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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You musical philistine ! How can you not be moved by the sheer musicality and virtuosity of classics such as Shang A Lang, Summerlove Sensation and Bye Bye Baby ?


I was often moved - as far away from the racket as possible.

BTW, the Bay City was picked out from an atlas - six degrees of separation game, this time with Doncaster and Tam Paton.........

- And GO!

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Just spotted this on the Scotsman website:



Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 08:58 PM

Looks like the sale of rangers is going to be challenged in court tomorrow, something to do with a floating charge still owed by Craig Whyte, this one day will make a great novel. More twists and turns than a hercule poirot movie. Any experts out there know what a floating charge is??

Could be bullshit but any other rumours been heard?

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Just spotted this on the Scotsman website:



Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 08:58 PM

Looks like the sale of rangers is going to be challenged in court tomorrow, something to do with a floating charge still owed by Craig Whyte, this one day will make a great novel. More twists and turns than a hercule poirot movie. Any experts out there know what a floating charge is??

Could be bullshit but any other rumours been heard?

Floating charge

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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A floating charge is a security interest over a fund of changing assets of a company or a limited liability partnership (LLP), which 'floats' or 'hovers' until conversion into a fixed charge, at which point the charge attaches to specific assets. The conversion (called crystallisation) can be triggered by a number of events; it has become an implied term in debentures (in English law) that a cessation of the company's right to deal with the assets in the ordinary course of business will lead to automatic crystallisation. Additionally, according to express terms of a typical loan agreement, default by the chargor is a trigger for crystallisation. Such defaults typically include non-payment, invalidity of any of the lending or security documents or the launch of insolvency proceedings.

Floating charges can only be granted by companies. If an individual person or a partnership[1] was to purport to grant a floating charge, it would be void as a general assignment in bankruptcy.[2]

Floating charges take effect in equity only, and consequently are defeated by a bona fide purchaser for value without notice of any asset caught by them. In practice, as the chargor has power to dispose of assets under a floating charge, this is only of any consequence in relation to disposals after the charge has crystallised.

The floating charge has been described as "one of equity's most brilliant creations."[3]


Strictly speaking, it is not possible to enforce a floating charge at all - the charge must first crystallise into a fixed charge. In the absence of any special provisions in the relevant document, a floating charge crystallises either upon the appointment of a receiver or upon the commencement of liquidation.[9

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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Obviously everyone doesn't know that, or care. Anyway my musical tastes were developed well before these horrible cretins came on the scene and they were not more than an annoyance in a period where real musical genius still flourished (but not for long). 8)

BTW I have never heard anyone refer to Edinburgh (or Glasgow to be fair) as 'Bay City'.

Just been looking at the house where I was born on Google Street View. A 180 degree turn takes us round to where Pete Agnew of Nazareth used to live. Now that is a band! ;)

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I was often moved - as far away from the racket as possible.

BTW, the Bay City was picked out from an atlas - six degrees of separation game, this time with Doncaster and Tam Paton.........

- And GO!

Doncaster is known as 'CockWomble' which is derived from The Wombles who had a string of hits in the early 70's at the same time as The Bay City Rollers who were managed by Tom Paton.....

Edited by wunfellaff
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At no time did they identify the club's "enemies", at no time did they blame the SFL, the SFA, or the media.

That's not true.

A lot of their fans behaved embarrassingly throughout the whole fiasco, threatening boycotts here and there and singling out individual clubs for treatment.

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It's bound to have been mentioned before so apologies in advance but ...

Billy Dodds was happy enough to vote down a CVA and see Dundee die because it was hitting him in the pocket if a CVA were agreed.

Billy Dodds has been desperate for Rangers to survive at all costs throughout this entire saga.

If you were prepared to kill off one Scottish club Billy, why are you so keen to save another? Ya hypocritical wee shite.

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If Rangers haven't won anything by the time we get to page 2012, we'll all sing a wee song ... just for you!! :P

Rangers???! rolleyes.gif


Reuse of a company name after liquidation

Prohibited names and restrictions

Examples of prohibited names

If a company in liquidation was registered at Companies House as 'ABC Limited' and it used the trading name 'XYZ', then the following would all be classed as prohibited names:

  • the registered name 'ABC Limited' or 'XYZ Limited'
  • the trading name 'ABC' or 'XYZ'
  • the trading name 'ABC' or 'XYZ' used by an unincorporated business - eg a sole trader or partnership
  • a registered name or trading name used by a company or business that is so similar to 'ABC' or 'XYZ' it suggests an association with the liquidated company.

Hmm.... wacko.gif

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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It's bound to have been mentioned before so apologies in advance but ...

Billy Dodds was happy enough to vote down a CVA and see Dundee die because it was hitting him in the pocket if a CVA were agreed.

Billy Dodds has been desperate for Rangers to survive at all costs throughout this entire saga.

If you were prepared to kill off one Scottish club Billy, why are you so keen to save another? Ya hypocritical wee shite.

unsure.gif hate to side with Billy but...

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It's a badge that has been used on many, many Rangers strips over the years. Nothing to do with the old company being liquidated.

Of course it isrolleyes.gif

And this was never the plan all along.

How were you going to avoid liquidation after February 14? i'm desperate to know.

Oh look, the tooth fairy.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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Rangers???! rolleyes.gif

Hmm.... sleep.gif

The tax lady on the STV program said it was common practice and part of the transitional period apparently. 'The Rangers Football Club' isn't actually the name either, its still Sevco 5088 i think, although I may be wrong.

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It's bound to have been mentioned before so apologies in advance but ...

Billy Dodds was happy enough to vote down a CVA and see Dundee die because it was hitting him in the pocket if a CVA were agreed.

Billy Dodds has been desperate for Rangers to survive at all costs throughout this entire saga.

If you were prepared to kill off one Scottish club Billy, why are you so keen to save another? Ya hypocritical wee shite.

Dundee wasn't his team though, the wee c**t.

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If Charlie boys got any sense he would hand over the club to watties gang but keep hold of greyskull and rent it back to them for £2m per year and all of the upkeep.:lol:

It makes so much sense not to happen.

Throw in to buy it outright it will cost you £(big number)

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If Rangers haven't won anything by the time we get to page 2012, we'll all sing a wee song ... just for you!! :P

Rangers???! rolleyes.gif


Reuse of a company name after liquidation

Prohibited names and restrictions

Examples of prohibited names

If a company in liquidation was registered at Companies House as 'ABC Limited' and it used the trading name 'XYZ', then the following would all be classed as prohibited names:

  • the registered name 'ABC Limited' or 'XYZ Limited'
  • the trading name 'ABC' or 'XYZ'
  • the trading name 'ABC' or 'XYZ' used by an unincorporated business - eg a sole trader or partnership
  • a registered name or trading name used by a company or business that is so similar to 'ABC' or 'XYZ' it suggests an association with the liquidated company.

Hmm.... wacko.gif

The tax lady on the STV program said it was common practice and part of the transitional period apparently. 'The Rangers Football Club' isn't actually the name either, its still Sevco 5088 i think, although I may be wrong.

I wonder what the "new club" will be called in 6 months time. wink.gif

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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Look, what exactly do you expect Rangers fans to do??

"OHHH, you know what? See that club I've supported all my life of which 99% of it's employees are innocent of wrong doing? I'm going to stop supporting them 'cause David Murray and Craig White are a couple of crooks"

Rangers' accounts and dealings were scrutinised VERY heavily in the last few months, and a lot of the players and such are clearly guilty of accepting payments in methods that are unlawful, do you think that we are the only club to have done that? Football is currupt as f**k and not a team in the world has played by the rules at all times. I'm not saying it's right, and from what it looks like Rangers were involved in quite a lot of dodgy dealings but it's the actions of individuals within the club. You can't exactly just 'turn off' your liking towards your favourite football team.

Am I ashamed of the things Rangers did in the last 20 years or so? Of course. Am I going to stop supporting them or apologise for the actions of individuals within the club? Will I f**k.

So what do you expect decent Rangers fans to do in this situation???

Any decent Rangers fan will post in a manner that makes it clear that they accept that the club the supported no longer exists. Yes - you can continue to support Rangers but in doing so you are supporting a club that is dead.

Your choices now are

1. Switch your allegiance to the newco - and accept that your club is only a few days old

2. Switch your allegiance to another Scottish club

3. Stop supporting a "living club"

This is a great chance for "genuine Rangers fans" to start from scratch. You have the potential to start a new club, ditch all the bile from the past, show a little humility and build a club that can truely be a huge club which represents Scotland at the highest level.

.....or you can continue shaming our country and our national game.

That choice is now for yours and your kind to make. Whats it going to be?

Edited by p&b is a disgrace
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