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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The tax case is still to be resolved. What if it is not resolved before rangers come out of administration?

If Rangers' working assets are sold then its liabilities will not be picked up by the new owner.

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He appears to have hoodwinked ticketus for a start. What was it, four years of season ticket money and the company now stands to receive a nominal sum? It also now seems likely that he'll be in a position to buy Rangers' assets while clearing its debts. The cash he pays out for them will, to some degree, be covered by the money he's owed as Rangers' biggest creditor.

It appears one of Duff & Phelps' partners has been by his side from day one. I'm not saying he's "really, really" clever, but there appears to be clear evidence of a plan. And one, when you ignore the embarrassment and the boos of the teds who haven't given this serious thought, that's working.

Some Rangers fans will forever view them of the man who stripped them of their dignity, but many more will lay the blame at David Murray's door.

He's spent the last 20 years making money by buying businesses and bankrupting them. He should be good at it by now.

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This is going to end horribly favourable to Swiss Tony.

I think so, too, hence why I was reluctant to joing the gloating despite enjoying some of the GIFS.

No doubting the news that Rangers have entered admin will be enough to keep some Celtic supporters sustained for years, but for other it'll be a case of discarding the lyrics of the Jelly & Ice Cream song and reacquainting themselves with those of a particular Smiths' ditty:

"I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, but heaven knows I'm miserable now..."

Edited by Nizzy
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So Rangers have withheld payment of taxes to HMRC and the Inland Revenue to the tune of £11m in the last few weeks.

I'm assuming that this has been done because the club has had a big cashflow problem - anyone know what the bills are? What the f**k has caused these cashflow problems?

Oh and :lol:

Apparently they have been deducting PAYE from their employees pay packets but not then paid this to the tax man. Basically they've dipped everyone's pay packet. Theft, pure and simple, absolutely shameful.

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I've been labelled a horrible person for taking great delight in the Rangers situation, mind you the lassie's Dad and boyfriend are Rangers fans. If laughing at Rangers makes me horrible then I don't want to be nice.

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My ideal scenario is Rangers get liquidated, Craig Whyte gets away with loads of loot including the 3 years season ticket money and leaves Rangers with nothing, then gets done for defrauding the HMRC, gets all his assets seized by the Crown, and gets a lengthy sentence in a Rangers minded prison. rolleyes.gif

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Cheers, I imagine hmrc are seething then.

You could say that.

Lost corporate taxation in this country is estimated at approx £4bn - £6bn a year ! HMRC staff are clearly not as smart as their private sector counterparts and from time to time we small fry come across a story that we all have an interest in.

Watch out for more legislation - a brief drop in the avoidance rate then back to normal as smart lawyers and accountants find a different ruse to stop the government getting what they are due. wink.gif

The fact that this story covers a famous football club just means that many more people have had the opportunity to see what goes on in the murky world of corporate governance. ph34r.gif

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You could say that.

Lost corporate taxation in this country is estimated at approx £4bn - £6bn a year ! HMRC staff are clearly not as smart as their private sector counterparts and from time to time we small fry come across a story that we all have an interest in.

Watch out for more legislation - a brief drop in the avoidance rate then back to normal as smart lawyers and accountants find a different ruse to stop the government getting what they are due. wink.gif

The fact that this story covers a famous football club just means that many more people have had the opportunity to see what goes on in the murky world of corporate governance. ph34r.gif

Well one comfort is that Ranjurs squad should be on a par with the rest of the SPL outwith Celtic for the next few years. Also they still have cash flow problems which will continue for the rest of the season only hampering their efforts to get back on their feet.

A good point on the hearts thread is that the tax man has been hounding hearts for a year or so for a pittance compared to the bigots sum.

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