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Clyde statement is a real eye opener. Just when you thought it could not plunge into any more embarassing drops, there it drops again.

Something needs to be done in SPL land.....this is an absolute disaster!!

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The SPL2 is an non flyer. It just won't happen, the SFL and the remaining individual member clubs would be able to claim damages from any club failing to give the two clear seasons notice of resignation they agree to as part of their membership, unless the requisite amount of clubs vote to disband the SFL.

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SPL tell SFL that they can't have the settlement, not because they haven't got the money, just because they don't want to pay it as they need to use it to pay something else.

Replace SPL, SFL and settlement with Rangers, HMRC, and PAYE/NI/VAT, and what have you got?

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose...

Can see that ending up with the SFL taking the SPL to the CoS with the SFA holding their jackets, and then the whole fucking house of cards coming crashing down when FIFA finally notice what the hells going on and expel the whole of Scottish football.

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Might be time to stop attending all SPL matches, and attend a local club in the SFL (or possibly a junior side) who stand up against this blatant attempt to bully them. I honestly can't be doing with this. It's meant to be a sport, about fair play and competition.

I made the decision last week to avoid the SPL for the foreseeable future. My season book money has just gone to Edinburgh Rugby huh.gif

Having moved house recently, I think I'll find an SFL/Junior team in Fife to adopt if any are accepting refugees.

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Seriously though guys, why didn't Rangers just pay back the HMRC? When you think about it, it sounds ridiculous that they chose not to. They could have come to an agreement to pay back 10m per year over 10 years (the same amount of time they accrued the debt i.e. didn't pay taxes). HMRC would be happy to come to a legally binding agreement to get their money back. They'd still be in the SPL, they'd still be strong enough to finish second, they'd still be the old rangers with their history, still competing in europe. When you consider they paid Duff & Phelps ~5.5 m on administration fees they could easily have achieved this. Rangers could have been playing all sorts of glamour ties to raise funds and most of all they could have just been honest with their fans.

Instead, they chose to liquidate and thought everything would be hunky-dorey. Morons.

It's actually worse than that, the same year the first assessment from HMRC for their EBT scheme landed on the Ibrox doormat, Rangers spent £18 million on players after getting pumped out of Europe by Kaunas. Now, call me silly, but if I was one of those fly faluting business men in charge of Rangers, I'd have been putting money aside to cover the bill which just landed on my doorstep not spending 3.5 million on the Ulster Gazelle.

Edited by Clipper
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They'll be paying back the 2nd place finish money then?

Ach, I'd accept Zombie Rangers in Division 1. If you'd said to me at the start of the season they'd be starting there with lots of sanctions and half a squad, I'd have settled for that.

But I'll believe it when I see it, if you don't mind.

you couldn't make it up

Court of Session looming ?

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Clyde statement is a real eye opener. Just when you thought it could not plunge into any more embarassing drops, there it drops again.

Something needs to be done in SPL land.....this is an absolute disaster!!

Indeed leaving aside the myriad other issues the Clyde statement means regan and doncaster should resign immediately for trying to fix the league. We desperately need uefa to come in and suspend the sfa until independent management structure can come in and admininster Scottish football in fair incorruptible manner...and if some clubs fold hell mend them...if the suits get their way the commercial results of appeasement will be far worse

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I'm feeling much the same. I even reckon SFL clubs could see a fairly hefty rise in attendances next season as fans avoid SPL clubs.

Don't think so. There'll be a massive drop in attendances at all levels if Rangers are in the SPL or 1st.

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I'm feeling much the same. I even reckon SFL clubs could see a fairly hefty rise in attendances next season as fans avoid SPL clubs.

Quite frankly I think that people will simply stop going to SPL games. Could anyone go and support a brand new team in the SFL? I couldn't but that might just be me. I wonder how many fans have already been lost already?

I'm with the people who talk about being so demoralised with the game. The SPL needs to go, its been shown as corrupt and morally bankrupt as the club its trying to save (Rangers).

Can't UEFA get involved at some point (seeing as the SFA have done nothing)? Surely they will not be chuffed with the threats of Rangers MUST be in the SPL in 2013/14 and the way, what is effectively, a brand new club is parachuted into the second tier of a four tier league structure?

This whole scenario is so depressing :(

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Steven Hunter@mumbosteveRangers don't pay Hearts for Wallace, Hearts can't afford a new contract for Black, 'Newco' Rangers get Black for free.#headexplodes

Retweeted by Tony McKelvie

This is the same old Rangers. The same old contempt. This is what the footballing authorities in Scotland are bending over backwards to help. Fucking disgusting.

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The one and only decision to be made is for Sevco to apply to to 3rd Division. Anything else is a FARCE.

The incompetence, ineptitude and delaying tactics of the SFA, SPL, SFL (to a lesser extent) and the SPL chairmen is a sad reflection of the capabilities of the custodians of our National game.


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It's actually worse than that, the same year the first assessment from HMRC for their EBT scheme landed on the Ibrox doormat, Rangers spent £18 million on players after getting pumped out of Europe by Kaunas. Now, call me silly, but if I was one of those fly faluting business men in charge of Rangers, I'd have been putting money aside to cover the bill which just landed on my doorstep not spending 3.5 million on the Ulster Gazelle.

Aye paying off the taxman is a nice simple idea but Murray was on the edge of bankruptcy andwanted to get rid of them, and Whyte's plan all along was to dump the debt by way of a CVA. It all went tits up because the fans were outraged and the media spotlight was on them.

Now had they been run by responsible businessmen they might have come to an agreement on paying back the tax, but then they probably wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place had that been the case

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Don't think so. There'll be a massive drop in attendances at all levels if Rangers are in the SPL or 1st.

You may well be right, but I will certainly take time to visit the SFL clubs that have show more spine than the whole of the SPL. Even if it just turns out to be a fond farewell before I abandon the game here altogether.

Edited by aka
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