disgusted that the people at the top of the club got away with it for so long.

Firstly it is just plain wrong to be able to walk away from the amount of debt Rangers have. I understand this happens in the business world but it doesn't make it any more palatable.

I have wondered for a while why would Craig Whyte simply run the club into the ground? What was his plan? Murray hands the club to Whyte...Whyte does the dirty work..He calls in the Administrators he wants...they then keep it out of Paul Murrays hands and give it over to Charles Green...He looks like deliberately making 100% his CVA is rejected and buys the assets back for £5.5 million. Then onto the scene comes Walter Smith, Jim McColl and Douglas Park who will buy the club back for under £10 million totally debt free.

This morning i should be jumping for joy. The Real Rangers men the whole support wanted right from the start look like getting control of the club. It looks like we will be in better financial state than we have been in years but it is a hollow victory. It looks to me that those running the club have lied and cheated just about everybody including their own support and it leaves me feeling sick.....Or maybe that is the hang over i have!! :(

I believe you.

Spare us the deep regret bollocks - if Sir Wattie of Cardigan (either by design or just by the way the dominoes fell) takes control of (The) Rangers, and keeps them in the SPL, debt-free, with a genuine multi, multi, multi millionaire backer pulling the strings - you lot won't give a fcuk. You won't give a fcuk about Green's shenanigans, Whyte's shenanigans, Minty's shenanigans, Soccerball Bill's shenanigans, or Haudit & Daudit's shenanigans. You won't give a fcuk about Rapid Vienna, Hearts, Dundee United or any other shafted creditors. You won't give a fcuk about HMRC, the SPL clubs, the SFA, the SFL. You won't give a fcuk about any of it.

Here's what you'll give a fcuk about, and it's ALL you'll give a fcuk about..... you'll be even more triumphalist towards the world at large than before. WATP will be turned up to a Spinal Tap shattering 12 on the amps. It'll be Rule Britannia and get it right fcuking up the lot of you x 100. Of course, you won't forget those who 'wronged' you either. Aberdeen v Rangers games for example, will become 100 times more toxic and powderkeg than before. You will march under Sir Wattie's banner into towns and cities across the land displaying an even more obnoxious brand of blue-nosed bile than we ever saw before.

All you'll care about is what Wattie's warchest will be. Who your big name signings will be. How much you can get it right up ra' Sellik, and who will your opponents be in the group stages of the Champions League.

'Walter looking at 5 million swoop for AC Milan wonderkid - (The) Rangers set to beat Spurs, West Ham and Newcastle for his signing.....' Daily Retard.

...and you'll lap it up. That's all your lot care about, stop pretending otherwise.

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Just bin these c***s. Rangers fans saying this morning about what they're gonna do to all us when team Wattie gets them back on their feet.The venom is something to behold. Its like you catching some junkie tanning your house ,you hold on to him while the wife gets the police. You turn up at court to see the c**t jailed for his crime and the b*****d jumps up and tells you that when he gets out he's gonna stab you and your family for grassing. fucking vermin :angry:

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So you could put spin on this and say that Walter Smith killed Rangers? biggrin.gif

Well put it this way,i doubt there is a sane man alive that doesn't suspect that Saint Walter,and Maid Sally didn't know about,or were not involved themselves in the EBT scandal.

So technically speaking,yes...he had a helping hand.Now he wants to be seen to be the saviour after Green did all the work.Well planned,but ffs someone please put a spanner in Smiths works to stop the plan succeeding.

They are almost about to get away with the crime of the century.

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I believe you.

Spare us the deep regret bollocks - if Sir Wattie of Cardigan (either by design or just by the way the dominoes fell) takes control of (The) Rangers, and keeps them in the SPL, debt-free, with a genuine multi, multi, multi millionaire backer pulling the strings - you lot won't give a fcuk. You won't give a fcuk about Green's shenanigans, Whyte's shenanigans, Minty's shenanigans, Soccerball Bill's shenanigans, or Haudit & Daudit's shenanigans. You won't give a fcuk about Rapid Vienna, Hearts, Dundee United or any other shafted creditors. You won't give a fcuk about HMRC, the SPL clubs, the SFA, the SFL. You won't give a fcuk about any of it.

Here's what you'll give a fcuk about, and it's ALL you'll give a fcuk about..... you'll be even more triumphalist towards the world at large than before. WATP will be turned up to a Spinal Tap shattering 12 on the amps. It'll be Rule Britannia and get it right fcuking up the lot of you x 100. Of course, you won't forget those who 'wronged' you either. Aberdeen v Rangers games for example, will become 100 times more toxic and powderkeg than before. You will march under Sir Wattie's banner into towns and cities across the land displaying an even more obnoxious brand of blue-nosed bile than we ever saw before.

All you'll care about is what Wattie's warchest will be. Who your big name signings will be. How much you can get it right up ra' Sellik, and who will your opponents be in the group stages of the Champions League.

'Walter looking at 5 million swoop for AC Milan wonderkid - (The) Rangers set to beat Spurs, West Ham and Newcastle for his signing.....' Daily Retard.

...and you'll lap it up. That's all your lot care about, stop pretending otherwise.

gawd, I'm in total agreement with a st mirren fan

good on ya bud,

couldn't have put it any better

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When's the next big event by the way? Is it the SPL vote(and when is that again)?

No-one knows... For the moment OldCo still exists and Green & Partners haven't yet applied to transfer the SPL share from OldCo to NewCo. When they do then it'll get addressed within a couple of weeks, it would appear.

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All it needs is for SFA to put out ta statement saying that as Rangers F.C. has now been liquidated they would consider any application from a Newco company for admission to either the SPL or SFL.

Further, any Newco club will obviously be devoid of trophy wins albeit that they remain in the history books under the name of the liquidated club, and that any Newco have absolutely no claim to any trophy wins as it is an entirely separate entity.

But unfortunately The Rangers FC plc hasn't been liquidated yet. Also, they won't be applying for admission to SPL (or SFA), they'd be applying to move the membership (teapot) to a different company (box).

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If Walter Smith really was a 'Rangers man' then why wait until the club goes under and lost its history?

Sleekit git who knows when to get out and when to come back in smelling of roses.

He did it with Rangers before and with Scotland, Rangers fans should stand up to him but he's duped you all.

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Having finally seen what the rest of us have known all long, that Rangers are a vile disgusting, organisation corrupt to the core, can we take it that a fine, upstanding individual such as yourself will from this moment on stop supporting Rangers?

Of course....I gave up on them almost 24 hours ago. ;)

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No-one knows... For the moment OldCo still exists and Green & Partners haven't yet applied to transfer the SPL share from OldCo to NewCo. When they do then it'll get addressed within a couple of weeks, it would appear.

Today was the deadline for the duel contacts documentation the spl had requested, which I think was one of the things due to be discussed at Mondays meeting.

Also assuming the sfas panel will meet again towards the end of next week, if they are looking to hear the case as soon as the 21 day period is up after the cos ruling.

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Even I shouted at the telly when that fekwit compared Aberdeen to RFC(deid) around sporting integrity and non-relegation. Aberdeen's benefit was entirely within the rules (even if Falkirk fans will say it was a fiddle, it was a fiddle within the rules) When was that?


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Fixtures are out on Monday, what a shambles.

Season starts in little over a month and certain teams are still in the dark over what League they'll be in.

Utter, utter shambles. It's been said time and again however if this was any other team bar sellick, they would've been punted out the top flight already.

Amateur stuff from the idiots who run our game and their silence is deafening.

Anyway, hope the Dandies get County away for first game of the season :)

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gawd, I'm in total agreement with a st mirren fan

good on ya bud,

couldn't have put it any better

Here's a way you can ensure at least one vote goes "NO" at the SPL. The St Mirren fans' buyout is 95% of the way towards the target for purchase. It needs another 50 punters to pledge £10 a month to allow control of the club to be in the fans' hands by 4th July. if you can afford it, and wish to help, visit 10000 hours website (no' the 10000 whores website, that's Ajax's fan control thing)

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