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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I admit I was starting to feel sorry for the liquidated Glasgow team. But after reading the comments on the sevco media (the thread by the falkirk boy) I'm really not bothered if they die. I''ve been of the opinion that div 3 was best. But they are unwilling to come out of their own bubble. They don't want to mix with other fans, and still have the feck you attitude. No acceptance of the current issues and a vandetta when they get back to the spl . f**k em.

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:lol: Well according to John Brown, Rangers will be playing football next season, and if its not at Ibrox they can use a public park

dont these c***s know if it wasnt for David Murray they would be nowhere. FFS he put them on the map with the over spending,if it wasnt for him they wouldnt have "the history" they keep going on about.

Yeah, we never won anything before Murray. :rolleyes:

And don't forget Souness was there a few years before Murray.

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I'm trying to get to sleep as I have to be up at 5:00 for a flight. But then all I hear in my head is "here's 20 quid" and I start to giggle like a wee laddie on a sleepover.

Funniest thing I've heard in years.

That and "textses". Sod it I'm watching one more time.

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SO whit did Green say to Brown that was so upsetting he could not tell the crowd tonight?

Allegedly, he said to Brown that if Rangers are put into SFL 3, that he would run the club into the ground.

This was taken from a guy on Rangers Media who was there tonight, so should obviously be taken with a massive pinch of salt.

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I'm trying to get to sleep as I have to be up at 5:00 for a flight. But then all I hear in my head is "here's 20 quid" and I start to giggle like a wee laddie on a sleepover.

Funniest thing I've heard in years.

That and "textses". Sod it I'm watching one more time.

We've all earned it.

Bookmark it.

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There's a book to be written at the end of this saga - and by golly, it could be and should be a belter.....

Someone will do it. My money is on a Daily Retard hack, and my money is on it being shit - when in fact it should be essential reading.

Please, someone with a bit of substance do it.

If someone like Philip Differ has been looking in here, I'd expect a right good t.v. comedy from it!

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He looks every inch a Weegie.

Haha he does aye, twitching wide-boy neck, the constant scowl (comes from the wind and driving rain), the chip on each shoulder, I can see why it's easy to mistake him for one, but he's no, he's only a wannabe!

Some reaction he got when he told them to forget Murray eh? Wasnae expecting that...maybe Murray's one of his backers, still got that quid he got from Craig Whyte and it's burnin a hole in his pocket...

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A couple things. Firstly, regarding the people commenting on the lack of debate, they're dead right. Yes, some of the analysis has been excellent, and the thread has been compulsive reading, but any Rangers fans are shouted down, and when people try to give some balance to the hysteria, they are drowned out. There are also far, far too many cringeworthy posts (some of the song lyrics have been dreadful), and there is too much posting for the sake of posting. Also, if you have a news story, read back at least the previous 3 pages just to check eh? I do think people need to maybe calm down a little. The thread might be a bit less active, but it'll be a better thread for it. Oh, and see all this "well other clubs didn't point fingers and reacted with humility" pish? Well I remember Gretna in admin, and both Dundee admins, and Motherwells admin. Many of the fans were definitely not humble or realistic, with Dundee being particularly bad for it. Frankly, Rangers and Dundee probably have the same percentage of absolute fucknuts in their fanbase, its just that Rangers are a much bigger club. Now hold that thought, I'll come back to it..

Oh, and enough of the Rangersmedia obsession eh? Its a bit cringeworthy.

Now, what I'm about to say might sound a bit crazy, but bear with me here. I think Brown is on to something. There, I said it. Firstly, people on here have been asking why the fans haven't been active and haven't tried to get something properly started...well here is one Bomber Brown, the first person to actually apologise to Scottish football on behalf of Rangers. And I believe he is using exactly the right kind of language to get Rangers fans going. I was thinking about this this evening, and I believe that part of the reason that there hasn't been an organised single group is because Rangers have literally been an institution. I know we're all mocking this idea, but look at the way the media have reacted. They ARE more than just a club. They've been used to having things handed to them on a plate for so long that they have never needed to organise and muster. The media have always been on their side, their chairman was an expert in placating them, the authorities frequently turn a blind eye. We've (as in non OF fans) have long commented on this, so we would be lying if we said that this wasn't the case. They do have a long history of funny handshakes and the like. So they have never had a "proper" fans trust, and I doubt they'll really be organised even if they started right now.

No, Rangers need to play to their strengths, playing nice hasn't worked. And that just leaves the less pleasant side of Rangers...now Rangers do have a lot of rather unique associations. I'm thinking Orange lodges, organised crime, and Northern Irish paramilitaries. Frankly, I think they need to take advantage of those associations. If Green continues to play silly buggers and lie to the media and fans as much as he has been doing, then the less "nice" aspect of the Rangers fanbase are going to have to show their hand a bit. A spot of intimidation might work. I'm not saying I agree with it, but its probably something Rangers can do better than any other fanbase...

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Again with the criticism. Did you not hear the man? Two months him and his backers have been working on this. That was how he was able to explain in such concise and clear detail the overall strategy of the consortium and their arrangements for raising finance.

This club is going from strength to strength!

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There's a book to be written at the end of this saga - and by golly, it could be and should be a belter.....

Someone will do it. My money is on a Daily Retard hack, and my money is on it being shit - when in fact it should be essential reading.

Please, someone with a bit of substance do it.

Hugh and William McIlvanney could do it together, one of them's a sports writer and one of them's a crime writer...perfick!

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