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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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With regards to the discussion of Celtic threatening legal action over voting changes, I don't know about that specifically. Must be said that we are no doubt fully aware that some SPL clubs want a 50/50 gate share or something insane like that. We'd be obliged to do everything we could to stop that happening, quite obviously, as there's no logical justification for it other than smaller clubs being greedy and wanting to weaken Celtic, which is rich coming from those in favour of Sporting integrity.

Increase your own attendances, don't just try write into the rules that you are allowed to steal money from another club that happens to have bigger attendances.

Good point. I agree that a 50/50 split of gate receipts is a daft idea. If you have a large home support, you should reap the rewards of that.

I'm curious to know what Celtic fans think of their club's silence on this entire issue. Is there a wariness about it amongst the Celtic support?

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Ok, so if I get this right, the SFL have sent a letter to clubs that says the SPL are kinda threatening them, but at the same time the SFL are trying to leverage it, while STV are spinning a great yarn and Regan has fucked off on holiday to avoid any fallout?

I think basically someone is having a carry-on, either the press, or the SPL, or the SFL, or Celtic or newGers. And the SFA have basically been left to do what they've been doing for the past 4 months which is to say 'waaaaaaaaaahhhhhh'.

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So apart from the letter, nothing has changed. It still falls to the supporters of SFL clubs to pressure their chairmen into making the right choice and call the SPL /SFA bluff on this and the proposed SPL2 bullshit, right? And the SFL supporters need to do so in the knowledge that us SPL fans have already won our victory and will support them in this matter. Or am I over-simplifying it again......?

A little. You missed out the part where the heroic SPL boards have allegedly threatened to tear apart the SFL and any 'no' voters aren't invited.

Edited by Paco
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A little. You missed out the part where the heroic SPL boards have allegedly threatened to tear apart the SFL and any 'no' voters aren't invited.

and the free Jelly and ice cream as well at half time


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I genuinely think this is a last desperate gamble by Doncaster, Topping and Green.

They know they are losing the SPL vote and are trying to desperately blackmail the SFL into ignoring their own rules.

My feeling is that they have played this card a couple of days too early. The shady closed door meetings between Sevco's "owner" and manager, and other SPL chairmen, added to Celtic's own sinister role in this, really do stink very badly.

Only the SFA has the power to impose this move unilaterally. The SPL can try and start SPL2, but if they are met with a united opposition from the SFL then they can form whatever league they like, no-one will join (other than Sevco themselves). The noises from at least half of next season's first division clubs have been very encouraging and I would expect more statements of opposition in the next few days.

I can understand the angry reaction but, consistently, this has been a story where its foolish to react emotionally and on the spur of the moment. Rather than being the death knell of the game, I can see this move 1. accelerating the end of the SPL as a separate body, having been shown to be thoroughly corrupt and lacking in any kind of credibility and 2. making it far more difficult for Sevco to win election to Division 3 when that comes around. Just as their taking of the SFA to the court of session was a major factor in their losing of support amongst fellow SPL chairmen, so this crude and clumsy attempt at coercion may well sink their ambitions to re-start in SFL 3. Blackmailing an organisation whom you are attempting to join is hardly a risk-free strategy.

Just as the Zombie Rangers just will not lie down and die, so too this story will simply not reach an end. Just when you think that the story is finally winding down, another twist comes along to change the picture completely. There will be a couple more twists to come yet in the next fortnight, but I'd expect the story to be finally ending around then- with the collapse of the SPL and Sevco desperately trying to persuade the clubs that they have threatened and blackmailed so obviously, to be allowed to join their ranks. IMO they have just made the task much, much more difficult.

To be honest I have struggled to understand Rangers' strategy throughout the whole crisis. Instead of emollience, admitting to their guilt, offering an apology and indicating a willingness to accept whatever punishment was meted out by the authorities, they have chosen confrontation, self-lacerating legal cases, one of the most shambolic and wonky administrations in the history of insolvency practice, a fetid cake garnished with self-pity, victimhood, and a few hallucinogenic vermecelli from the Papist conspiracy jar.

I actually was pretty content with the idea of Sevco starting again in SFL3- it's a severe punishment fitting their crimes. However, after today's farcical outburst from the SPL, I really hope they die and that Spartans, Cove or one of the country's top junior sides fills the SFL3 vacancy for the start of the new season.

What. A. Mess.

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This thread has turned into the diddies bashing themselves and each other, this thread has become my glimmer of light and I think it is going to be the gift that keeps on giving.

quick question to the worst player in the Team That Cant Be Named`s ex-history:

Are you;

{A} From Glasgow and therefore have every right to support the memory of your corrupt dead team?

{B} A glory hunter who should be supporting his home town team?

{C} An inbred bigot with no means of expressing his rage other than to attack people with different backgrounds from themselves?

Just asking, like, as a social experiment.

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Posted this in the First Division forum, but may be of any interest to many here. Turnbull Hutton again, Raith Rovers director, in response to an email from myself.

Relax......we don't respond to blackmail. We've made our position crystal clear. The document is a joke and an insult. I don't care about SPL clubs or their problems. They haven't shown much interest in ours!

We will not be roliing over. I'd rather play Junior Football!


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I can understand the angry reaction but, consistently, this has been a story where its foolish to react emotionally and on the spur of the moment. Rather than being the death knell of the game, I can see this move 1. accelerating the end of the SPL as a separate body, having been shown to be thoroughly corrupt and lacking in any kind of credibility and 2. making it far more difficult for Sevco to win election to Division 3 when that comes around. Just as their taking of the SFA to the court of session was a major factor in their losing of support amongst fellow SPL chairmen, so this crude and clumsy attempt at coercion may well sink their ambitions to re-start in SFL 3. Blackmailing an organisation whom you are attempting to join is hardly a risk-free strategy.

I like your thinking. :D

Another move that backfires. Excellent.

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f**k off with your diddy pish, theres no way my team is a fuckin diddy team !



? well there' a huge pair of tits that come from Glasgow but one has had a mastectomy and is in urgent need of a sili-clone implant :lol:

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Posted this in the First Division forum, but may be of any interest to many here. Turnbull Hutton again, Raith Rovers director, in response to an email from myself.

Can you post a screenshot of the email? I believe you, I just want to see it in all its glory.

I've no greenies left, you're getting one tomorrow, and Raith Rovers are now instantly and permanently my favourite SFL club apart from Thistle (...for now, anyway, that may yet change depending on how the club respond to the email I've sent, whether the club votes for these shitty compromise First Division newco proposals or if another arse-licking statement comes up on the club website.)

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Posted this in the First Division forum, but may be of any interest to many here. Turnbull Hutton again, Raith Rovers director, in response to an email from myself.

Brilliant, totally brilliant! Should this SPL 2 rubbish not go through, I will ensure that I travel through to Starks one weekend/midweek when Clyde are not playing.

I only hope that the rest of the SPL/SFL club's go with what Turnbull Hutton has come out and said.

Well done that man!

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Posted this in the First Division forum, but may be of any interest to many here. Turnbull Hutton again, Raith Rovers director, in response to an email from myself.

At least somebody has balls in Scottish football, that almost usurps that great 0-1 scoreboard the Raith fans mention occasionally. The Raith fans must be proud of their club today.

Edited by ayrmad
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Rangers are deid.

Oldco want to transfer share to newco.

SPL clubs have already indicated that's not happening within the SPL.

That means an application to the SFL - as a new club.

If any new club waltzes straight into SFL1 I think it's reasonable for a club like Spartans to go "What the f**k?" and take the whole affair to a different level.

Either Rangers are a new club with no history and they start by applying for re-election or they are a continuation of the previous regime in which case this is a clear case of pheonixism.

It would also be interesting to hear the views of Dunfermline on this fiasco.

Finally, another reminder to the Rangers supporters who claim the gross mis-management was nothing to do with them ... You've won dozens of trophies in that time and you lapped up the glory to the extent that you're desperate to keep that glory. You got to the UEFA Cup Final on the back of mismanagement, you signed Laudrup et al on the back of mismanagement. Mismanagement was there during the good times. You can't just say it had nothing to do with you when shite flies. It had everything to do with you when you were winning on the back of cheating. Same boot ... different foot.

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