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Transfer Quantum ‏@TransferQuantum

OFFICIAL: Norwegian twin brothers Kim and Tom Skogsrud are returning to Norway with Sarpsborg after rejecting Rangers Newco.

I was hoping I'd never heard that word quantum again but what are they doing trying to get these guys in.

I'm assuming they were part of the youth team and have decided to move back home?

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I'd consider your own club culpable.

Remind me of their comments during the whole process.........:blink:

I consider all SPL clubs culpable to a point because they are so vulnerable financially because them cheating B@STARDS got caught.

And my teams response was ? erm ! well ! :blink: I can't remember what they said :lol:.

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Surely both St. Mirren and ICT go into seasons with the expectation that they could be relegated? Is it the case for both of them that relegation from the SPL would result in immediate administration?

What a load of bollocks. Yes, some staff may have to be made redundant - it's called living within your means. Too many clubs unwilling to stop living in the false economy that Rangers FC and Sky have created over the last decade or so.

The difference between this and relegation is whilst the income drop is similar, the players have releases for relegation. This allows costs to be cut easily. At the moment we have players on 2 year deals at higher wages we now cant afford if commercial income is cut.

Essentially we've become victims of something outside our control. We can manage without the OF, we did that for a decade in the SFL, we just cant cope with the suddeness of the income drop.

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I you all think the gers breakdown fiasco is nearly finished just wait till next week.

I kinda get the feeling that everything is just about to get completely ugly after the SPL meeting on Monday.

There is NO WAY that the newco will be playing 3rd division football if these B@STARDS in charge have their way.

We will have our butts lubed by leaks that the newco will be parachuted straight into the SPL after Monday.

I do not think for one second that this is all over by a long shot and the most insulting sneaky underhanded moves are about to be revealed.

I'm most bothered by the bold type. There may be one pathetic attempt to resurrect the Rangers corpse on Monday, but it will fail. Then can we get on with the football, please?

We just don't have any more time for cliffhangers, and their impact is fast diminishing. In fact, they are so feeble now that they are laughable.

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Every club in Scotland who enter administration in future should appoint Duff and Phelps and simply ask them to "do a Rangers for us".

I can see them all phoning just now enquiring about their "Gers Package". :lol:

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I don't think i've heard any news about sky or sponsors pulling out as yet. Scaremongering and knicker wetting at it's finest! If we have to tighten our budget then i'm sure our fans will step in to help stave off administration. NO to SPL2!!!

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Essentially we've become victims of something outside our control. We can manage without the OF, we did that for a decade in the SFL, we just cant cope with the suddeness of the income drop.

You shouldn't have voted "No" last week then.

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The difference between this and relegation is whilst the income drop is similar, the players have releases for relegation. This allows costs to be cut easily. At the moment we have players on 2 year deals at higher wages we now cant afford if commercial income is cut.

Essentially we've become victims of something outside our control. We can manage without the OF, we did that for a decade in the SFL, we just cant cope with the suddeness of the income drop.

That's exactly what happened to FFC with the credit crunch, an over exposure to sponsorship from the construction industry & Setanta folding.

Still here though........ just.

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Gilmour's statement is shocking and lifts the (very thin) veneer off the discussions that were going on in some circles. One thing is certain, any chairman who followed any strategy that Doncaster was instrumental in devising must be off their fucking head.

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I you all think the gers breakdown fiasco is nearly finished just wait till next week.

I kinda get the feeling that everything is just about to get completely ugly after the SPL meeting on Monday.

There is NO WAY that the newco will be playing 3rd division football if these B@STARDS in charge have their way.

We will have our butts lubed by leaks that the newco will be parachuted straight into the SPL after Monday.

I do not think for one second that this is all over by a long shot and the most insulting sneaky underhanded moves are about to be revealed.

Disagree entirely. These guys may be making these noises and they may even believe that their business model is collapsing but even chick Young accepts the fact that the fans will not tolerate the admission of sevco into any sort of SPL.

Unless they have lost the plot entirely I can only think that this scaremongering is because some players are going to be called in for a wee chat about the realities of life and the problems with existing contracts. This is almost the end of the poker game in which the last two players has now moved on to Teams v Playing Staff.

The important stuff though is over.

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Football-the-business is a circus and 'Rangers' are now viewed by the moneymen as little more than a circus freak to be led out to ogle at and get the pennies jingling into the cap. I agree with those who are anticipating something not-very-pleasant on Monday (or shortly thereafter). For me this has all the hallmarks of a last desperate counterattack by the SPL hierarchy (but with very real dissensions therein). I feel the tactic is still to try a fait-accomplit (probably long planned, but not expected to implemented until now) which they hope will be difficult to undo before the start of the season; again the threat being that to oppose it will bring the Big Top crashing down. I now think it won't succeed though although there are now no rules and no guarantees.

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I you all think the gers breakdown fiasco is nearly finished just wait till next week.

I kinda get the feeling that everything is just about to get completely ugly after the SPL meeting on Monday.

There is NO WAY that the newco will be playing 3rd division football if these B@STARDS in charge have their way.

We will have our butts lubed by leaks that the newco will be parachuted straight into the SPL after Monday.

I do not think for one second that this is all over by a long shot and the most insulting sneaky underhanded moves are about to be revealed.

Nah. They tried a stitch-up and failed.

I do not see how they could turn it around AND survive the aftermath, which would fkn HORRENDOUS.

I don't even see how they can turn it full stop. Not after Sevco fishully in Div3.

They are, aren't they?

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That St Mirren statement is absolutely disgraceful. St Mirren fans must be completely sickened by that.

We are. He's done a great job for us, but what did he hope to achieve by making such statements? As fans of all clubs are saying - St Mirren voted no to newco in the SPL. If the SFL say 'no to newco in Div 1' - what the fcuk right has our chairman to criticise? Christ, they would have been well within their rights to say 'no to newco at all - unless they apply alongside any other interested parties, and we'll give their application equal consideration'.

FFS - the suits in charge of our game are a disgrace!

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