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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sent Turnbull Hutton a message of encouragement a couple of days ago. Got a nice individual reply very late last night.

The man is a legend. Very impressed indeed given the amount of email he must be getting right now. If his attitude is anything to go by this fight is NOT over yet.

This IS a once in a lifetime opportunity to make positive change in our national sport. We must continue to encourage the boards and chairman that represent our clubs that long term health of the beautiful game in Scotland MUST take precident over any small short term indivual gain.


PS That presentation :D

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I like this bit at the end;

"Last night, Rangers would not comment on season ticket sales to date. Any fans seeking clarification can call supporter services on 0871 702 1972."

Who, in all honesty is going to buy a season ticket not knowing if you'll even have a team to support next season. I know the RM brigade give a good impression of being retarded but they're probably the 250 who have bought the tickets.

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For those of you that don't use Twitter, this blog has been doing the rounds today. An interesting read is an understatement.


This is confirmation that whoever negotiates our TV rights are shit at their job.

This is confirmation that whoever negotiates our TV rights are shit at their job.

This is confirmation that whoever negotiates our TV rights are shit at their job.

This is confirmation that whoever negotiates our TV rights are shit at their job.

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So happy that we're all back together!!!

The last 24 hours have been tough.

Thoughts on recent events -

250 season tickets - must be people who have forgotten to cancel their direct debit or those whose iq is in single digits.

a number of former rangers fans at work are raging about going to division 3. Seeing it as cutting of their nose to spite their face

I would wager that Ally is gone by christmas - who could blame him.

and as for that presentation :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Apologies of this has been covered before and I maybe did get a bit bored when P&B went offline but, following the SPL vote this week, was it reported what reasons the clubs gave for not accepting Sevco 5088's application? I don't remember seeing anything.

This got me thinking about Sevco and Mr Green. I did a check online and Sevco 5088 is currently registered with only 1 director; Charles Alexander Green. He's also listed as the sole director of two other businessesRFC 0712 and Sevco Scotland. I found is strange that Mr Green has no other company history. If you look at Craig Whyte or David Murray's profile, there are many other businesses they've had a hand in. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable about business matters than me can explain why that might be? On the face of it, it looks a bit odd. Some questions that occurred to me:

Who is Charles Green working for?

What was in his proposal to the SPL?

Why did the SPL reject it?

Do Sevco have an SFA license?

If the SPL rejected Sevco's proposal, why should it beaccepted by the SFL?

I'm sure the SPL clubs were made aware of the financial implications of not accepting Sevco into the league so did they just see through Doncaster's doomsday scenario?

Too many questions!!!!!

Lauchlan Cameron's comments in the Daily Record maybe answer some of these.

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Has this been posted yet?

FIFA's rules.


Very shallow analysis. He refers to one paragraph to support his argument that is the immediately discredited by the next paragraph.

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It's more likely because the product's a load of shite IMO

Do you really think our league is poorer than the Norwegian league?

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Apologies of this has been covered before and I maybe did get a bit bored when P&B went offline but, following the SPL vote this week, was it reported what reasons the clubs gave for not accepting Sevco 5088's application? I don't remember seeing anything.

This got me thinking about Sevco and Mr Green. I did a check online and Sevco 5088 is currently registered with only 1 director; Charles Alexander Green. He's also listed as the sole director of two other businessesRFC 0712 and Sevco Scotland. I found is strange that Mr Green has no other company history. If you look at Craig Whyte or David Murray's profile, there are many other businesses they've had a hand in. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable about business matters than me can explain why that might be? On the face of it, it looks a bit odd. Some questions that occurred to me:

Who is Charles Green working for?

What was in his proposal to the SPL?

Why did the SPL reject it?

Do Sevco have an SFA license?

If the SPL rejected Sevco's proposal, why should it beaccepted by the SFL?

I'm sure the SPL clubs were made aware of the financial implications of not accepting Sevco into the league so did they just see through Doncaster's doomsday scenario?

Too many questions!!!!!

Lauchlan Cameron's comments in the Daily Record maybe answer some of these.

This may also have relevance http://scotslawthoughts.wordpress.com/

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