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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's a long thread and I can't be arsed going back through it so I'll explain in this post. Ever since the SFL's vote was announced Claymores and a few others have been on about boycotting the 5 who voted for Sevco to division 1, I think this is totally wrong and have been trying to point out using sarcastic posts that the SFL clubs all sold out to some degree with the exception of one so any boycotting should take place over the 29 clubs who voted for Sevco into the SFL before Spartans and Cove, regardless of which division they accepted Sevco into.

If you read posts between my calls for those boycotts you will see the picture, I am all for a clean slate for every single club, including Sevco, now that they have been sent to division 3, Scottish football needs to band together now.

Erm, I don't think Spartans or Cove have actually applied in order to be shoved aside to make way for Sevco.

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Erm, I don't think Spartans or Cove have actually applied in order to be shoved aside to make way for Sevco.

Cove Rangers' most recent application was dependent on a new stadium which is currently sunk because of very recently declined planning permission. They lost to Annan iirc by not having the stadium in place.

Edited by Jim Leighton
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Still trying to figure out if their RFFFFFFFFFF Nevis Climb is to do with them believing it is how you cancel a Sky contract :unsure:

Mountain Rescue will have to get a shot of a fucking Chinook to get those fat c***s off that mountain.

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Cove Rangers' most recent application was dependent on a new stadium which is currently sunk because of very recently declined planning permission. They lost to Annan iirc by not having the stadium in place.

Aye i saw something earlier in the thread about stadium issues. I would like to have seen Spartans apply however. A well run club, finance in place, youth programme etc and a tidy wee stadium by all accounts.

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Aye i saw something earlier in the thread about stadium issues. I would like to have seen Spartans apply however. A well run club, finance in place, youth programme etc and a tidy wee stadium by all accounts.

Spartans will be a good addition to SFL, suspect they will have to wait for the 'pyramid' though - but it might not be that long a wait.

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He quotes the Vatican Bank scandal :lol: What are the orcs going to make of that?

Was Calvi the guy found hanging under a bridge in London with bricks in his pocket. Thought Freemason's were implicated but maybe it was Opus Dei [masked smiley here but don't know how to do it]

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They should have considered that instead of spending all their time thinking up new ways to "cheat" everyone. Let them worry about it. laugh.gif

I'm with you on that. But GD did a good job grounding people before the various votes, i'm just trying to do something similar with regards to this idea. There is more chance of them 'doing a Portsmouth' i.e. various admins, than anything else.

Remember, we still don't know who owns Ibrox, MP etc 8)

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Erm, I don't think Spartans or Cove have actually applied in order to be shoved aside to make way for Sevco.

There was never an open application process solicited.

Gretna 2008 also now have a suitable stadium in Raydale

Edited by kiddy
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That's a fair point. We claim Scottish footballing authorities and the Scottish sport media of being Glasgowcentric, being OFcentric is probably more accurate.

Correct. The Ugly Sisters just happen(ed) to be based in Glasgow.

Don't see the Jags getting special treatment.

More's the pity.

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Scottish FA urged to act in row over ex-Rangers players' contracts

STV 15 July 2012 16:22 BST

Steven Whittaker and Steven Naismith turned down the transfer of their contracts to a newco Rangers.SNS Group

The lawyer representing former Rangers players has appealed to the Scottish Football Association to act quickly to allow them to play elsewhere.

Players including Steven Naismith, Steven Davis and Kyle Lafferty, who turned down the transfer of their contracts to a newco Rangers, have yet to receive international clearance to play for their new clubs.

This is because the governing body has been unable to process the applications due to an objection from those in charge at Ibrox.

Charles Green argues that the players were in breach of contract when they joined other clubs, a point of view not shared by PFA Scotland. FIFA are now dealing with the matter, writing to the SFA to request more information.

Now Margaret Gribbon, who represents seven of the players, hopes the association can move the process along.

She told Press Association Sport:

"Following the refusal of the SFA to issue players registrations, the new clubs have all referred the matter to FIFA."

"FIFA have now written to the SFA in each case requesting reasons why the players' registrations were blocked."

"It remains entirely unclear the facts and matters upon which Rangers oldco and Rangers newco rely in order to support their position that the players acted in breach of contract."

"Presumably they have made their reasons known to the SFA and if so, these have not been shared with my law firm, Bridge Litigation, who represent the majority of the players."

"FIFA have given the SFA seven days to respond but it is hoped that given the straightforward nature of the request the SFA will be in a position to reply sooner."

"We remain confident that FIFA will grant ITC (International Transfer Clearance) enabling the players to continue playing football with their new clubs."

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Oh look. The rangurs fans declared that Inverness are £5m in debt. Inverness say we have no debt.

Who trusts a rangers fan with money

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A really good and positive statement from Caley. What the f**k was that pish they came out with on Friday?

I'm tempering my optimism slightly until we clear tomorrow, and any knee-jerk out-of-the-box reconstruction plans that (for example) somehow open-up a play-off route for SFL3 champion right back to SPL for 2013-14...

... however, that aside, one presumes Inverness have decided it's best to leave the "make a fool of myself" spotlight to St Mirren.

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Oh look. The rangurs fans declared that Inverness are £5m in debt. Inverness say we have no debt.

Who trusts a rangers fan with money

No, Inverness stated that they had no bank debt. But neither did Rangers prior to liquidation. So no comfort there!

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